2 stable releases
2.0.1 | Mar 21, 2024 |
#144 in Windows APIs
456 lines
Printers is not a lib for printer drivers or cups. Printers is a simple lib to call printers apis for unix (cups) and windows (winspool) systems.
Printer can provide a list of printers available on the system and perform document printing.
Return a vector of available printers
printers::get_printers() -> Vec<Printer>
Request print of a temp file after write they
printers::print(Printer, &[u8]) -> Job
printer.print(&[u8]) -> Job
Request print of specific file from path
printers::print_file(Printer, &str) -> Job
printer.print_file(&str) -> Job
Try get and return a single printer by your name
printers::get_printer_by_name(&str) -> Option<Printer>
NOTE: get_printer_by_name is a simple utility, this functions just apply filters over call get_printers() result. They are improved on future to be more performatic
use printers;
fn main() {
// Vector of system printers
let printers = printers::get_printers();
// Print directly in all printers
for printer in printers.clone() {
println!("{:?}", printer);
let status1 = printer.print("42".as_bytes(), Some("Everything"));
println!("{:?}", status1);
// Note: When you don't give the job_name
// the file path will be that name by default
let status2 = printer.print_file("/path/to/any.file", None);
println!("{:?}", status2);
// Print directly by printer name
printers::print("printer-a", "42".as_bytes(), Some("Everything"));
printers::print_file("printer-b", "/path/to/any.file", Some("My Job"));
// Try printer by name
let test_printer = printers::get_printer_by_name("test");
println!("{:?}", test_printer);
System Requiriments
For Windows printers will be use winspool apis to retrive printer and powershell to send a doc to printer
Note: For some complex reasons, the printing action stays doing using powershell. If you want collaborate to implement winspool for printing documents, your contribution will be greatly appreciated
For Unix is necessary cups service installed