Cargo Features

heed = { version = "0.22.0", default-features = false, features = ["serde", "serde-bincode", "serde-json", "serde-rmp", "preserve_order", "arbitrary_precision", "raw_value", "unbounded_depth", "posix-sem", "mdb_idl_logn_8", "mdb_idl_logn_9", "mdb_idl_logn_10", "mdb_idl_logn_11", "mdb_idl_logn_12", "mdb_idl_logn_13", "mdb_idl_logn_14", "mdb_idl_logn_15", "mdb_idl_logn_16", "longer-keys", "use-valgrind"] }
default = serde, serde-bincode, serde-json

The serde feature makes some types serializable, like the EnvOpenOptions struct.

serde default

Enables bitflags and serde

serde-bincode default

Enable the serde en/decoders for bincode, serde_json, or rmp_serde

Enables serde-bincode of heed-types

serde-json default

Enables serde-json of heed-types


Enables serde-rmp of heed-types


serde_json features

Enables preserve_order of heed-types


Enables arbitrary_precision of heed-types


Enables raw_value of heed-types


Enables unbounded_depth of heed-types


Whether to tell LMDB to use POSIX semaphores during compilation (instead of the default, which are System V semaphores). POSIX semaphores are required for Apple's App Sandbox on iOS & macOS, and are possibly faster and more appropriate for single-process use. There are tradeoffs for both POSIX and SysV semaphores; which you should look into before enabling this feature. Also, see here:

Enables posix-sem of lmdb-master-sys


These features configure the MDB_IDL_LOGN macro, which determines the size of the free and dirty page lists (and thus the amount of memory allocated when opening an LMDB environment in read-write mode).

Each feature defines MDB_IDL_LOGN as the value in the name of the feature. That means these features are mutually exclusive, and you must not specify more than one at the same time (or the crate will fail to compile).

For more information on the motivation for these features (and their effect), see

Enables mdb_idl_logn_8 of lmdb-master-sys


Enables mdb_idl_logn_9 of lmdb-master-sys


Enables mdb_idl_logn_10 of lmdb-master-sys


Enables mdb_idl_logn_11 of lmdb-master-sys


Enables mdb_idl_logn_12 of lmdb-master-sys


Enables mdb_idl_logn_13 of lmdb-master-sys


Enables mdb_idl_logn_14 of lmdb-master-sys


Enables mdb_idl_logn_15 of lmdb-master-sys


Enables mdb_idl_logn_16 of lmdb-master-sys


Setting this enables you to use keys longer than 511 bytes. The exact limit is computed by LMDB at compile time. You can find the exact value by calling Env::max_key_size(). This value varies by architecture.

Example max key sizes:
- Apple M1 (ARM64): 8126 bytes
- Apple Intel (AMD64): 1982 bytes
- Linux Intel (AMD64): 1982 bytes

Setting this also enables you to use values larger than 511 bytes when using a Database with the DatabaseFlags::DUP_SORT flag.

This builds LMDB with the -DMDB_MAXKEYSIZE=0 option.

Note: If you are moving database files between architectures then your longest stored key must fit within the smallest limit of all architectures used. For example, if you are moving databases between Apple M1 and Apple Intel computers then you need to keep your keys within the smaller 1982 byte limit.

Enables longer-keys of lmdb-master-sys


Enable a better Valgrind support. This builds LMDB with the -DUSE_VALGRIND=1 option.

You have to install the RPM valgrind-devel which contains memcheck.h.

More information can be found at:

Enables use-valgrind of lmdb-master-sys