4 releases

0.2.1 Oct 20, 2022
0.2.0 Oct 20, 2022
0.1.1 Feb 7, 2022
0.1.0 Feb 7, 2022

#984 in Command-line interface

25 downloads per month
Used in seastar


435 lines


terminal screenshot showing off styled output


iridescent is a library for styling terminal text easily. It supports basic ANSI sequences, Xterm-256 colors, and RGB. You can operate directly on &str and String types without needing to worry about conversions. It is important to note that not all terminals support all features. While most modern terminals will support up to true RGB colors, certain text modes, such as blink, are not reliable.


iridescent = { version = "0.2" }

The only requirement is that you import the Styled trait into the module you plan on using library methods. Once you have declared it at the top of your module, the methods will be available on all &str and String types.

Note that all Styled methods can be chained, as seen in the example above where first we call the foreground method, followed by the bold method. These do not have to be in any specific order.

Using Basic Colors

use iridescent::{constants::GREEN, Styled};

fn main() {
    // Here we can use a built-in method called `.green()` to apply the color.
    // Every basic color has a helper method for the foreground, as this is
    // the most common thing to style.
    let s = "Hello".green().bold();

    // But we could manually do it this way, too. You'll need to import the
    // color codes from the constants file, of course.
    let s2 = "world".foreground(GREEN).bold();

    println!("{}, {}!", s, s2);

Using 256-bit & RGB Colors

use iridescent::{Styled, Rgb};

fn main() {
    // We use .foreground() for a 256-bit color; in this case, 155 - or a lime green.
    let s = "Hello".foreground(155).underline();

    // Here we combine a 256-bit color with an RGB color. First, we set the foreground
    // to an RGB value of (4, 11, 214) - some variant of dark blue. Next, we set
    // the background to a value of 195 - a very light, almost white, blue. In 
    // addition, we apply some modes (underline and blink) to our text.
    // As you can see, mixing and matching various sequence types is no problem!
    let s2 = "world"
        .foreground(&[4, 11, 214])

    println!("{}, {}!", s, s2);

Hexadecimal Colors

As of v0.2, you can now use hexadecimal color literals now, as well!

use iridescent::{Styled, constants::{RED, WHITE}};

fn main() {
    let hello = "Hello".foreground("#ff00ff").bold();
    let world = "world".foreground("#00ff00").background("#0000ff");
    println!("{hello}, {world}!");

See here for all the methods available.


If you have cloned the iridescent repository, you can run an example with the command cargo run --example <example_name>. You can add features, if needed, with --features <feature_name>.

Example File Description Features
rainbow colors.rs Shows off all base colors in the terminal.
rgb rainbow.rs Shows off both 8-bit and 24-bit depth randomized colors in the terminal. random
modes modes.rs Shows off the various text modes in the terminal.

Feature Flags

Flag Default Description Dependencies
random Disabled Enables the use of Color::random() and Color::random_rgb() rand


Iridescent is dual-licensed under either

at your option.
