#android #java #proxy #invocation #api-bindings #memory-leaks


Minimal helper for jni-rs, supporting dynamic proxies, Android dex embedding and broadcast receiver. Used for calling Java code from Rust.

5 releases

0.3.0 Feb 3, 2025
0.2.6 Jan 3, 2025
0.2.5 Dec 24, 2024
0.1.1 Nov 29, 2024

#528 in Development tools

Download history 210/week @ 2024-11-26 318/week @ 2024-12-03 83/week @ 2024-12-10 88/week @ 2024-12-17 286/week @ 2024-12-24 144/week @ 2024-12-31 23/week @ 2025-01-07 21/week @ 2025-01-14 65/week @ 2025-01-28 58/week @ 2025-02-04

147 downloads per month
Used in 2 crates




Minimal helper for jni-rs, supporting dynamic proxies, Android dex embedding and broadcast receiver. Used for calling Java code from Rust.

While the JNI interface was initially designed for calling native code from Java, this library provides a bit more convenient functions for handling exceptions and avoiding memory leaks, preventing the Rust application from crashing.

This crate aims to be a reliable dependency for cross-platform libraries to introduce initial Android support, without relying on some specific version of Gradle. Older Android versions can be supported as well.

Documentation: https://docs.rs/jni-min-helper/latest.

The dynamic proxy implementation is inspired by droid-wrap-utils. droid-wrap is another project with greater ambition, however the initial version is less reliable.

Check the source of this crate to see how a dex file can be embedded. Note: InvocHdl.class and classes.dex are unmanaged prebuilt files for docs.rs to build documentation successfully. build.rs will print a warning and use the prebuilt file as a fallback on failure.


To test it on a desktop OS, just make sure the JDK is installed, then add jni-min-helper dependency into your new binary crate, fill in main() with the example given in jni_min_helper::JniProxy documentation.

Of course, the dex class loader and the broadcast receiver are not available. Call jni_set_vm() (before using other functions) to prevent the library from creating a new JVM by itself.


Make sure the Android SDK, NDK, Rust target aarch64-linux-android and cargo-apk are installed.

Registering a broadcast receiver

name = "android-simple-test"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
publish = false

log = "0.4"
jni-min-helper = "0.3.0"
android-activity = { version = "0.6", features = ["native-activity"] }
android_logger = "0.14"

name = "android_simple_test"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]
path = "lib.rs"

package = "com.example.android_simple_test"
build_targets = [ "aarch64-linux-android" ]

min_sdk_version = 16
target_sdk_version = 30

name = "android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"


use android_activity::{AndroidApp, MainEvent, PollEvent};
use jni::{errors::Error, objects::JObject, JNIEnv};
use jni_min_helper::*;

fn android_main(app: AndroidApp) {

    let receiver = BroadcastReceiver::build(on_receive).unwrap();

    let mut on_destroy = false;
    loop {
        app.poll_events(None, |event| match event {
            PollEvent::Main(MainEvent::Destroy) => {
                on_destroy = true;
            _ => (),
        if on_destroy {

fn on_receive<'a>(
    env: &mut JNIEnv<'a>,
    context: &JObject<'a>,
    intent: &JObject<'a>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
    let action = BroadcastReceiver::get_intent_action(intent, env)?;
    log::info!("Received an intent of action '{action}'.");

    let connectivity_service = "connectivity".new_jobject(env)?;
    let conn_man = env

    let net_info = env

    let connected = if !net_info.is_null() {
        env.call_method(&net_info, "isConnected", "()Z", &[])
    } else {

    let msg = if connected {
        "Network is connected."
    } else {
        "Network is currently disconnected."

    let msg = msg.new_jobject(env)?;
    let toast = env
            &[context.into(), (&msg).into(), 0.into()],
    env.call_method(&toast, "show", "()V", &[]).clear_ex()

Or use the futures-lite blocker of the asynchronous broadcast waiter:

jni-min-helper = { version = "0.3.0", features = ["futures"] }
use android_activity::{AndroidApp, MainEvent, PollEvent};
use jni_min_helper::*;
use std::time::Duration;

fn android_main(app: AndroidApp) {


    let mut on_destroy = false;
    loop {
        app.poll_events(None, |event| match event {
            PollEvent::Main(MainEvent::Destroy) => {
                on_destroy = true;
            _ => (),
        if on_destroy {

fn background_loop() {
    let mut waiter = BroadcastWaiter::build([
    log::info!("Built broadcast waiter.");
    loop {
        if let Some(intent) = waiter.wait_timeout(Duration::from_secs(1)) {
            let _ = jni_with_env(|env| {
                let action = BroadcastReceiver::get_intent_action(intent, env)?;
                log::info!("Received an intent of action '{action}'.");

Build it with cargo-apk and install it on the Android device, then check the log output: adb logcat android_simple_test:D '*:S'.

Note: building for the release profile produces a much smaller package.

Receiving result from the chooser dialog

use android_activity::{AndroidApp, MainEvent, PollEvent};
use jni_min_helper::*;

fn android_main(app: AndroidApp) {

    log::info!("starting dialog_test 1...");
    if dialog_test(Some(&app)) {
        log::info!("starting dialog_test 2...");
        // this will not dismiss the dialog on main stop event.
        std::thread::spawn(|| dialog_test(None));

    let mut on_destroy = false;
    loop {
        app.poll_events(None, |event| match event {
            PollEvent::Main(MainEvent::Destroy) => {
                on_destroy = true;
            _ => (),
        if on_destroy {

fn dialog_test(app: Option<&AndroidApp>) -> bool {
    let result = chooser_dialog(app, "Choose", &["i", "j", "k"]).unwrap();
    if let Some(c) = result {
        log::info!("The user choosed {c}.");
    } else {
        log::info!("The dialog has been dismissed.");

// Provide the `app` reference if it is being called in the native main thread;
// Otherwise, `app` should be `None` to make it work.
fn chooser_dialog<'a>(
    app: Option<&AndroidApp>,
    title: &str,
    choices: &'a [&'a str],
) -> Result<Option<&'a str>, jni::errors::Error> {
    use jni::{
        objects::{JObject, JObjectArray},
    use std::sync::{mpsc, Arc, Mutex};

    jni_with_env(|env| {
        let context = android_context();

        // creates the dialog builder
        let dialog_builder = env

        let title = title.new_jobject(env)?;

        // converts choice items to Java array
        let choice_items = env
            .new_object_array(choices.len() as jsize, "java/lang/String", JObject::null())
        let choice_items: &JObjectArray<'_> = choice_items.as_ref().into();
        for (i, choice_name) in choices.iter().enumerate() {
            let choice_name = choice_name.new_jobject(env)?;
            env.set_object_array_element(choice_items, i as jsize, &choice_name)?;

        let (tx1, rx) = mpsc::channel();
        let tx2 = tx1.clone();

        // creates OnClickListener
        let on_click_listener = JniProxy::build(
            move |env, method, args| {
                if method.get_method_name(env)? == "onClick" {
                    let _ = tx1.send(Some(args[1].get_int(env)?));

        // creates OnDismissListener
        let on_dismiss_listener = JniProxy::build(
            move |env, method, _| {
                if method.get_method_name(env)? == "onDismiss" {
                    let _ = tx2.send(None);

        // configure the dialog builder
            &[(&choice_items).into(), (&on_click_listener).into()]



        // creating and showing the dialog must be done in the Java main thread
        let dialog_builder = Ok(dialog_builder).globalize(env)?;
        let dialog_arc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None));
        let dialog_arc_2 = dialog_arc.clone(); // Note: a weak reference might be used
        JniProxy::post_to_main_looper(move |env| {
            let dialog = env
            env.call_method(&dialog, "show", "()V", &[]).clear_ex()?;

        if let Some(r) = wait_recv(&rx, app) {
            Ok(r.map(|i| choices[i as usize]))
        } else {
            let dialog = dialog_arc.lock().unwrap().take();
            if let Some(dialog) = dialog {
                env.call_method(&dialog, "dismiss", "()V", &[]).clear_ex()?;

fn wait_recv<T>(rx: &std::sync::mpsc::Receiver<T>, app: Option<&AndroidApp>) -> Option<T> {
    if let Some(app) = app {
        // it runs in the native main thread
        let mut on_stop = false;
        loop {
            // `rx.recv()` may block forever.
            if let Ok(r) = rx.try_recv() {
                return Some(r);
            } else {
                // Let the native main thread process events from the Java main thread.
                // It's tested that `ndk::looper::ThreadLooper::poll_once()` doesn't work here,
                // check `android_activity::AndroidApp::poll_events()` documentation.
                app.poll_events(None, |event| {
                    if let PollEvent::Main(MainEvent::Stop) = event {
                        on_stop = true;
                if on_stop {
                    return None;
    } else {
        // it runs in another background thread

Note: this is definitely not a perfect implementation.


~85K SLoC