#send-email #csv #attachment #email-template #template #cli

app listsend

Send emails to CSV list from template on CLI

20 releases

Uses new Rust 2024

new 0.4.12 Mar 12, 2025
0.4.11 Jan 13, 2025
0.4.9 Dec 25, 2024
0.4.8 Nov 13, 2024
0.2.2 Oct 19, 2024

#21 in Email


191 lines

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listsend 0.4.12

Send emails to CSV list from template on CLI

Install static single-binary

wget https://github.com/pepa65/listsend/releases/download/0.4.12/listsend
sudo mv listsend /usr/local/bin
sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/listsend
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/listsend

Install with cargo

If not installed yet, install a Rust toolchain, see https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install

Direct from crates.io

cargo install listsend

Direct from repo

cargo install --git https://github.com/pepa65/listsend

Static build (avoiding GLIBC incompatibilities)

git clone https://github.com/pepa65/listsend
cd listsend
rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
cargo rel  # Alias defined in .cargo/config.toml

The binary will be at target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/listsend

Install with cargo-binstall

Even without a full Rust toolchain, rust binaries can be installed with the static binary cargo-binstall:

# Install cargo-binstall for Linux x86_64
# (Other versions are available at https://crates.io/crates/cargo-binstall)
wget github.com/cargo-bins/cargo-binstall/releases/latest/download/cargo-binstall-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tgz
tar xf cargo-binstall-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tgz
sudo chown root:root cargo-binstall
sudo mv cargo-binstall /usr/local/bin/

Only a linux-x86_64 (musl) binary available: cargo-binstall listsend

It will be installed in ~/.cargo/bin/ which will need to be added to PATH!


listsend 0.4.12 - Send emails to CSV list from template on CLI
Usage: listsend [OPTIONS]
  -c, --csv <CSV>            CSV file (name,email,data) [default: ./list.csv]
  -t, --template <TEMPLATE>  Email template file [default: ./email.tpl]
  -s, --smtp <SMTP>          SMTP config file [default: ./smtp.env]
  -e, --email <EMAIL>        Email config file [default: ./email.env]
  -r, --readme               Output readme file from repo
  -h, --help                 Print help
  -V, --version              Print version

The whole configuration goes through environment variables that can be set independently or in the files smtp.env and email.env, and through the email template email.tpl and the recipients list list.csv.

Copy the files in example to your working directory:

  • Edit the smtp.env file with the data and credentials for the SMTP relay: SENDLIST_HOST, SENDLIST_PORT (default: 465), SENDLIST_USER, SENDLIST_PASSWORD and SENDLIST_FROM, all are mandatory.
  • Edit email.env with the data for the email: SENDLIST_REPLY_TO (default: none), SENDLIST_CC (default: none), SENDLIST_BCC (default: none), SENDLIST_SUBJECT (mandatory), SENDLIST_HTML (default: plain text), SENDLIST_ATTACHMENT (default: none), SENDLIST_DELAY (default: 1 second).
  • All fields above will be overridden by any corresponding environment variable that can be set like: export SENDLIST_DELAY=0.
  • Edit email.tpl to the desired content, the fields {{name}}, {{email}} and {{data}} from list.csv can be used in the template file and in SENDLIST_SUBJECT (the Subject line). The template can be plain text (default) or html: set SENDLIST_HTML to something other than no, unset, false, 0 or empty.
  • Edit list.csv for the recipient's data, where the column header is name,email,data and following lines specify each recipient. The fields name and email are mandatory, data is optional. If # is used as the first character of a line, it gets ignored.
  • Any field/variable that takes an email address can do so as a single email, or in the mailbox format: 'Some Name email@address.to', but only one!
  • Any of the above files can be set on the commandline as well to override the default name & path.


~668K SLoC