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#1462 in Rust patterns
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A Liftor
maps a given lifetime to a concrete type.
The name "liftor" is derived from lifetime and functor. Just as a functor is a mapping of types to types, a liftor is a mapping of lifetimes to types. It can also be thought of as "lifting" a concrete type to a set of types parameterized by any lifetime.
This crate provides several implementations of Liftor
for common cases:
maps any lifetime'a
(ignoring the lifetime).Ref<T>
maps any lifetime'a
to&'a T
maps any lifetime'a
to&'a mut T
You can also implement Liftor
for your own types. For example, you may
have a struct that borrows strings. You can implement Liftor
for this
struct to allow re-parameterizing the lifetimes of the strings that it
use liftor::Liftor;
struct Contact<'a> {
name: &'a str,
phone: &'a str,
impl<'a> Liftor<'a> for Contact<'a> {
// Remap the lifetime.
type In<'b> = Contact<'b> where 'a: 'b;
The intended use of this crate is to decouple generic associated types with lifetime parameters from some other limitations or unergonomic properties of associated types. It is most useful in higher-order functions or traits that need to be generic over reference and non-reference types, or In continuation-passing style (CPS) where the lifetime of the data being passed to a callback is not known at the time of definition.
Generic associated types are a powerful feature that allows a trait to express a mapping of lifetimes to types. However, there are some subtle limitations that make it difficult or impossible to express some things. For example:
- A trait can only have one implementation for a given type.
- Bounds on function parameters
Consider a trait that uses a generic associated type (GAT) to implement the "Factory" pattern, where the output of the factory may borrow data owned by the factory itself. For example:
trait Factory {
type Item<'a> where Self: 'a;
fn create(&self) -> Self::Item<'_>;
This trait seems to abstract cleanly over the Factory pattern. Because of
the generic associated type mapping a lifetime to a concrete type, different
implementations of Factory
can express whether they borrow data from the
factory, or even have a factory implementation return a reference to a
shared instance if desired.
# trait Factory {
# type Item<'a> where Self: 'a;
# fn create(&self) -> Self::Item<'_>;
# }
struct HelloWorld;
impl Factory for HelloWorld {
type Item<'a> = &'a str;
fn create(&self) -> &str {
"Hello, world!"
struct HelloName {
name: String,
impl Factory for HelloName {
type Item<'a> = String;
fn create(&self) -> String {
let Self { name } = self;
format!("Hello, {name}!")
struct HelloPrecomputed(String);
impl Factory for HelloPrecomputed {
type Item<'a> = &'a str;
fn create(&self) -> &str {
However, the choice of a generic associated type locks us into a single
implementation of Factory
for any given type. Suppose we want to have a
object that implements a Factory
for Foo
and a Factory
. Because Item
is an associated type, generic or not, we cannot
implement Factory
for Foo
and Bar
separately for the same Context
# trait Factory {
# type Item<'a> where Self: 'a;
# fn create(&self) -> Self::Item<'_>;
# }
# struct Foo;
# struct Bar;
struct Context;
impl Factory for Context {
type Item<'a> = Foo;
fn create(&self) -> Foo {
// ERROR: conflicting implementations of trait `Factory` for type `Context`
impl Factory for Context {
type Item<'a> = Bar;
fn create(&self) -> Bar {
It's also not possible to declare bounds on a function parameter that say
that a type implements Factory
for both Foo
and Bar
# trait Factory {
# type Item<'a> where Self: 'a;
# fn create(&self) -> Self::Item<'_>;
# }
# struct Foo;
# struct Bar;
fn use_foo_and_bar<C>(context: C)
for <'a> C: Factory<Item<'a> = Foo> + Factory<Item<'a> = Bar>,
// ERROR: type annotations needed; cannot satisfy
// `<C as factory>::Item<'_> == Foo`
let foo: Foo = context.create();
let bar: Bar = context.create();
However, with a non-generic associated type that has is own generic associated type, you can work around these limitations:
use liftor::Liftor;
use liftor::Owned;
use liftor::Ref;
trait Factory<'a> {
type Item: Liftor<'a>;
fn create(&self) -> <Self::Item as Liftor<'a>>::In<'_>;
struct HelloWorld;
impl<'a> Factory<'a> for HelloWorld {
type Item = Ref<str>;
fn create(&self) -> &str {
"Hello, world!"
struct HelloName {
name: String,
impl<'a> Factory<'a> for HelloName {
type Item = Owned<String>;
fn create(&self) -> String {
let Self { name } = self;
format!("Hello, {name}!")
struct HelloPrecomputed(String);
impl<'a> Factory<'a> for HelloPrecomputed {
type Item = Ref<str>;
fn create(&self) -> &str {
let hello_world = HelloWorld;
let hello_name = HelloName { name: String::from("Alice") };
let hello_precomputed = HelloPrecomputed("Hello, Bob!".to_owned());
assert_eq!(hello_world.create(), "Hello, world!");
assert_eq!(hello_name.create(), "Hello, Alice!");
assert_eq!(hello_precomputed.create(), "Hello, Bob!");
Example 1: Factory with a callback
You can also create your own implementations of Liftor
. For example, you
may have a struct that borrows strings. You can implement Liftor
for this
struct to allow re-parameterizing the lifetimes of the strings that it
use liftor::Liftor;
struct Contact<'a> {
name: &'a str,
phone: &'a str,
impl<'a> Liftor<'a> for Contact<'a> {
// Remap the lifetime.
type In<'b> = Contact<'b> where 'a: 'b;
// An abstraction over a factory that provides an item to a callback. The
// item is characterized by a Liftor rather than a concrete type so that the
// item doesn't have to necessarily outlive the Factory. This allows the
// item that is passed to the callback to borrow locally-owned data.
// Implementations can use Owned<T> as the Item parameter to pass an item
// with a 'static lifetime by value, or Ref<T> to pass an item by reference.
trait Factory<'outer, Item: Liftor<'outer>> {
fn acquire<R, Cb>(self, cb: Cb) -> R
for<'inner> Cb: FnOnce(Item::In<'inner>) -> R;
struct ContactFactory;
impl<'a> Factory<'a, Contact<'a>> for ContactFactory {
fn acquire<R, Cb>(self, cb: Cb) -> R
// Note: lifetime for Contact is elided, but thanks to the Liftor and
// its use in the Factory trait, the lifetime of the Contact sent to
// the callback is not necessarily 'a, and can be a lifetime that is
// local to the scope of `acquire`.
Cb: FnOnce(Contact) -> R,
// Locally-owned strings.
let name = String::from("John Doe");
let phone = String::from("555-5555");
// Construct a Contact that borrows the locally-owned strings.
let contact = Contact {
name: &name,
phone: &phone,
// "Returns" the Contact by passing it to the callback. If we had
// tried to return it normally without callback-passing style, the
// strings would have been dropped and the Contact would have been
// left with dangling references, which would have caused a
// borrow-checker error.
ContactFactory.acquire(|contact| {
assert_eq!(contact.name, "John Doe");
assert_eq!(contact.phone, "555-5555");
In this example, the Factory
trait allows constructing a given type
through continuation-passing style (CPS). The acquire
takes a callback that accepts a Contact
of any lifetime, which allows the
factory to pass a Contact
that borrows locally-owned strings. In ad-hoc
CPS, one could use HRTBs, as seen in the ContactFactory
but it would not be possible to abstract over a Factory
trait that allows
other ways of borrowing data, such as passing a reference or a mutable
reference to a Contact
, without using Liftor
Example 2: A singly-linked list
As another example, consider a linked list implementation that uses a reference to the next node in the list:
use liftor::Liftor;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum List<'a, T> {
Cons(T, &'a List<'a, T>),
use List::*;
impl<'a, T> Liftor<'a> for List<'a, T> {
type In<'b> = List<'b, T> where 'a: 'b;
trait Factory<'outer, Item: Liftor<'outer>> {
fn acquire<R, Cb>(self, cb: Cb) -> R
for<'inner> Cb: FnOnce(Item::In<'inner>) -> R;
struct ExampleListFactory;
impl Factory<'static, List<'static, i32>> for ExampleListFactory {
fn acquire<R, Cb>(self, cb: Cb) -> R
for<'inner> Cb: FnOnce(List<'inner, i32>) -> R,
let list = Cons(1, &Cons(2, &Empty));
struct StringListFactory;
// A List of borrowed data is parameterized by the lifetime of the data and
// the lifetime of reference to the next node in the list. Because the
// Liftor implementation for List only deals with the latter lifetime, we
// define a new custom liftor type that maps a given lifetime to a List that
// uses that lifetime for both the data and the reference to the next node.
struct StringList;
impl<'a> Liftor<'a> for StringList {
type In<'b> = List<'b, &'b str> where 'a: 'b;
impl<'a> Factory<'static, StringList> for StringListFactory {
fn acquire<R, Cb>(self, cb: Cb) -> R
for<'inner> Cb: FnOnce(List<'inner, &'inner str>) -> R,
let a = String::from("a");
let b = String::from("b");
let c = String::from("c");
cb(Cons(a.as_str(), &Cons(b.as_str(), &Cons(c.as_str(), &Empty))))
ExampleListFactory.acquire(|list| {
assert_eq!(list, Cons(1, &Cons(2, &Empty)));
StringListFactory.acquire(|list| {
assert_eq!(list, Cons("a", &Cons("b", &Cons("c", &Empty))));
Here we show where liftors truly shine. The List
type is a recursive type
that borrows the next node in the list. As such, it is not possible to
return a List
that borrows locally-owned data, but we can use continuation
passing style to pass the List
to a callback. The Factory
trait allows
expressing a generic way to acquire a type that borrows data regardless of
the lifetime of the data being borrowed, and the Liftor
trait expresses
how the concrete type of the acquired type is parameterized by the lifetime.
Implementations of Liftor
are most useful in higher-order functions to
parameterize lifetimes of generic arguments, particularly in CPS, where the
lifetime of the data being borrowed is not known at the time of definition.