1 unstable release

0.1.0 Sep 4, 2023

#389 in Games

MIT license

3.5K SLoC


A .d2s file parsing library written in Rust.

⚠ NPCs and Items section are not yet supported.

Notes regarding D2R with some useful information regarding quests in particular.

This library uses the log crate to log parsing errors.


use halbu::{quests::QuestFlag, waypoints::Waypoint, Class, Save};

fn main() {
    // The name Halbu is a node to the first hero editor I used, Jamella Editor
    let save_file = std::fs::read("C:\\Users\\Example\\Saved Games\\Diablo II Resurrected\\Jamella.d2s").unwrap();

    let mut save = Save::parse(&save_file);

    // Change class, name, etc
    save.character.class = Class::Paladin;
    save.character.name = String::from("Halbu");
    save.character.level = 47;
    save.attributes.level.value = 47;
    // Warning: save.character.level and save.attributes.level must
    // be the same or the game won't load!
        "{0}, Level {1} {2}",
        save.character.name, save.character.level, save.character.class

    // Change mercenary stats
    // Refer to notes.md for a table with name/variant ID
    save.character.mercenary.name_id = 3;
    save.character.mercenary.variant_id = 34;

    // Set an attribute
    save.attributes.strength.value = 156;

    // Attribute names are taken from itemstatcosts.txt
    save.attributes.newskills.value = 5;

    // Some attributes are stored as fixed point numbers in 21 bits,
    // where the first 13 bits are the integer part and the last 8 the decimal
    // For those attributes (Current/Max HP, Mana & Stamina), you must multiply
    // the value by 256 to get the value you want
    save.attributes.maxmana.value = 200 * 256;
        "Max mana: {}",
        save.attributes.maxmana.value as f64 / 256f64

    // Acquire all waypoints in an act
    println!("Normal:\n{}", save.waypoints.normal.act1);

    // Set all waypoints in a difficulty
    // Warning: Not a good idea to set Rogue Encampment to false

    // Get/set whether a specific waypoint is acquired
    // Waypoints are a numbered 0-8 (0-2 for Act IV)
    save.waypoints.hell.act4.set_num(1, true);
    println!("Hell Act IV WP 1: {}", save.waypoints.hell.act4.get_num(1));

    save.waypoints.hell.act4.set(Waypoint::CityOfTheDamned, false);
        "Hell Act IV WP 1: {}",

    // Set all skills to 20
    println!("{}", save.skills);

    // Set the skill points of a given skill to 0
    save.skills.set(17, 0);
    println!("Skillpoints: {}", save.skills.get(17));

    // A quest is a struct with a single member State which is a hashset

    // Clear all flags
    // Warning: The quest numbers may not be what you think! Refer to notes.md.
    println!("Hell Act I Q1 State: {}", save.quests.hell.act1.q1);

    // The flag names are from D2MOO. Refer to notes.md for a flagname <> bit # table.
        "Hell Act I Q1 Completed: {}",
    // Save the file
    // Warning: The file name must match the character's name!
    std::fs::write("C:\\Users\\Example\\Saved Games\\Diablo II Resurrected\\Halbu.d2s", save.to_bytes()).unwrap();


These resources have helped me understand the .d2s format. Many thanks to their authors for the work they've done!


~46K SLoC