#static-site #statement #file #static-site-generator #syntax-tree #html #ast

app lilac

Static site generator-esque tool for adding include statements to HTML

2 releases (1 stable)

1.0.0 Oct 16, 2024
0.1.0 Sep 16, 2022

#349 in Development tools

Download history 14/week @ 2024-10-20 1/week @ 2024-10-27 3/week @ 2024-11-03 10/week @ 2024-12-08

68 downloads per month

MIT license

926 lines

lilac drawing

A static site generator-esque tool for adding include statements to HTML (and other stuff).

Lilac goes through all files in a directory, performs lexical tokenization and creates an abstract syntax tree. Lastly, it parses that tree to create the final compiled file. If a file does not contain any lilac commands, it gets skipped and a hard link is created to the original file (this also applies to images and other media) as to not create duplicate files and save on space.

I mainly created this project with the intention of using it in my own future projects. When I started this, I was learning about compilers and wanted to create one of my own to understand them better.
If you are looking for a good, established static site generator, you might like Eleventy, jekyll or hugo :)


This requires you to have rust and cargo installed.

cargo install lilac
I am willing to transfer ownership of the lilac crate name if you have a cool idea for it.

Alternatively, you can clone this repo and build + install it locally.


lilac help Prints a help message.
lilac init Initiates the cwd as a lilac project.
lilac remove Removes everything lilac related in the cwd.
lilac clean Doesn't do anything at the moment.
lilac build Compiles the cwd into _lilac/build
lilac run Starts a local server with live-update.


The following commands can be inserted into files and will be compiled by lilac:

The put statement replaces itself with the contents of file.txt on compilation.

[[put path/to/file.txt]]

The for statement repeats the content in the for loop for each file in the directory path/to/files. For the n-th loop iteration, the variable iterator is set to the name of the n-th file in the directory.

[[for path/to/files as iterator]]
    [[put {iterator}]]

The run statement executes a file and replaces itself with the standard output.
(shell scripts and js files (via node.js) currently supported)

[[run path/to/script.sh]]

(Sub) Sections

Files can be formatted in a way to create sections and subsections for partial includes. Section names are prepended by a colon and followed by the section contents. Subsections have one more colon than their immediate parent-section. A tree structure is created with subsections containing subsections that can be traversed by put statements to include only parts of a file.

Let the following the contents of file.txt:

The sun is a mass of incandescent gas,
a gigantic nuclear furnace.
Where hydrogen is built into helium at a temperature of millions of degrees.
Yo-ho, it's hot, the sun is not a place where we could live.
But here on Earth, there'd be no life without the light it gives.
We need its light, we need its heat.
We need its energy.
Without the sun, without a doubt. There'd be no you and me.

Then [[put file.txt:first_section]] would be compiled into The sun is a mass of incandescent gas,
[[put file.txt:first_section:first_subsection]] into a gigantic nuclear furnace.
and [[put file.txt:second_section:a:a.b]] into We need its light, we need its heat.

for statements can iterate over (sub)sections instead of files in a folder.

[[for file.txt:second_section as content]]
  [[put {content}]]

would compile into

Yo-ho, it's hot, the sun is not a place where we could live.
We need its energy.
Without the sun, without a doubt. There'd be no you and me.

note that file.txt:second_section:a.a and file.txt:second_section:a.b are not included because they are not immediate children of file.txt:second_section.

If you want to include the title of a section, use the ;title suffix. [[put file.txt:second_section:a;title]] would compile into a. Not so useful unless you use it with a for statement:

[[for file.txt:second_section as content]]
  [[put {content};title]]

would compile into


Use the ;<n> suffix to get the n-th child of a subsection.
[[put file.txt:second_section;0]] compiles into Yo-ho, it's hot, the sun is not a place where we could live.

Parameters and Variables

run statements can contain parameters. [[run script.sh arg1 arg2]] will run script.sh with arg1 as the first argument and arg2 as the second argument.
put statements can contain parameters as well. [[put text.txt arg1 arg2]] will replace all occurrences of {$0} with arg1 and all occurrences of {$1} with arg2 in text.txt.


How to create a self-generating RSS-Feed with lilac:

<?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ?>
<rss version=2.0>

  <title>my RSS feed</title>
  <description>news and more</description>
  <copyright>Copyright 2024, Me<\\copyright>
  [[for newsfeed.txt as news]]
      <title>[[put {news};title]]</title>
      <link>https://example.com/news/[[put {news};title]]</link>
      <description>[[put {news}:description]]</description>


Used Crates

clap for the CLI interface
notify for listening to changes in the file structure, so I can live-reload the page
tungstenite for simple websockets
walkdir for traversing directories

and the usual suspects: serde, toml and regex


~166K SLoC