18 releases

0.1.15 Jan 14, 2025
0.1.14 Dec 11, 2024
0.1.12 Nov 8, 2024
0.1.11 May 1, 2024
0.1.5 Feb 29, 2024

#131 in Images

MIT license

2.5K SLoC


Image Converter Ultra


The Image Converter Ultra (ICU) is a software that converts images from one format to another. It is designed to be a versatile tool that can handle a wide range of image formats and convert them to other formats. The ICU is designed to be a standalone application that can be used on any platform that supports the necessary dependencies. The ICU is written in RUST.


  • Supports a wide range of image formats
  • Supports LVGL binary format
  • Supports preview a wide range of image formats and LVGL binary format

How to install

ICU is a standalone application that can be installed on any platform that supports the necessary dependencies.

  • Homebrew
brew install W-Mai/homebrew-cellar/icu_tool


brew tap W-Mai/homebrew-cellar
brew install icu_tool
  • PowerShell
powershell -c "irm https://github.com/W-Mai/icu/releases/latest/download/icu_tool-installer.ps1 | iex"
  • Shell
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf https://github.com/W-Mai/icu/releases/latest/download/icu_tool-installer.sh | sh
  • Windows MSI Installer

Download the latest Windows MSI Installer from the releases page and install it.

  • Cargo

ICU is written in RUST, so you need to have the RUST environment installed on your system.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

After that, you can install ICU by running the following command:

cargo install icu_tool

How to use auto-completion feature

ICU supports auto-completion feature for shells like bash, zsh, fish and powershell.

  • Bash

Add the following line to your .bashrc or .bash_profile file:

eval "$(icu -I bash)"
  • Zsh

Add the following line to your .zshrc file:

eval "$(icu -I zsh)"
  • Fish

Add the following line to your config.fish file:

icu -I fish | source

How to build yourself

git clone https://github.com/W-Mai/icu.git
cd icu
cargo build --release

How to use

$ icu -h

`Show` or `Convert` image files to any other image format including LVGL image formats.

Usage: icu [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  info     Show some information about an image file
  show     Show an image file
  convert  Convert image files to any other image format including LVGL image formats
  help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -v, --verbose...  verbose mode
  -h, --help        Print help
  -V, --version     Print version

$ icu info -h

Show some information about an image file

Usage: icu info [OPTIONS] <FILE>

  <FILE>  an image file to show

  -f, --input-format <INPUT_FORMAT>  input image formats [default: auto] [possible values: auto, common, lvgl-v9]
  -h, --help                         Print help (see more with '--help')

icu convert -h

Convert image files to any other image format including LVGL image formats

Usage: icu convert [OPTIONS] --output-format <OUTPUT_FORMAT> <INPUT_FILES>...

  <INPUT_FILES>...  input files

  -f, --input-format <INPUT_FORMAT>
          input image formats [default: auto] [possible values: auto, common, lvgl-v9]
  -O, --output-folder <OUTPUT_FOLDER>
          output folder
  -r, --override-output
          override exist output files, and you will get a warning message for sure if the output file already exists
  -G, --output-category <OUTPUT_CATEGORY>
          output image format categories [default: common] [possible values: common, bin, c-array]
  -F, --output-format <OUTPUT_FORMAT>
          output image formats [possible values: png, jpeg, bmp, gif, tiff, webp, ico, pbm, pgm, ppm, pam, lvgl]
  -S, --output-stride-align <OUTPUT_STRIDE_ALIGN>
          stride of the output image [default: 1]
  -C, --output-color-format <OUTPUT_COLOR_FORMAT>
          output color formats [possible values: rgb565, rgb565a8, rgb888, argb8888, xrgb8888, a1, a2, a4, a8, l8, i1, i2, i4, i8]
      --dither <DITHER>
          dither the output image so that it will look better on screens with low color depth 1 to 30, 1 is the best quality and 30 is the worst quality. 10 is recommended
      --lvgl-version <LVGL_VERSION>
          LVGL Version, needed if [`ImageFormats`] is [`ImageFormats::LVGL`] [default: v9] [possible values: v9, v8]
  -h, --help
          Print help (see more with '--help')
$ icu show -h

Show an image file

Usage: icu show [OPTIONS] <FILE>

  <FILE>  an image file to show

  -f, --input-format <INPUT_FORMAT>  input image formats [default: auto] [possible values: auto, common, lvgl-v9]
  -h, --help                         Print help (see more with '--help')


Show an common image format

icu show res/img_0.png

You will get a window with the image.

Show an LVGL image format

  • You don't need to specify the input format, because ICU can detect it automatically. *
icu show res/img_0.bin

And you will get a window with the image like before.

Convert an common image format to an common image format

if you want to converting images with logs out put, you can use -vv option.

$ icu -vv convert res/img_0.png res/img_0.jpeg --output-format webp`

[2024-02-29T13:05:06Z INFO  icu] Start converting files
[2024-02-29T13:05:06Z INFO  icu] 
[2024-02-29T13:05:06Z INFO  icu] took 0.002740s for converting [res/img_0.png] to [res/img_0.webp] with format [WEBP] 
[2024-02-29T13:05:06Z INFO  icu] took 0.002257s for converting [res/img_0.jpeg] to [res/img_0.webp] with format [WEBP] 
[2024-02-29T13:05:06Z INFO  icu] 
[2024-02-29T13:05:06Z INFO  icu] Total converting time:
[2024-02-29T13:05:06Z INFO  icu]        Consuming  : 0.005121s for 2 files
[2024-02-29T13:05:06Z INFO  icu]        User   time: 0.004998s
[2024-02-29T13:05:06Z INFO  icu]        System time: 0.000123s

or in a short form:

$ icu -vv convert res/img_0.png res/img_0.jpeg -F webp

Convert some images in a folder to another specific folder

convert all images in the res folder to jpeg format and save them in the res/output folder, if the output file already exists, it will override it (you should use -r --override-output option).

if and the output folder will keep the same structure as the input folder.

$ icu convert res -O res/output --output-format jpeg --override-output

or in a short form:

$ icu convert res -O res/output -F jpeg -r

Convert an LVGL image format to an common image format

Convert an LVGL image format to an common image format. And if you specify the --overide-output option, ICU will override the output file if it already exists. And you will get a warning message for sure if the output file already exists.

$ icu -vv convert res/img_0.bin -O res/output -F jpeg -r

[2024-03-03T16:08:01Z INFO  icu] Start converting file
[2024-03-03T16:08:01Z INFO  icu] 
[2024-03-03T16:08:01Z WARN  icu] Override output file <res/output/img_0.jpeg> for converting <res/img_0.bin>
[2024-03-03T16:08:01Z INFO  icu] took 0.007022s for converting <res/img_0.bin> to <res/output/img_0.jpeg> with format <JPEG>
[2024-03-03T16:08:01Z INFO  icu] 
[2024-03-03T16:08:01Z INFO  icu] Total converting time:
[2024-03-03T16:08:01Z INFO  icu]        Consuming  : 0.008715s for 1 files
[2024-03-03T16:08:01Z INFO  icu]        User   time: 0.007022s
[2024-03-03T16:08:01Z INFO  icu]        System time: 0.001693s

Convert an common image format to an LVGL image format

Convert an common image format to an LVGL image format, you need to specify the output color format and lvgl version. But if you don't specify the lvgl version, ICU will use the default version (v9).

$ icu convert res/img_0.png -O res/output -F lvgl -C i8 -r

Convert an common image format to an LVGL image format with stride align

Convert an common image format to an LVGL image format with stride align, you need to specify the output color format, lvgl version, and stride align (default is 1).

4 means the stride of the output image will be 4 bytes aligned.

$ icu convert res/img_0.png -O res/output -F lvgl -C i8 -S 4 -r


ICU is licensed under the MIT license.


~576K SLoC