#syscalls #userspace #framework #applications #handler #linux #lazypoline


A framework for building syscall interposers for user-space Linux applications

2 unstable releases

Uses new Rust 2024

new 0.2.0 Mar 16, 2025
0.1.0 Mar 15, 2025

#218 in Unix APIs

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Rust 2K SLoC // 0.1% comments GNU Style Assembly 227 SLoC

Lazypoline Framework

A comprehensive framework for building syscall interposers in Rust.


The Lazypoline Framework enables you to build efficient, exhaustive, and expressive syscall interposers for user-space Linux applications. It uses a hybrid interposition mechanism based on Syscall User Dispatch (SUD) and binary rewriting to exhaustively intercept all syscalls with maximum efficiency.

This framework is a Rust re-implementation and extension of the original lazypoline system described in the paper "System Call Interposition Without Compromise" (DSN'24 paper).


  • Exhaustive interception: Intercepts all syscalls, including those in the VDSO
  • Efficient: Uses binary rewriting (zpoline) for maximum performance
  • Safe: Written in Rust with a clean, composable API
  • Easy to extend: Define custom handlers for specific syscalls
  • Cross-thread: Works across all threads in a process
  • Declarative: Use macros to define handlers and filters (kinda WIP)

Getting Started


  • Linux kernel >= 5.11 (for Syscall User Dispatch support)
  • Permission to map the zero page (echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr)
  • Rust 2021 edition or newer


Add lazypoline to your Cargo.toml:

lazypoline-rs = "0.2.0"

Simple Example

Here's a simple example that traces all syscalls:

use lazypoline::{self, SyscallContext, SyscallAction};

fn handle_open(ctx: &mut SyscallContext) -> SyscallAction {
    println!("Open syscall: {}", unsafe { std::ffi::CStr::from_ptr(ctx.args.rdi as *const i8).to_string_lossy() });

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Initialize the interposer
    let interposer = lazypoline::new()
    // Your application code here
    // The interposer is automatically cleaned up when dropped

Running with Precompiled Binaries

You can use lazypoline to intercept syscalls in existing binaries:

LIBLAZYPOLINE="path/to/liblazypoline.so" LD_PRELOAD="path/to/libbootstrap.so" your_binary

API Overview

The Lazypoline Framework provides a simple, composable API:

Core Components

  • Interposer: Main component that manages syscall interception
  • SyscallHandler: Trait for handling syscalls
  • SyscallFilter: Trait for filtering syscalls
  • SyscallContext: Contains information about a syscall

Builder Pattern

let interposer = lazypoline::new()


  • syscall_handler: Define a syscall handler function
  • syscall_enum: Generate an enum of all syscalls (used internally)

Advanced Usage

Custom Handler

struct BlockWriteHandler;

impl SyscallHandler for BlockWriteHandler {
    fn handle_syscall(&self, ctx: &mut SyscallContext) -> SyscallAction {
        if ctx.syscall == Syscall::write {
            println!("Blocking write to fd {}", ctx.args.rdi);
        } else {

Filtering Syscalls

use lazypoline::interposer::filter::BlockListFilter;

let mut filter = BlockListFilter::new([

let interposer = lazypoline::new()

Modifying Syscall Arguments

fn modify_args(ctx: &mut SyscallContext) -> SyscallAction {
    if ctx.syscall == Syscall::open {
        // Change the first argument (path)
        let mut new_args = ctx.args;
        new_args.rdi = "/dev/null\0".as_ptr() as u64;
    } else {


Build the libraries with Cargo:

cargo build --release --workspace

This builds:

  • target/release/liblazypoline.so - The main library
  • target/release/libbootstrap.so - The bootstrap loader

For proper permissions:

sudo setcap cap_sys_admin,cap_sys_rawio+ep target/release/libbootstrap.so


The Lazypoline Framework consists of several components:

  • Bootstrap: Loads the main library in a new namespace
  • SUD: Syscall User Dispatch mechanism for intercepting syscalls
  • Zpoline: Binary rewriting technique for efficient interception
  • Handlers: User-defined code for processing intercepted syscalls
  • Filters: User-defined code for allowing/blocking syscalls


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the GPL v3 License - see the LICENSE file for details.


This is a Rust extension of the original lazypoline project by Adriaan Jacobs et al. Check out their paper and code at github.com/lazypoline/lazypoline.


~147K SLoC