#h3 #quic #http-3


MsQuic-Async based library for using h3

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jan 18, 2025

#1957 in Network programming

MIT license

4.5K SLoC


MsQuic-Async based library for using h3

Getting Started

Note that MsQuic, which is used to implement QUIC, needs to be built and linked. This is done automatically when building h3-msquic-async, but requires the cmake command to be available during the build process.


Add h3-msquic-async in dependencies of your Cargo.toml.

h3-msquic-async = { version = "0.1.0", features = ["tls-schannel"] }

Linux, MacOS

Add h3-msquic-async in dependencies of your Cargo.toml.

h3-msquic-async = { version = "0.1.0" }

The examples directory can help get started.


    let listener =
        msquic_async::Listener::new(msquic::Listener::new(), &registration, configuration)?;

    let addr: SocketAddr = "".parse()?;
    listener.start(&[msquic::Buffer::from("h3")], Some(addr))?;
    let server_addr = listener.local_addr()?;

    info!("listening on {}", server_addr);

    // handle incoming connections and requests

    while let Ok(conn) = listener.accept().await {
        info!("new connection established");
        let root = root.clone();
        tokio::spawn(async move {
            let mut h3_conn = h3::server::Connection::new(h3_msquic_async::Connection::new(conn)).await?;
            loop {
                match h3_conn.accept().await {
                    Ok(Some((req, stream))) => {
                        info!("new request: {:#?}", req);

                        let root = root.clone();

                        tokio::spawn(async {
                            if let Err(e) = handle_request(req, stream, root).await {
                                error!("handling request failed: {}", e);

                    // indicating no more streams to be received
                    Ok(None) => {

                    Err(err) => {
                        error!("error on accept {}", err);
                        match err.get_error_level() {
                            ErrorLevel::ConnectionError => break,
                            ErrorLevel::StreamError => continue,
            Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(())

You can find a full server example in examples/h3-server.rs


    let conn = msquic_async::Connection::new(msquic::Connection::new(), &registration)?;
    conn.start(&configuration, "", 8443).await?;
    let h3_conn = h3_msquic_async::Connection::new(conn);
    let (mut driver, mut send_request) = h3::client::new(h3_conn).await?;

    let drive = async move {
        future::poll_fn(|cx| driver.poll_close(cx)).await?;
        Ok::<(), anyhow::Error>(())
    let request = async move {
        info!("sending request ...");

        let req = http::Request::builder()

        // sending request results in a bidirectional stream,
        // which is also used for receiving response
        let mut stream = send_request.send_request(req).await?;

        // finish on the sending side

        info!("receiving response ...");

        let resp = stream.recv_response().await?;

        info!("response: {:?} {}", resp.version(), resp.status());
        info!("headers: {:#?}", resp.headers());

        // `recv_data()` must be called after `recv_response()` for
        // receiving potential response body
        while let Some(mut chunk) = stream.recv_data().await? {
            let mut out = tokio::io::stdout();
            out.write_all_buf(&mut chunk).await?;

        Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(())

    let (req_res, drive_res) = tokio::join!(request, drive);

You can find a full client example in examples/h3-client.rs


h3-msquic-async is provided under the MIT license. See LICENSE.


~674K SLoC