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Build CI Documentation Crates

mathemascii - AsciiMath parser

This is a parser for AsciiMath written in Rust.


The API of this crate is designed to be as straight forward as possible. Here's an example:

let input = "sum_(i=0)^(k * 2) a^k";

// Creates an iterator over the input that yields expressions
let ascii_math = mathemascii::parse(&input);

// renders the expressions into a single `<math>` block with the default renderer
let math_ml = mathemascii::render_mathml(ascii_math);


The mathemascii uses alemat as the underlying crate for generating the MathMl output.

There's also the API where you can use custom alemat::Writer for rendering:

let input = "sum_(i=0)^(k * 2) a^k";

// Creates an iterator over the input that yields expressions
let ascii_math = mathemascii::parse(&input);

// create a writer, here we use the default writer.
let mut writer = BufMathMlWriter::default();

// renders the expressions into a single `<math>` block and writes it into the buffer of the writer.
let _ = mathemascii::write_mathml(ascii_math, &mut writer);

// get the inner buffer of the writer
let math_ml = writer.into_inner();


For convenience, the mathemascii::write_mathml function returns the Result with Result::Ok containing the mutable reference to Writer passed in as the second parameter. This allows for in-place init of Writer and manipulation:

let input = "sum_(i=0)^(k * 2) a^k";

// Creates an iterator over the input that yields expressions
let ascii_math = mathemascii::parse(&input);

// Write the expressions into a single `<math>` block with the given writer
let math_ml = mathemascii::write_mathml(ascii_math, &mut BufMathMlWriter::default())
    .map(|w| w.finish()) // finish writing and output the buffer
    .unwrap(); // unwrap the result

The default writer used is the BufMathMlWriter from alemat. This writer uses a String for its buffer, and writing into it is infallible. Therefore, it uses the Infallible so it's always safe to unwrap the result. If you use a custom Writer implementation, you may want to handle the error case.


The code shown in the usage section produces the following output:


which produces the following rendering in browsers:

$$\sum_{n = 0}^{k * 2}{a^k}$$

