m3u8-rs is used at run time in 27 crates (of which 2 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 18 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 1 crate.

Number of dependers m3u8-rs version Downloads/month
11 6.0.0 3.1K
10 5.0.5 10K
1 4.0.0 4.1K
6 1.0.8 700
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) m3u8-rs version
280 3 rusty_ytdl ^6.0.0
160 ramdl ^6.0.0
150 hls-to-udp ^6
110 yaydl ^6.0
livestream-dl ^4.0
vsd ^6.0.0
1 youtui-vendored-rusty_ytdl ^6.0.0
1 gst-plugin-hlssink3 ^5.0
2 rectangle-device-media ^1.0
m3u8_downloader ^1.0.7
radiko-sdk ^5.0.3
m3u8-dl ^1.0.7
hls_audio_server ^5.0.4
1 manifest-filter ^5.0.2
iori ^5.0.5
vodfriends-rs ^5.0.4
crunchyroll optional ^5.0
javelin optional ^1.0
1.7K gst-plugin-fmp4 dev ^5.0