1 stable release
1.0.8 | May 19, 2022 |
1.0.7 |
0.1.0 |
#1736 in Data structures
Simplified library of collision-handling HashMaps
Getting Started
Place implhm in your Cargo.toml
implhm = "1.0.8"
There are several different methods for handling collision. implhm provides the most basic implementations. The following features are available:
- separate-chaining (default)
- open-addressing
- double-hashing
- linear-probing
- quadratic-probing
- separate-chaining-test
- open-addressing-test
- double-hashing-test
- linear-probing-test
- quadratic-probing-test
Here is an example of using a single feature:
implhm = { version = "1.0.8", default-features = false, features = ["quadratic-probing"] }
A basic example of hash collision using two strings:
use std::{
hash::{Hash, Hasher},
fn hash<T: Hash>(key: T) -> u64 {
let mut state = DefaultHasher::new();
key.hash(&mut state);
state.finish() % 17
fn main() {
When passed through the `hash` function,
`orange` and `blueberry` both equal `8`
let a = hash("orange");
let b = hash("blueberry");
If *collision* isn't handled, then the *value*
("orange") at the location of the *key* (`8`)
would be replaced with the *value* ("blueberry")
assert_eq!(a, b)
Here, collision is completely handled by separate chaining:
use implhm::{Map, MapMut, SCHashMap};
fn main() {
let mut map = SCHashMap::default();
map.insert("orange", "ORANGE");
map.insert("blueberry", "BLUEBERRY");
In the case of *separate chaining*, collision is
handled by placing any key-pairs that calculate to
the same hash into an ordered list at that index.
assert_eq!(map.get("orange"), Some(&"ORANGE"));
assert_eq!(map.get("blueberry"), Some(&"BLUEBERRY"));