3 releases (breaking)

0.3.0 May 29, 2022
0.2.0 May 29, 2022
0.1.0 May 29, 2022

#2037 in Development tools


189 lines


code that identifies you

Build & Installation

It can be downloaded and installed simply with the following command:

cargo install identicode

How to use?

$	language mode
@	branch mode
?	os mode
&	others mode

+	add 1
*	add 5
/	add 10
%	add 50
=	add 100
-	substract 1

;	push language/branch/os by current value in stack 

When you use ;, the string corresponding to the value in the stack is added whatever mode you are in.

For example, you want to add the Rust (index: 203) language.

  • First, we have to enter our identicode version. Simply run identicode and it will give you your version. (ex. +++;)
  • Then, we need to switch to language mode, because we want to add a language: $
  • Write the code corresponding to the index: ==+++
  • After you write the code, you can add Rust to the languages section by using ;.
  • Final code: +++;$==+++;

You can also apply this process with operating systems (?), branches (@) and others (&).


If you can't find what you want, you can create a Pull Request!

All lists are present in src/data folder. Add what you want to add at the bottom.

An item's index is found by (the line number it is in - 1).

identicode will always be backwards compatible, so an identicode that works correctly in your version will still work correctly in the newest versions.


identicode is licensed under the terms of Apache License 2.0.

No runtime deps