74 releases
0.2.9 | Mar 12, 2025 |
0.2.3 | Jan 23, 2025 |
0.2.1 | Dec 23, 2024 |
0.1.26 | Nov 15, 2024 |
0.0.21 | Mar 23, 2024 |
#57 in WebAssembly
3,056 downloads per month
Internationalization framework for Leptos using fluent-templates.
Add the following to your Cargo.toml
leptos-fluent = "0.2"
fluent-templates = "0.13"
hydrate = [
ssr = [
"leptos-fluent/actix", # actix and axum are supported
If you're using cargo-leptos
to build your project, watch the
locales/ folder with:
watch-additional-files = ["locales"] # Relative to Cargo.toml
Giving the following directory structure:
├── 📄 Cargo.toml
├── 📁 locales
│ ├── 📁 en
│ │ └── 📄 main.ftl
│ └── 📁 es
│ └── 📄 main.ftl
└── 📁 src
├── 📄 main.rs
└── 📄 lib.rs
# locales/en/main.ftl
hello-world = Hello, world!
hello-args = Hello, { $arg1 } and { $arg2 }!
# locales/es/main.ftl
hello-world = ¡Hola, mundo!
hello-args = ¡Hola, { $arg1 } y { $arg2 }!
You can use leptos-fluent
as follows:
use fluent_templates::static_loader;
use leptos::prelude::*;
use leptos_fluent::{expect_i18n, leptos_fluent, move_tr, tr};
static_loader! {
locales: "./locales",
fallback_language: "en",
fn I18n(children: Children) -> impl IntoView {
// See all options in the reference at
// https://mondeja.github.io/leptos-fluent/leptos_fluent.html
leptos_fluent! {
children: children(),
// Path to the locales directory, relative to Cargo.toml.
locales: "./locales",
// Static translations struct provided by fluent-templates.
translations: [TRANSLATIONS],
// Check translations correctness in the specified files.
check_translations: "./src/**/*.rs",
// Next options are all opt-in and can be enabled
// separately as needed.
// Client side options
// -------------------
// Synchronize `<html lang="...">` attribute with
// current active language.
sync_html_tag_lang: true,
// Synchronize `<html dir="...">` attribute with `"ltr"`,
// `"rtl"` or `"auto"` depending on active language.
sync_html_tag_dir: true,
// Update language on URL parameter when changes.
set_language_to_url_param: true,
// Set initial language of user from URL in local storage.
initial_language_from_url_param_to_localstorage: true,
// Set initial language of user from URL in a cookie.
initial_language_from_url_param_to_cookie: true,
// Key used to get and set the current language of the
// user on local storage. By default is `"lang"`.
localstorage_key: "language",
// Get initial language from local storage if not found
// in an URL param.
initial_language_from_localstorage: true,
// Set the initial language of the user from
// local storage to a cookie.
initial_language_from_localstorage_to_cookie: true,
// Update language on local storage when changes.
set_language_to_localstorage: true,
// Get initial language from `navigator.languages`
// if not found in local storage.
initial_language_from_navigator: true,
// Set initial language of user from navigator to local storage.
initial_language_from_navigator_to_localstorage: true,
// Set initial language of user from navigator to a cookie.
initial_language_from_navigator_to_cookie: true,
// Attributes to set for language cookie.
// By default `""`.
cookie_attrs: "Secure; Path=/; Max-Age=600",
// Update language on cookie when the language changes.
set_language_to_cookie: true,
// Set initial language from a cookie to local storage.
initial_language_from_cookie_to_localstorage: true,
// Server side options
// -------------------
// Set initial language from the `Accept-Language`
// header of the request.
initial_language_from_accept_language_header: true,
// Server and client side options
// ------------------------------
// Name of the cookie to get and set the current active
// language. By default `"lf-lang"`.
cookie_name: "lang",
// Set initial language from cookie.
initial_language_from_cookie: true,
// URL parameter to use setting the language in the URL.
// By default `"lang"`.
url_param: "lang",
// Set initial language of the user from an URL parameter.
initial_language_from_url_param: true,
// Desktop applications (feature `system`)
// ---------------------------------------
// Set initial language from the system locale.
initial_language_from_system: true,
// Set initial language of the user from
// the system locale to a data file.
initial_language_from_system_to_data_file: true,
// Get initial language from a data file.
initial_language_from_data_file: true,
// Key to use to name the data file. Should be unique per
// application. By default `"leptos-fluent"`.
data_file_key: "my-app",
// Set the language selected to a data file.
set_language_to_data_file: true,
pub fn App() -> impl IntoView {
view! {
fn TranslatableComponent() -> impl IntoView {
// Use `tr!` and `move_tr!` macros to translate strings:
view! {
<span>{move || tr!("hello-world")}</span>
<span>{move_tr!("hello-args", {
"arg1" => "foo",
"arg2" => "bar",
// The `tr!` macro must be inside a reactive context or the
// translation will not be updated on the fly when the language changes.
fn LanguageSelector() -> impl IntoView {
// `expect_i18n()` to get the i18n context
// `i18n.languages` exposes a static array with the available languages
// `i18n.language.read()` to get the current language
// `lang.activate()` or `i18n.language.set(lang)` to set the current language
// `lang.is_active()` to check if a language is the current selected one
let i18n = expect_i18n();
view! {
move || expect_i18n().languages.iter().map(|lang| {
view! {
on:click=move |_| i18n.language.set(lang)
<label for=lang>{lang.name}</label>
- Server Side Rendering:
- Hydration:
- Actix Web integration:
- Axum integration:
- Nightly toolchain:
- Desktop applications:
- JSON languages file:
- YAML languages file:
- JSON5 languages file:
- Tracing support:
- Debugging:
~609K SLoC