7 stable releases

1.0.9 Jul 18, 2024
1.0.4 Jul 17, 2024
1.0.2 Jul 16, 2024

#289 in Authentication

Download history

184 downloads per month

Custom license

327 lines

Password Generator CLI

A command-line interface (CLI) tool for generating passwords with various complexities and options.

rust.yml release.yml


  • Generates passwords of specified length and complexity.
  • Supports simple, secure, and complex password types.
  • Includes options to include special characters and hide passwords from display.
  • Copies generated passwords to the clipboard if requested.
  • Export password(s) text plain text file.



Build from source

Clone the repository and build the project using Cargo:

git clone https://github.com/ideatopia/password-generator
cd password-generator
cargo build --release


Download binaries according to your system

  • Windows
curl -L https://github.com/ideatopia/password-generator/releases/latest/download/pwdgen-windows.exe -o pwdgen.exe
pwdgen.exe -h
  • Ubuntu
curl -L https://github.com/ideatopia/password-generator/releases/latest/download/pwdgen-ubuntu -o pwdgen
chmod +x pwdgen
./pwdgen -h
  • MacOS
curl -L https://github.com/ideatopia/password-generator/releases/latest/download/pwdgen-macos -o pwdgen
chmod +x pwdgen
./pwdgen -h

Command-line Options

demo@ideatopia:~$ pwdgen -h

Password Generator 1.0.1
 Generates passwords with various complexities
 by ideatopia https://github.com/ideatopia

Usage: pwdgen [OPTIONS]

  -l, --length <LENGTH>          Length of the password [min: 8] [default: 12]
  -q, --quantity <QUANTITY>      Number of passwords to generate [default: 1]
  -c, --complexity <COMPLEXITY>  Level of complexity [default: secure] [possible values: simple, secure, complex]
  -s, --special                  Include special characters
      --hide                     Hide password from terminal display
      --copy                     Copy password to clipboard
      --export <EXPORT>          Export's file path
      --update                   Self update from latest release
  -h, --help                     Print help
  -V, --version                  Print version


Generate a secure password of length 16 with special characters and copy it to clipboard:

pwdgen -l 16 --complexity secure --special --copy

Generate 3 complex passwords of length 20, hide them from display, and copy to clipboard:

pwdgen -l 20 -q 3 --complexity complex --hide --copy

Generate 5 complex passwords of length 20, hide them from display, and export to passwords.txt:

pwdgen -l 20 -q 5 --complexity complex --hide --export passwords.txt


  • Ensure your system supports clipboard operations for the --copy option to work properly.
  • Use the --help option to view all available command-line options and usage information.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


~516K SLoC