2 releases

0.1.1 Jul 30, 2020
0.1.0 Jan 17, 2020

#1146 in Hardware support


769 lines

Rust LTR-559 ALS and PS Driver

crates.io Build Status

This is a platform agnostic Rust driver for LTR-559 Ambient light sensor and Proximity sensor using the embedded-hal traits.

This driver allows you to:

  • Read the measurement in lux. See: get_lux().
  • Read the measurement in raw. See: get_als_raw_data().
  • Read the conversion status. See: get_status().
  • Read PS Data. See: get_ps_data().
  • Get the manufacturer ID. See: get_manufacturer_id().
  • Get the part ID. See: get_part_id().
  • Set ALS Enable, Gain and SW Reset. See: set_als_contr().
  • Set PS Mode and Saturation. See: set_ps_contr().
  • Set PS LED Pulse, DutyCycle and PeakCurrent. See: set_ps_led().
  • Set Interrupt Persist. See: set_interrupt_persist().
  • Set ALS Meas Rate. See: set_als_meas_rate().
  • Set ALS Low Limit. See: set_als_low_limit_raw().
  • Set ALS High Limit. See: set_als_high_limit_raw().
  • Set PS Low Limit. See: set_ps_low_limit_raw().
  • Set PS High Limit. See: set_ps_high_limit_raw().
  • Set PS Meas Rate. See: set_ps_meas_rate().
  • Set PS Offset. See: set_ps_offset().
  • Set PS N Pulses. See: set_ps_n_pulses().
  • Set Interrupt Mode and Polarity. See: set_interrupt().

The device

The LTR-559 is a an integrated low voltage I2C digital light sensor[ALS] and proximity sensor[PS]

Datasheet: LTR-559


To use this driver, import this crate and an embedded_hal implementation, then instantiate the device.

extern crate linux_embedded_hal as hal;

extern crate ltr_559;
use ltr_559::{Ltr559, SlaveAddr};

fn main() {
    let dev = hal::I2cdev::new("/dev/i2c-1").unwrap();
    let address = SlaveAddr::default();
    let sensor = Ltr559::new_device(dev, address);
        .set_als_meas_rate(AlsIntTime::_50ms, AlsMeasRate::_50ms)
    sensor.set_als_contr(AlsGain::Gain4x, false, true).unwrap();
    loop {
        let status = sensor.get_status().unwrap();
        if status.als_data_valid {
            let (lux_raw_0, lux_raw_1) = sensor.get_als_raw_data().unwrap();
            let lux = sensor.get_lux().unwrap();
                "Raw Lux CH1: 0x{:04x}, CH0: 0x{:04x} Lux = {}, Status.als_data_valid = {}",
                lux_raw_0, lux_raw_1, lux, status.als_data_valid


For questions, issues, feature requests, and other changes, please file an issue in the github project.


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