1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jan 7, 2024

#397 in Procedural macros

MIT license

186 lines

Build and Test Version Crates.io Documentation Rust License:MIT


A distributed execution engine built upon lunatic.


Basically, lunatic by itself is a set of "low-level" features: runtime, syscalls, and language-wrappers.

However, the Process architecture is a bit harder to use when trying to keep code readable. This library provides a proc-macro, and, eventually, some helpers for common platforms like fly.io, to make it easier to write distributed code on top of the excellent lunatic runtime.


Here is a simple example below.

fn main() {
    let results = pythagorean_remote_fanout(vec![
        (3, 4),
        (4, 5),
        (5, 6),
        (6, 7),
        (7, 8),
        (8, 9),
        (9, 10),

    println!("result: {:#?}", results);

fn pythagorean(a: u32, b: u32) -> f32 {
    let num = ((square_remote_async(a).await_get() + square_remote_async(b).await_get()) as f32).sqrt();


fn square(a: u32) -> u32 {
    let num = a * a;


For each method you place the proc macro (lucidity::job) on, we generate a few others.

  • {name}_local, when called, spawns the function in a node local Process, and blocks the calling Process.
  • {name}_remote, when called, spawns the function in a Process on a random distributed node, and blocks the calling Process.
  • {name}_local_async, when called, spawns the function in a node local Process, handing back a wrapped reference to the Process, which can be polled, or blocked upon.
  • {name}_remote_async, when called, spawns the function in a Process on a random distributed node, handing back a wrapped reference to the Process, which can be polled, or blocked upon.
  • {name}_remote_fanout, which takes a Vec of arg tuples and roundrobin distributes calls to that function with those arguments, polling all of the Processes, and blocking until all are complete, returning a Vec of the results.

The above example uses the lucidity::job proc macro to generate a few of those functions, and they can be "called" like any other function. The goal here is to use the excellent architecture of lunatic, while cutting down on some of the boilerplate required to successfully write the distributed code. Setting up the Processes, and the Mailboxes, etc., is all handled for you.
The tradeoff is that this library is opinionated about how you write your code, and what you can do with it (open to suggestions, though). In addition, this library introduces some simple loops with timeouts to avoid possible deadlock, which has some overhead.

Library Usage

First, install lunatic.

$ cargo install lunatic-runtime

Add this to your Cargo.toml:

lucidity = "*" # choose a version

In your .cargo/config.toml:

target = "wasm32-wasi"

runner = "lunatic run"

Distributed Setup

To use this library in a distributed setup, you will need to do a few things. This example could easily be used locally as well, by just using the loopback address.

First, you need to run the control node somewhere.

$ lunatic control --bind-socket [::]:3030

And, on any other machines where you want the remote methods to run, you will need to set up nodes.

$ lunatic node --bind-socket [::]:3031 http://{IP_OR_HOST_OF_CONTROL}:3030/

Local Testing

For testing, you would then build your code and run it inside a lunatic node. Something like this.

cargo build --release && lunatic node --wasm path/to/built/wasm/exe.wasm --bind-socket [::]:3032 http://{IP_OR_HOST_OF_CONTROL}:3030/

Production Setup

In a more production setup, you would probably use something like fly.io to deploy your code (use the fly feature), and you may want to build and run your code in a container. The easiest way is a simple docker container that runs the control node, and the application node. Your entry point would look something like this.

NOTE: Due to UDP issues on fly.io, the "automatic" fly.io setup feature does not work, but will be enabled when I get the issues resolved.


/lunatic control --bind-socket [::]:3030 &

/lunatic node --wasm /irl_processor.wasm --bind-socket $NODE_REACHABLE_IP:3031 http://[::1]:3030/

Then, within your built wasm, you would span some nodes that would connect to the control node on other machines before running any of the distributed methods.

lunatic Primer

This library is built on top of lunatic, so it is important to understand the basics of lunatic before using this library.


lunatic is built around the concept of Processes. A Process is a lightweight thread of execution that is spawned by the runtime. Each Process has its own stack, and is isolated from other Processes. Processes communicate with each other via Mailboxes, which are essentially queues that can be used to send messages between Processes.

In the case of this library, you can totally use Processes directly, but the point of the lucidity library is to make it easier to write distributed code, so we will focus on that.


Mailboxes are the primary way that Processes communicate with each other. A Mailbox is a queue that can be used to send messages between Processes. Each Process has a Mailbox that can be used to send messages to that Process.

For the purposes of this library, you don't need to worry about Mailboxes, as they are handled for you. However, it is important to know that they exist since the "syntactic sugar" provided by this library abstracts away these mssage queues. This is not like "async Rust", or any other "async/await" type languages. These Processes, and their Mailboxes, are more like the coroutine or goroutine behavior of other languages.

As such, this library adds some overhead in the way it "feels" sort of like async Rust or blocking Rust, but it achieves that feel by using timeouts with wait loops. As this project is meant more for "fanning out" rigorous work to other nodes, this overhead is acceptable, but it is important to understand that this is not like "async Rust".


lunatic is built around the concept of WebAssembly (WASM). WASM is a binary format that is meant to be run in a sandboxed environment. lunatic is able to scale so well to a distributed model because it relies on the concept that the "runtime" ships with a WASM runtime, while that WASM code can make certain "runtime syscalls" for communication. The WASM abstracts away the machine code such that each node can function properly with just the WASM from another node.

Theoretically, multiple nodes could each be initialized with their own WASM, and the lunatic runtime would be able to spawn Processes on any of those nodes, as each node would send its WASM to the other nodes.

Remote Processes

Processes that are spawed remotely take advantage of the fact that your executable is WASM. Basically, lunatic sends a copy of your WASM executable to the remote node, and then spawns a Process there, essentially using function pointers to call the functions in your WASM executable. This is why you need to build your code as WASM, and why you need to run the control node, and the application node, with the same executable.

However, you don't need to worry about getting your code onto other nodes. The lunatic runtime handles this automatically. This also means that your "bare" functions "just work". That function is in the WASM, so if a process calls that function, it will be called on the node where the process is running since that node has the WASM.

Pretty cool, right?


Let's look at a few examples to understand when you would use specific types of methods.

For all of these examples, we can assume that we have declared the square function like this.

fn square(a: u32) -> u32 {
    a * a

"No Process"

Even if you mark a function with the lucidity::job proc macro, you can still call it like a normal function.

fn main() {
    // Calling `square` here does not span a process, and is called by the currently executing process
    // as if it were a normal function.
    let result = square(3);

    println!("result: {:#?}", result);

Local / Remote Process

If you want to spawn a process locally, you can use the {name}_local method.

fn main() {
    // The `remote_fanout` is discussed below, but this is sort of the main meat and potatoes.
    // This function will be called on a set of nodes (round-robin-ed), and each of those nodes
    // will run it in a process.
    let results = pythagorean1_remote_fanout(vec![
        (3, 4),
        (4, 5),
        (5, 6),
        (6, 7),
        (7, 8),
        (8, 9),
        (9, 10),

    println!("result: {:#?}", results);

fn pythagorean1(a: u32, b: u32) -> f32 {
    // Calling `square_local` here spawns a process locally, and blocks the current process until the
    // spawned process completes.  This is great for allowing the `lunatic` executor to "yield" more often,
    // especially if the `square` method had reasonable yield points.  However, the process it is called from is blocked,
    // so keep that in mind.
    // In this case, we don't really mind blocking here, since we are in a lightweight process.  However, you may notice
    // there is an inefficiency in not computing the square of `a` and `b` in parallel.
    ((square_local(a) + square_local(b)) as f32).sqrt()

fn pythagorean2(a: u32, b: u32) -> f32 {
    // Calling `square_remote` here spawns a process on a random remote node, and blocks the current process until the
    // spawned process completes.  This is great for ensuring a certain set of processes are being distributed,
    // but blocks the process it is called from.
    ((square_remote(a) + square_remote(b)) as f32).sqrt()

Local / Remote Async Process

If you want more fine-grained control over when to block, you can use the {name}_local_async and {name}_remote_async methods.

fn main() {
    // The `remote_fanout` is discussed below, but this is sort of the main meat and potatoes.
    // This function will be called on a set of nodes (round-robin-ed), and each of those nodes
    // will run it in a process.
    let results = pythagorean1_remote_fanout(vec![
        (3, 4),
        (4, 5),
        (5, 6),
        (6, 7),
        (7, 8),
        (8, 9),
        (9, 10),

    println!("result: {:#?}", results);

fn pythagorean1(a: u32, b: u32) -> f32 {
    // This spawns a local process, and hands back a `Job` that can be polled, or blocked upon.
    // Here, we are going to block with `await_get`.  This can be used for either local or remote
    // async jobs.
    let square_a_job = square_local_async(a);
    let square_b_job = square_local_async(b);

    // We get to this point "immediately".  The `square_a_job` and `square_b_job` are running in
    // their own processes, and we can do other work here.

    // Maybe do some other work in here ...

    let mut square_a = square_a_job.await_get();
    let mut square_b = square_b_job.await_get();

    ((square_a + square_b) as f32).sqrt()

fn pythagorean2(a: u32, b: u32) -> f32 {
    // This spawns a local process, and hands back a `Job` that can be polled, or blocked upon.
    // Here, we are going to loop and check for completion with `try_get` (sort of naively).  This can be used for either local or remote
    // async jobs.
    let square_a_job = square_remote_async(a);
    let square_b_job = square_remote_async(b);

    // We get to this point "immediately".  The `square_a_job` and `square_b_job` are running in
    // their own processes, and we can do other work here.
    // Maybe do your own looping ...
    let (square_a, square_b) = loop {
        let Some(a) = square_a_job.try_get() else {

        let Some(b) = square_b_job.try_get() else {

        break (a, b);

    ((square_a + square_b) as f32).sqrt()

Remote Fanout

If you essentially want to do the same operation, but with different arguments, and you want to block on all of them, you can use the {name}_remote_fanout method.

fn main() {
    // The `remote_fanout` is discussed below, but this is sort of the main meat and potatoes.
    // This function will be called on a set of nodes (round-robin-ed), and each of those nodes
    // will run it in a process.
    // This is great for ensuring a certain set of processes are being distributed, but blocks the process it is called from.
    // You may have something where you are processing a set of images.  This would be a great use case to put those images
    // in a `Vec`, and then call this method to fan out all of the work.
    let results = square_remote_fanout(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

    println!("result: {:#?}", results);

Job Attribute Options

The lucidity::job proc macro has a few options that can be used to customize the behavior of the generated methods.

Generally, this do not need to be used, but they are available if you need them.

  • init_retry_interval_ms: This is the number of milliseconds to wait between retries when trying to initialize a Process. Defaults to 100.
  • sync_retry_interval_ms: This is the number of milliseconds to wait between retries when trying to get a blocking (e.g., {name}_local or {name}_remote) from a Process. Defaults to 100.
  • async_init_retry_interval_ms: This is the number of milliseconds to wait between retries when trying to initialize a Process asynchronously (e.g., {name}_local_async or {name}_remote_async). Defaults to 100.
  • async_get_retry_interval_ms: This is the number of milliseconds to wait between retries when trying to get a non-blocking result (e.g., {name}_local_async or {name}_remote_async) from a Process. Defaults to 100.
  • async_set_retry_interval_ms: This is the number of milliseconds to wait between retries when the execution Process attempts to set a non-blocking result (e.g., {name}_local_async or {name}_remote_async) from a Process. Defaults to 100.
  • shutdown_retry_interval_ms: This is the number of milliseconds to wait between retries when trying to shutdown a Process. Defaults to 100.
  • memory: This is the amount of maximum memory allowed to the Process. Defaults to 100 * 1024 * 1024 (100MB).
  • fuel: This is the amount of maximum fuel allowed to the Process. Defaults to 10 (each unit of fuel is approximately 100,000 WASM instructions).
  • fanout: This is the type of scheme to use when fanning out. Defaults to roundrobin. The other option is random.

Feature Flags

  • fly: This enables the fly feature, which allows you to use the fly.io platform to automatically set up nodes from the main lunatic node. This is not enabled by default, as it requires a fly.io account, and a bit of setup. See the fly.io documentation for more information.

    NOTE: This functionality is also (currently) rendered useless by limitations with UDP on fly.io. I am working with the fly.io team in the forums to resolve this issue.


cargo test


Special thanks to the lunatic's authors and contributors for their excellent work, and special thanks to the primary author, bkolobara.




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