Cargo Features
lindera-tantivy has no features set by default.
lindera-tantivy = { version = "0.38.1", features = ["ipadic", "ipadic-neologd", "unidic", "ko-dic", "cc-cedict", "compress"] }
- default
No directories included
- ipadic
Include IPADIC dictionary (Japanese)
Enables ipadic of lindera ^0.38.1
- ipadic-neologd
Include IPADIC NEologd dictionary (Japanese)
Enables ipadic-neologd of lindera ^0.38.1
- unidic
Include UniDic dictionary (Japanese)
Enables unidic of lindera ^0.38.1
- ko-dic
Include ko-dic dictionary (Korean)
Enables ko-dic of lindera ^0.38.1
- cc-cedict
Include CC-CEDICT dictionary (Chinese)
Enables cc-cedict of lindera ^0.38.1
- compress
Compress dictionaries
Enables compress of lindera ^0.38.1