#ir #instrument #algorithm #signal #sound #acoustic #response

bin+lib irgen

Create IR files to enhance the signal of acoustic instrument pickups

6 releases

0.1.5 Dec 28, 2022
0.1.4 Dec 28, 2022

#720 in Audio


303 lines


Current Crates.io Version

Create IR files to enhance the signal of an acoustic instrument pickups.

Library for creating Impulse Response (IR) files by comparing the sound of a microphone with the sound of the pickup.

The following algorithms are implemented:

WARNING: The API is still under development and will very likely change (especially in case new algorithms would be added). Therefore, please don't expect any API stability at the moment.


Pre-Requesite: Install Rust

cargo install irgen

Command Line Interface

Run the help:

irgen -h
create IR files to enahnce the signal of an acoustic instrument pickups.

Usage: irgen --input-file <INPUT_FILE> --output-file <OUTPUT_FILE>

  -i, --input-file <INPUT_FILE>    Stereo input .waf data (left: pickup, right: mic)
  -o, --output-file <OUTPUT_FILE>  Output IR .wav file
  -h, --help                       Print help information
  -V, --version                    Print version information


~92K SLoC