#kafka #replication #observer #event-streaming

bin+lib kafka-replicator

Application for replication data between kafka clusters

5 releases

0.5.1 Dec 10, 2020
0.5.0 Jul 30, 2020
0.4.2 Jul 5, 2020
0.4.1 Jul 4, 2020
0.4.0 Jul 4, 2020

#2814 in Command line utilities

Custom license

1.5K SLoC

Kafka replicator

Kafka Replicator is an easy to use tool for copying data between two Apache Kafka clusters with configurable re-partitionning strategy.

Data will be read from topics in the origin cluster and written to a topic/topics in the destination cluster according config rules.


Lets start with an overview of features that exist in kafka-replicator:

  • Data replication: Real-time event streaming between Kafka clusters and data centers;
  • Schema replication: Copy schema from source cluster to destination;
  • Flexible topic selection: Select topics with configurable config;
  • Auto-create topics: Destination topics are automatically created for strict_p2p strategy;
  • Stats: The tool shows replication status;
  • Monitoring: Kafka replicator exports stats via prometheus.
  • Cycle detection

Use cases

  • Replicate data between Kafka clusters;
  • Aggregate record from several topics and put them into one;
  • Extend bandwidth for exist topic via repartitioning strategy.


System dependencies


Install from crates.io

If you have the Rust toolchain already installed on your local system.

rustup update stable
cargo install kafka-replicator

Compile and run it from sources

Clone the repository and change it to your working directory.

git clone https://github.com/lispython/kafka-replicator.git
cd kafka-replicator

rustup override set stable
rustup update stable
cargo install


RUST_LOG=info kafka-replicator /path/to/config.yml

Run it using Docker

sudo docker run -it -v /replication/:/replication/ -e RUST_LOG=info lispython/kafka_replicator:latest kafka-replicator /replication/config.yml

Example config

  - name: cluster_1
      - replicator-kafka-1:9092
      - replicator-kafka-1:9092
  - name: cluster_2
      - replicator-kafka-2:9092

  - client: cl_1_client_1
    cluster: cluster_1
    config: # optional
       message.timeout.ms: 5000
       auto.offset.reset: earliest
  - client: cl_2_client_1
    cluster: cluster_2

  - upstream_client: cl_1_client_1
    downstream_client: cl_1_client_1
      - 'topic1'
    downstream_topic: 'topic2'
    repartitioning_strategy: random # strict_p2p | random
    upstream_group_id: group_22
    show_progress_interval_secs: 10
      messages_per_sec: 10000

  - upstream_client: cl_1_client_1
    downstream_client: cl_2_client_1
      - 'topic2'
    downstream_topic: 'topic2'
    repartitioning_strategy: strict_p2p
    upstream_group_id: group_22
    show_progress_interval_secs: 10

  - upstream_client: cl_2_client_1
    downstream_client: cl_1_client_1
      - 'topic2'
    downstream_topic: 'topic3'
    repartitioning_strategy: strict_p2p # strict_p2p | random
    default_begin_offset: earliest # optional
    upstream_group_id: group_2
    show_progress_interval_secs: 10

  - client: cl_1_client_1
    name: "my name"
    group_id: group_name # used for remaining metrics
    topics: # filter by topics
      - 'topic1'
      - 'topic2'
    fetch_timeout_secs: 5 # default: 5
    fetch_interval_secs: 5 # default: 60
    show_progress_interval_secs: 10 # default: 60

  - client: cl_2_client_1
    topic: 'topic3'
      - 'topic2'
    show_progress_interval_secs: 5

  - client: cl_1_client_1
    topic: 'topic1'
    topics: [] # fetch all topics

Options describing

Root config options:

  • clusters - are a list of Kafka Clusters
  • clients - are a list of configurations for consumers
  • routes - are a list of replication rules
  • observers - are a list of observers


Any suggestion, feedback or contributing is highly appreciated. Thank you for your support!


~1M SLoC