9 stable releases
1.3.5 | Jun 20, 2023 |
1.3.4 | Apr 30, 2023 |
1.2.1 | Mar 1, 2023 |
1.2.0 | Feb 11, 2023 |
#95 in Template engine
Initialize a latex project in the current folder
Usage: itex <COMMAND>
build Build ITex project (requires an itex-build.toml file, and pdflatex to be installed)
count Count the number of words in the current ITex project (requires texcount to be installed)
clean Clean auxillary build files
init Initialize LaTex project
info Get info about a template
get Get current value of a setting
list List installed templates
new-buildfile Create a new itex build file
set Set a setting
update Update installed templates
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
available templates:
- default (just the basics with an out folder and a Makefile)
- iSci
- apa
- Electron (My own template)
Getting started
The first step is to install itex, see install on windows or macos to install on your platform of choice.
To copy a template use:
itex init <template name>
To get a list of template names use:
itex list
after copying a template use:
itex build
to build the project.
If there is an error in your project use:
itex build --debug
to get debug output.
ITex gives you some options to control how the project is built. Use:
itex get
To get the full list of options.
By default only the default_filename is set.
If you changed your tex filename from main.tex to something else, you are also going to want to change this to the new name of the file.
itex set default_filename <Insert filename here (without the .tex)>
A description of all the options can be found in the wiki here: https://github.com/oneelectron/itex/wiki/ITex-settings
Install on MacOS
ITex isn't on homebrew's default taps so you need to add my tap then install ITex:
brew tap oneelectron/oneelectron
brew install itex -s
Install on Windows
ITex doesn't have a windows installer yet, so the recommended way is to use cargo to install itex, then use itex to install it's template folder. Install rust then:
cargo install itex
itex update
Install on Linux
Installing on linux is the same as on windows because there no package managers that have ITex on their lists. With more users and support this could change, but for now:
cargo install itex
itex update
ITex build system
Users can run itex build in order to build their LaTex project. Doing this requires the ITex to know which file to compile, this is specified in the itex-build.toml which looks something like this:
default_filename = "main"
tex_filename = "example.tex"
- default_filename specifies the base name for any files
- tex_filename specifies the name of the main tex file. If this option is not specified itex will assume the default_filename + .tex. In this example main.tex, if tex_filename were not specified
Making new templates
To make a new template make a folder where the name of the folder is the template name as this is what ITex uses.
An itex-info.toml is also required with a name and description:
name = "Default"
description = "The default template."
To setup the development environment:
- Clone the repo
- Run cargo build in order to install dependencies
~203K SLoC