#time-series #metrics #json #polling #command-line #command-line-tool

bin+lib magpies

Command-line tool for polling and visualizing JSON-formatted time series metrics

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Sep 23, 2024

#162 in Visualization

MIT license

1.5K SLoC


magpies Actions Status License

A command-line tool for polling and visualizing JSON-formatted time series metrics.

This tool does not require any schema definitions, making it ideal for quickly understanding an overview of JSON-formatted time series metrics.

For more detailed or complex analysis, it is recommended to use more feature-rich tools such as Prometheus and Grafana.



// Install.
$ cargo install magpies

// Print help.
$ magpies -h
Command-line tool for polling and visualizing JSON-formatted time series metrics

Usage: magpies <COMMAND>

  poll    Poll the metrics of the specified targets and output the results in JSON Lines format to stdout
  view    Launch the TUI viewer to visualize the results of the `poll` command
  target  Generate a JSON object that defines a polling target
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

// Collect memory metrics via sysinfojson command.
$ cargo install sysinfojson
$ sysinfojson system memory | jq .
  "memory": {
    "available_memory": 38591873024,
    "total_memory": 68719476736,
    "total_swap": 0,
    "used_memory": 32941457408,
    "used_swap": 0

$ LOCAL_TARGET=$(magpies target --name local -- sysinfojson system memory)
$ REMOTE_TARGET=$(magpies target --name remote -- ssh foo@bar sysinfojson system memory)

$ magpies poll $LOCAL_TARGET $REMOTE_TARGET | tee metrics.jsonl

// Launch the TUI viewer in a separate terminal.
$ magpies view metrics.jsonl --interval 5 --portable-chart
┃Time:    120s ~ 124s (between 0s ~ 124s)                  ┃┃Quit: <Q>                                                ┃
┃Targets: 2                                                ┃┃Time: <P>rev, <N>ext, <S>tart, <E>nd                     ┃
┃Metrics: 5 (filter=.*)                                    ┃┃Move: <Left>, <Right>, <Up>, <Down>, <PageUp>, <PageDown>┃
┏Aggregated Metrics━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓┏Metrics of "memory.used_memory"━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
           Name                  Value         Delta/s   ║┃┃       Target               Value            Delta/s    █┃
┃memory.available_memory      42,546,443,605     -353,293 ║┃┃local                    32,797,085,696        -747,601 █┃
┃memory.total_memory          80,284,430,336            0 █┃┃remote                    7,746,992,810       1,172,493 █┃
┃memory.total_swap             8,589,930,496            0 █┃┃                                                        █┃
┃memory.used_memory           40,544,078,506      424,891 █┃┃                                                        █┃
┃memory.used_swap              2,955,407,360            0 █┃┃                                                        █┃
                                                         █┃┃                                                        ║┃
                                                         █┃┏Delta/s Chart of "memory.used_memory"━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
                                                         █┃┃ 2,629,345│   •••    ••      ••      •••           ••••  ┃
                                                         █┃┃          │  •   ••••  •    •  ••  ••   ••      •••    ••┃
                                                         █┃┃          │ •           •   •    ••       ••  ••         ┃
                                                         █┃┃          │•             • •                ••           ┃
                                                         █┃┃-3,064,996│               •                              ┃
                                                         █┃┃          └──────────────────────────────────────────────┃
                                                         ║┃┃        60s                                          120s┃

Viewer Terms

  • Aggregated Metrics table:
    • Name column:
      • The name of the metric.
    • Value column:
      • The aggregated value of the metric.
      • For numeric metrics, the sum of the metric values of the targets is displayed.
      • For non-numeric metrics, the union of the metric values of the targets is displayed.
    • Delta/s column:
      • If the metric is numeric, ({{ CURRENT_VALUE }} - {{ PREVIOUS_VALUE }}) / {{ INTERVAL_SECONDS }} is displayed.
  • Metrics of "{{ METRIC_NAME }}" table:
    • Target column:
      • The target name.
    • Value column:
      • The metric value of the target.
      • If multiple values are collected within the same interval:
        • For numeric metrics, the average of the values is displayed.
        • For non-numeric metrics, the union of the values is displayed.
    • Delta/s column:
      • If the metric is numeric, ({{ CURRENT_VALUE }} - {{ PREVIOUS_VALUE }}) / {{ INTERVAL_SECONDS }} is displayed.


~311K SLoC