include-flate is used at run time in 118 crates (of which 10 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 14 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 2 crates (of which 1 directly).

Number of dependers include-flate version Downloads/month
62 0.3.0 21K
51 0.2.0 1.7K
7 0.1.4 1.6K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) include-flate version
450K 406 rust-embed optional ^0.3
39K 16 jieba-rs ^0.3.0
3.6K dbcrossbar ^0.2
430 botw-utils ^0.3.0
180 penumbra-sdk-tct-visualize ^0.1
leptos_element_plus ^0.3.0
toipe ^0.1.4
glyphana ^0.2.0
spa-server ^0.1
periodicelements ^0.1.4
rustypex ^0.1.4
440 rstb optional ^0.3.0
bgpsim optional ^0.2
rl_ball_sym optional ^0.3.0
2.6K iftree dev ^0.3