#convert-hex #hex #hex-string #convert-binary #binary #conversion #utility

app hexbin

A command-line utility to travel between the realms of hexadecimal and binary

1 unstable release

0.1.0 May 30, 2024

#2558 in Command line utilities

GPL-3.0 license


HexBin: The Bilingual Bits Wizard! ⚙️🧙‍♂️

A command-line utility to travel between the realms of hexadecimal and binary.

Examples: Let the Magic Unfold! 🧪✨

Convert a hexadecimal string to binary:

hexbin 0x352B



Convert a binary string to hexadecimal:

hexbin 11010100101011



Installation: A Spellbinding Ritual 🔮

From crates.io: (Recommended)

cargo install hexbin

From Source:

# Clone the repository from the digital grimoire:
git clone https://github.com/5-pebbles/hexbin.git

# Enter the sanctum of the project directory:
cd hexbin

# Chant the installation incantation:
cargo install --path .

License: The Sacred Scroll of Sesquipedalianism 📜🧙‍♀️

This project is licensed under the ancient incantations of GPL-v3.


~94K SLoC