#command-line #command-line-tool #fuzzy-search #filesystem #navigation #workflow #directory

app jumper

Jumper is command line utility to store and jump to folders on your system for blazingly fast workflow

4 releases

0.1.3 Nov 1, 2023
0.1.2 Nov 1, 2023
0.1.1 Nov 1, 2023
0.1.0 Oct 30, 2023

#48 in #navigation

MIT license

156 lines


Jumper is a command line tool for quick navigation around your filesystem. Unlike many other tools it doesn't try to guess where you would like to be. You have to manually select each folder you would like to appear on the quick jump list.

It leverages the great fzf tool for fuzzy searching of target directory.


First you need to select the folders you want to later jump to by using the save command:

jumper save          # this saves current directory under it's name
jumper save other    # this saves current directory under 'other' name

Later you can see all your bookmarked folders using jumper list and retrieve specific folder with jumper get <name>.

Shell setup

Jumper by itself is just a bookmarking tool. To be able to actually jump to selected path you need to configure the shell. Below are the definitions of jg command that will perform the jump. When invoked without any argument it uses fzf to search for a path.

Windows Powershell

Add this to your $profile file:

function Jump-Location {
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($args)) {
        $selected = $(jumper list | fzf --ansi).Trim().Split(' ')[-1]
        Set-Location -Path $selected
    } else {
        Set-Location -Path $(jumper get $args)
New-Alias jg Jump-Location


Add this to your ~/.bashrc:

jumpLocation() {
    if [ -z "$@" ]; then
        selected=$(jumper list | fzf --ansi | awk -F'|' '{gsub(/^\s+/, "", $2); print $2}')
        cd $selected
        selected=$(jumper get $@)
        cd $selected
alias jg="jumpLocation"


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