#hash-map #level #top-level #map #hash #hierarchy


A structure to separate values into different levels with keys. Every key-value entry which is not at the top level has a parent key at the superior level. Keys at the same level are unique, no matter what parent keys they have.

15 stable releases

1.1.14 Mar 17, 2022
1.1.13 Jun 13, 2021
1.1.11 Apr 21, 2021
1.1.8 Mar 10, 2021
1.1.1 Nov 14, 2018

#734 in Data structures

MIT license

471 lines

Leveled HashMap


LeveledHashMap is a structure to separate values into different levels with keys. Every key-value entry which is not at the top level has a parent key at the superior level. Keys at the same level are unique, no matter what parent keys they have.


use std::sync::Arc;
use std::collections::HashMap;

use leveled_hash_map::LeveledHashMap;

struct MultiName {
    us: &'static str,
    tw: &'static str,
    cn: &'static str,

fn main() {
    let earth_map: LeveledHashMap<&'static str, MultiName> = {
        let mut map = LeveledHashMap::new();

        map.insert(&[Arc::new("US")], MultiName {
            us: "United States of America",
            tw: "美國",
            cn: "美国",

        let mut us_states = HashMap::new();

        us_states.insert("New York", MultiName {
            us: "New York",
            tw: "紐約州",
            cn: "纽约州",
        us_states.insert("Utah", MultiName {
            us: "Utah",
            tw: "猶他州",
            cn: "犹他州",

        map.insert_many(&[Arc::new("US")], us_states, 0).unwrap();

        map.insert(&[Arc::new("CN")], MultiName {
            us: "China",
            tw: "中國",
            cn: "中国",

        let mut cn_provinces = HashMap::new();

        cn_provinces.insert("Guangdong", MultiName {
            us: "Guangdong",
            tw: "廣東省",
            cn: "广东省",
        cn_provinces.insert("Fujian", MultiName {
            us: "Fujian",
            tw: "福建省",
            cn: "福建省",

        map.insert_many(&[Arc::new("CN")], cn_provinces, 0).unwrap();

        map.insert(&[Arc::new("TW")], MultiName {
            us: "Taiwan",
            tw: "臺灣",
            cn: "臺湾",

        let mut tw_counties = HashMap::new();

        tw_counties.insert("Taipei", MultiName {
            us: "Taipei",
            tw: "台北",
            cn: "台北",

        tw_counties.insert("Taichung", MultiName {
            us: "Taichung",
            tw: "台中",
            cn: "台中",

        map.insert_many(&[Arc::new("TW")], tw_counties, 0).unwrap();


    println!("{:?}", earth_map);

    let countries = earth_map.keys(0).unwrap();

    println!("{:?}", countries); // {"CN": {"Fujian", "Guangdong"}, "US": {"Utah", "New York"}, "TW": {"Taichung", "Taipei"}}

    let new_york = earth_map.get(&[Arc::new("US"), Arc::new("New York")]).unwrap();

    println!("{:?}", new_york); // MultiName { us: "New York", tw: "紐約州", cn: "纽约州" }

    let new_york = earth_map.get_advanced(&[Arc::new("New York")], 1).unwrap();

    println!("{:?}", new_york); // MultiName { us: "New York", tw: "紐約州", cn: "纽约州" }

    let new_york_suspicion = earth_map.get(&[Arc::new("TW"), Arc::new("New York")]);

    println!("{:?}", new_york_suspicion); // None







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