10 releases (5 breaking)

0.6.1 Feb 18, 2020
0.6.0 Feb 5, 2020
0.5.1 Jan 24, 2020
0.4.3 Jan 24, 2020
0.1.1 Jun 28, 2019

#7 in #lucet

Used in 3 crates

Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception


Contains (ELF lib, 10KB) tests/version_checks/old_module.so

Lucet Runtime for Sandboxed WebAssembly Applications

This crate runs programs that were compiled with the lucetc WebAssembly to native code compiler. It provides an interface for modules to be loaded from shared object files (see DlModule), and for hosts to provide specialized functionality to guests (see Instance::embed_ctx()).

The runtime is a critical part of the safety and security story for Lucet. While the semantics of WebAssembly and the lucetc compiler provide many guarantees, the runtime must be correct in order for the assumptions of those guarantees to hold. For example, the runtime uses guard pages to ensure that any attempts by guest programs to access memory past the end of the guest heap are safely caught.

The runtime is also extensible, and some of the key types are defined as traits for flexibility. See the lucet-runtime-internals crate for details.

Running a Lucet Program

There are a few essential types for using the runtime:

  • Instance: a Lucet program, together with its dedicated memory and signal handlers. Users of this API never own an Instance directly, but can own the InstanceHandle smart pointer.

  • Region: the memory from which instances are created. This crate includes MmapRegion, an implementation backed by mmap.

  • Limits: upper bounds for the resources a Lucet instance may consume. These may be larger or smaller than the limits described in the WebAssembly module itself; the smaller limit is always enforced.

  • Module: the read-only parts of a Lucet program, including its code and initial heap configuration. This crate includes DlModule, an implementation backed by dynamic loading of shared objects.

  • Val: an enum describing values in WebAssembly, used to provide arguments. These can be created using From implementations of primitive types, for example 5u64.into() in the example below.

  • RunResult: the result of running or resuming an instance. These contain either UntypedRetVals for WebAssembly functions that have returned, or YieldedVals for WebAssembly programs that have yielded.

  • UntypedRetVal: values returned from WebAssembly functions. These must be interpreted at the correct type by the user via From implementations or retval.as_T() methods, for example u64::from(retval) in the example below.

  • YieldedVal: dynamically-values yielded by WebAssembly programs. Not all yield points are given values, so this may be empty. To use the values, if present, you must first downcast them with the provided methods.

To run a Lucet program, you start by creating a region, capable of backing a number of instances. You then load a module and then create a new instance using the region and the module. You can then run any of the functions that the Lucet program exports, retrieve return values from those functions, and access the linear memory of the guest.

use lucet_runtime::{DlModule, Limits, MmapRegion, Region};

let module = DlModule::load("/my/lucet/module.so").unwrap();
let region = MmapRegion::create(1, &Limits::default()).unwrap();
let mut inst = region.new_instance(module).unwrap();

let retval = inst.run("factorial", &[5u64.into()]).unwrap().unwrap_returned();
assert_eq!(u64::from(retval), 120u64);

Embedding With Hostcalls

A "hostcall" is a function called by WebAssembly that is not defined in WebAssembly. Since WebAssembly is such a minimal language, hostcalls are required for Lucet programs to do anything interesting with the outside world. For example, in Fastly's Terrarium demo, hostcalls are provided for manipulating HTTP requests, accessing a key/value store, etc.

Some simple hostcalls can be implemented by using the #[lucet_hostcall](attr.lucet_hostcall.html] attribute on a function that takes &mut Vmctx as its first argument. Hostcalls that require access to some embedder-specific state, such as Terrarium's key-value store, can access a custom embedder context through vmctx. For example, to make a u32 available to hostcalls:

use lucet_runtime::{DlModule, Limits, MmapRegion, Region, lucet_hostcall};
use lucet_runtime::vmctx::{Vmctx, lucet_vmctx};

struct MyContext { x: u32 }

pub fn foo(vmctx: &mut Vmctx) {
    let mut hostcall_context = vmctx.get_embed_ctx_mut::<MyContext>();
    hostcall_context.x = 42;

let module = DlModule::load("/my/lucet/module.so").unwrap();
let region = MmapRegion::create(1, &Limits::default()).unwrap();
let mut inst = region
    .with_embed_ctx(MyContext { x: 0 })

inst.run("call_foo", &[]).unwrap();

let context_after = inst.get_embed_ctx::<MyContext>().unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(context_after.x, 42);

The embedder context is backed by a structure that can hold a single value of any type. Rust embedders should add their own custom state type (like MyContext above) for any context they require, rather than using a common type (such as the u32) from the standard library. This avoids collisions between libraries, and allows for easy composition of embeddings.

For C-based embedders, the type *mut libc::c_void is privileged as the only type that the C API provides. The following example shows how a Rust embedder can initialize a C-compatible context:

use lucet_runtime::{DlModule, Limits, MmapRegion, Region};

let module = DlModule::load("/my/lucet/module.so").unwrap();
let region = MmapRegion::create(1, &Limits::default()).unwrap();
struct MyForeignContext { x: u32 };
let mut foreign_ctx = Box::into_raw(Box::new(MyForeignContext{ x: 0 }));
let mut inst = region
    .with_embed_ctx(foreign_ctx as *mut libc::c_void)

inst.run("main", &[]).unwrap();

// clean up embedder context
// foreign_ctx must outlive inst, but then must be turned back into a box
// in order to drop.
unsafe { Box::from_raw(foreign_ctx) };

Yielding and Resuming

Lucet hostcalls can use the vmctx argument to yield, suspending themselves and optionally returning a value back to the host context. A yielded instance can then be resumed by the host, and execution will continue from the point of the yield.

Four yield methods are available for hostcall implementors:

Yields value? Expects value?

The host is free to ignore values yielded by guests, but a yielded instance may only be resumed with a value of the correct type using Instance::resume_with_val(), if one is expected.

Factorial example

In this example, we use yielding and resuming to offload multiplication to the host context, and to incrementally return results to the host. While certainly overkill for computing a factorial function, this structure mirrors that of many asynchronous workflows.

Since the focus of this example is on the behavior of hostcalls that yield, our Lucet guest program just invokes a hostcall:

// factorials_guest.rs
extern "C" {
    fn hostcall_factorials(n: u64) -> u64;

pub extern "C" fn run() -> u64 {
    unsafe {

In our hostcall, there are two changes from a standard recursive implementation of factorial.

  • Instead of performing the n * fact(n - 1) multiplication ourselves, we yield the operands and expect the product when resumed.

  • Whenever we have computed a factorial, including both intermediate values and the final answer, we yield it.

The final answer is returned normally as the result of the guest function.

To implement this, we introduce a new enum type to represent what we want the host to do next, and yield it when appropriate.

use lucet_runtime::lucet_hostcall;
use lucet_runtime::vmctx::Vmctx;

pub enum FactorialsK {
    Mult(u64, u64),

pub fn hostcall_factorials(vmctx: &mut Vmctx, n: u64) -> u64 {
    fn fact(vmctx: &mut Vmctx, n: u64) -> u64 {
        let result = if n <= 1 {
        } else {
            let n_rec = fact(vmctx, n - 1);
            // yield a request for the host to perform multiplication
            vmctx.yield_val_expecting_val(FactorialsK::Mult(n, n_rec))
            // once resumed, that yield evaluates to the multiplication result
        // yield a result
    fact(vmctx, n)

The host side of the code, then, is an interpreter that repeatedly checks the yielded value and performs the appropriate operation. The hostcall returns normally with the final answer when it is finished, so we exit the loop when the run/resume result is Ok.

use lucet_runtime::{DlModule, Error, Limits, MmapRegion, Region};

let module = DlModule::load("factorials_guest.so").unwrap();
let region = MmapRegion::create(1, &Limits::default()).unwrap();
let mut inst = region.new_instance(module).unwrap();

let mut factorials = vec![];

let mut res = inst.run("run", &[]).unwrap();

while let Ok(val) = res.yielded_ref() {
    if let Some(k) = val.downcast_ref::<FactorialsK>() {
        match k {
            FactorialsK::Mult(n, n_rec) => {
                // guest wants us to multiply for it
                res = inst.resume_with_val(n * n_rec).unwrap();
            FactorialsK::Result(n) => {
                // guest is returning an answer
                res = inst.resume().unwrap();
    } else {
        panic!("didn't yield with expected type");

// intermediate values are correct
assert_eq!(factorials.as_slice(), &[1, 2, 6, 24, 120]);
// final value is correct
assert_eq!(u64::from(res.unwrap_returned()), 120u64);

Custom Signal Handlers

Since Lucet programs are run as native machine code, signals such as SIGSEGV and SIGFPE can arise during execution. Rather than letting these signals bring down the entire process, the Lucet runtime installs alternate signal handlers that limit the effects to just the instance that raised the signal.

By default, the signal handler sets the instance state to State::Fault and returns early from the call to Instance::run(). You can, however, implement custom error recovery and logging behavior by defining new signal handlers on a per-instance basis. For example, the following signal handler increments a counter of signals it has seen before setting the fault state:

use lucet_runtime::{
    DlModule, Error, Instance, Limits, MmapRegion, Region, SignalBehavior, TrapCode,
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering, ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT};


fn signal_handler_count(
    _inst: &Instance,
    _trapcode: &Option<TrapCode>,
    _signum: libc::c_int,
    _siginfo_ptr: *const libc::siginfo_t,
    _ucontext_ptr: *const libc::c_void,
) -> SignalBehavior {
    SIGNAL_COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);

let module = DlModule::load("/my/lucet/module.so").unwrap();
let region = MmapRegion::create(1, &Limits::default()).unwrap();
let mut inst = region.new_instance(module).unwrap();

// install the handler

match inst.run("raise_a_signal", &[]) {
    Err(Error::RuntimeFault(_)) => {
        println!("I've now handled {} signals!", SIGNAL_COUNT.load(Ordering::SeqCst));
    res => panic!("unexpected result: {:?}", res),

When implementing custom signal handlers for the Lucet runtime, the usual caveats about signal safety apply: see signal-safety(7).

Interaction With Host Signal Handlers

Great care must be taken if a host application installs or otherwise modifies signal handlers anywhere in the process. Lucet installs handlers for SIGBUS, SIGFPE, SIGILL, and SIGSEGV when the first Lucet instance begins running, and restores the preëxisting handlers when the last Lucet instance terminates. During this time, other threads in the host process must not modify those signal handlers, since signal handlers can only be installed on a process-wide basis.

Despite this limitation, Lucet is designed to compose with other signal handlers in the host program. If one of the above signals is caught by the Lucet signal handler, but that thread is not currently running a Lucet instance, the saved host signal handler is called. This means that, for example, a SIGSEGV on a non-Lucet thread of a host program will still likely abort the entire process. Functions for manipulating instances from hostcalls.

The Lucet compiler inserts an extra *mut lucet_vmctx argument to all functions defined and called by WebAssembly code. Through this pointer, code running in the guest context can access and manipulate the instance and its structures. These functions are intended for use in hostcall implementations, and must only be used from within a running guest.


All of the Vmctx methods will panic if the Vmctx was not created from a valid pointer associated with a running instance. This should never occur if run in guest code on the pointer argument inserted by the compiler.


~218K SLoC