Horrorshow is used at run time in 32 crates (of which 8 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 21 crates.

Number of dependers Horrorshow version Downloads/month
23 0.8.4 5.5K
4 0.7.0 52
5 0.6.6 110
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Horrorshow version
600 rinex-qc ^0.8
270 1 siquery ^0.6.5
forc-doc ^0.8
2 const-tweaker ^0.8.3
eloran ^0.8.4
600 8 rinex optional ^0.8
iptoasn-webservice ^0.8
1 criner ^0.8.1
1 gazetta-cli ^0.7
1 gazetta-render-ext ^0.7
4 gazetta-core ^0.8.2
transitive_frontier ^0.7
unveil-rs ^0.8.1
1 noosphere-into ~0.8
webframework ^0.6.4
gazetta-bin ^0.7
fontfinder ^0.6
mutant-kraken ^0.8.4
2 criner-waste-report optional ^0.8.1
finchers-template optional ^0.6
1 vial optional ^0.8.3