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0.4.0 Dec 11, 2024
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#52 in HTTP client

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4.5K SLoC

Gotenberg PDF Client

crates.io docs.rs GitHub Actions

gotenberg_pdf is a Rust library that provides an easy-to-use interface for interacting with the Gotenberg API.

Gotenberg is a docker-based service for converting HTML, Markdown, URLs, and various documents to PDFs. It uses the Chrome engine to render web content to PDF and the LibreOffice engine to convert documents.


  • URL to PDF: Generate PDFs directly from a webpage URL.
  • HTML to PDF: Convert raw HTML into a PDF.
  • Markdown to PDF: Render Markdown files into a PDF.
  • Document to PDF: Convert various document formats (e.g., DOCX, PPTX) to PDF using the LibreOffice engine.
  • Screenshot: Capture screenshots of webpages or HTML content.


Add gotenberg_pdf to your Cargo.toml:

gotenberg_pdf = "0.5"

Ensure you have a running instance of Gotenberg, typically via Docker:

docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 gotenberg/gotenberg:8

N.B.: This crate is compatible with Gotenberg version 8.

Usage Examples

Convert URL to PDF

use gotenberg_pdf::{Client, WebOptions, PaperFormat};
use tokio;

async fn main() {
    // Initialize the client with the Gotenberg server URL
    let client = Client::new("http://localhost:3000");

    // Define optional rendering configurations
    let mut options = WebOptions::default();

    // Convert a URL to PDF
    let pdf_bytes = client.pdf_from_url("https://example.com", options).await.unwrap();

Convert HTML to PDF

use gotenberg_pdf::{Client, WebOptions};
use tokio;

async fn main() {
    let client = Client::new("http://localhost:3000");

    let html_content = r#"
    <!doctype html>
        <head><title>My PDF</title></head>
        <body><h1>Hello, PDF!</h1></body>

    let options = WebOptions::default();

    let pdf_bytes = client.pdf_from_html(html_content, options).await.unwrap();

Convert Markdown to PDF

use gotenberg_pdf::{Client, WebOptions};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use tokio;

async fn main() {
    let client = Client::new("http://localhost:3000");

    // Markdown content
    let mut markdown_files = HashMap::new();
    markdown_files.insert("example.md", "# My Markdown PDF\nThis is a test document.");

    // HTML template to wrap the markdown
    let html_template = r#"
    <!doctype html>
        <head><title>Markdown PDF</title></head>
        <body>{{ toHTML "example.md" }}</body>

    let options = WebOptions::default();

    let pdf_bytes = client.pdf_from_markdown(html_template, markdown_files, options).await.unwrap();

Take a Screenshot of a URL

use gotenberg_pdf::{Client, ScreenshotOptions, ImageFormat};
use tokio;

async fn main() {
    let client = Client::new("http://localhost:3000");

    let mut options = ScreenshotOptions::default();
    options.width = Some(1920);
    options.height = Some(1080);
    options.format = Some(ImageFormat::Png);

    let image_bytes = client.screenshot_url("https://example.com", options).await.unwrap();

    println!("Screenshot captured: {} bytes", image_bytes.len());

Convert Document to PDF Using LibreOffice Engine

use gotenberg_pdf::{Client, DocumentOptions};
use tokio;

async fn main() {
    let client = Client::new("http://localhost:3000");

    let filename = "test_files/example.docx";
    let file_content = std::fs::read(filename).expect("Failed to read the file");

    let options = DocumentOptions {
        landscape: Some(false),

    let pdf_bytes = client.pdf_from_doc(filename, file_content, options).await.unwrap();

Convert HTML to Screenshot Image

use gotenberg_pdf::{Client, ScreenshotOptions, ImageFormat};
use tokio;

async fn main() {
    let client = Client::new("http://localhost:3000");

    let html_content = r#"
    <!doctype html>
        <body><h1>Hello, Screenshot!</h1></body>

    let mut options = ScreenshotOptions::default();
    options.width = Some(800);
    options.height = Some(600);
    options.format = Some(ImageFormat::Png);

    let image_bytes = client.screenshot_html(html_content, options).await.unwrap();

Use the streaming client

Requires the stream feature to be enabled in your Cargo.toml.

use gotenberg_pdf::{StreamingClient, WebOptions};
use futures::StreamExt; // for `next()`
use tokio::fs::File;
use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let client = StreamingClient::new("http://localhost:3000");

    let options = WebOptions::default();
    let mut stream = client.pdf_from_url("https://example.com", options).await?;

    // Create or overwrite the PDF file asynchronously
    let temp_dir = std::env::temp_dir();
    let pdf_path = temp_dir.join("example_com.pdf");
    let mut file = File::create(pdf_path).await?;

    // As we receive chunks, write them directly to disk
    while let Some(chunk) = stream.next().await {
        let chunk = chunk?;

    println!("PDF rendered and saved as example_com.pdf");

Use the blocking client for use without tokio or another async runtime.

Requires the blocking feature to be enabled in your Cargo.toml.

use gotenberg_pdf::{BlockingClient, WebOptions, PaperFormat};

fn main() {
    // Initialize the client with the Gotenberg server URL
    let client = BlockingClient::new("http://localhost:3000");

    // Define optional rendering configurations
    let mut options = WebOptions::default();

    // Convert a URL to PDF
    let pdf_bytes = client.pdf_from_url("https://example.com", options).unwrap();

Configuration Options


Provides control over the PDF generation process from the Chrome engine. These options can be passed to the following methods:

Field Name Description Default
trace_id Unique trace ID for request Random UUID
single_page Print content on one page false
paper_width Paper width as a [LinearDimention] 8.5 inches
paper_height Paper height as a [LinearDimention] 11 inches
margin_top Top margin as a [LinearDimention] 0.39 inches
margin_bottom Bottom margin as a [LinearDimention] 0.39 inches
margin_left Left margin as a [LinearDimention] 0.39 inches
margin_right Right margin as a [LinearDimention] 0.39 inches
prefer_css_page_size Use CSS-defined page size false
generate_document_outline Embed document outline false
print_background Include background graphics false
omit_background Allow transparency in PDF false
landscape Set page orientation to landscape false
scale Scale of page rendering 1.0
native_page_ranges PageRange to print, eg "1,3,5", "1-4' All pages
header_html HTML for header content None
footer_html HTML for footer content None
wait_delay Delay before conversion None
wait_for_expression Wait until this JS expression returns true None
emulated_media_type Emulated MediaType ("screen" or "print") print
cookies Cookies for Chromium None
skip_network_idle_events Ignore network idle events true
user_agent Override default User-Agent header None
extra_http_headers Additional HTTP headers None
pdfa Convert to specific PDF/A [PDFFormat] None
pdfua Enable Universal Access compliance false
metadata PDF metadata None
fail_on_http_status_codes HTTP status codes to fail on, 99's are wild [499, 599]
fail_on_resource_http_status_codes Resource HTTP status codes to fail on None
fail_on_resource_loading_failed Fail if resource loading fails false
fail_on_console_exceptions Fail on Chromium console exceptions false

Includes the WebOptions::set_paper_format utlity method for common paper sizes.


Provides control over the screenshot generation process from the Chrome engine. These options can be passed to the following method:

Field Name Description Default
trace_id Unique trace ID for request Random UUID
width Device screen width in pixels 800
height Device screen height in pixels 600
clip Clip screenshot to device dimensions false
format Image format as an [ImageFormat] png
quality Compression quality (jpeg only, 0-100) 100
omit_background Generate screenshot with transparency false
optimize_for_speed Optimize image encoding for speed false
wait_delay Delay before taking screenshot None
wait_for_expression Wait until this JS expression returns true None
emulated_media_type Emulated MediaType ("screen" or "print") print
cookies Cookies for Chromium None
skip_network_idle_events Ignore network idle events true
user_agent Override default User-Agent header None
extra_http_headers Additional HTTP headers None
fail_on_http_status_codes HTTP status codes to fail on, 99's are wild [499, 599]
fail_on_resource_http_status_codes Resource HTTP status codes to fail on None
fail_on_resource_loading_failed Fail if resource loading fails false
fail_on_console_exceptions Fail on Chromium console exceptions None


Provides control over the document generation process from the LibreOffice engine. These options can be passed to the following method:

Field Name Description Default
trace_id Unique trace ID for request Random UUID
password Password for opening the source file None
landscape Set paper orientation to landscape false
native_page_ranges PageRange to print, eg "1,2,3" or "1-4" All pages
export_form_fields Export form fields as widgets true
allow_duplicate_field_names Allow duplicate field names in form fields false
export_bookmarks Export bookmarks to PDF true
export_bookmarks_to_pdf_destination Export bookmarks as named destinations false
export_placeholders Export placeholder fields visual markings only false
export_notes Export notes to PDF false
export_notes_pages Export notes pages (Impress only) false
export_only_notes_pages Export only notes pages false
export_notes_in_margin Export notes in margin false
convert_ooo_target_to_pdf_target Convert .od[tpgs] links to .pdf false
export_links_relative_fsys Export file:// links as relative false
export_hidden_slides Export hidden slides (Impress only) false
skip_empty_pages Suppress automatically inserted empty pages false
add_original_document_as_stream Add original document as a stream false
single_page_sheets Put each sheet on one page false
lossless_image_compression Use lossless image compression (e.g., PNG) false
quality JPG export quality (1-100) 90
reduce_image_resolution Reduce image resolution false
max_image_resolution Max resolution DPI. 75, 150, 300, 600 or 1200 300
pdfa Convert to specific PDF/A [PDFFormat] None
pdfua Enable Universal Access compliance false



By default there is no support for HTTPS. If you need TLS, you can enable it by adding one of the following features to your Cargo.toml:

  • rustls-tls - Enables TLS / HTTPS support using the rustls library.
  • native-tls - Enables TLS / HTTPS support using the native system TLS library.


By default there is no HTTP/2 support. HTTP/2 support can be enalbed with the http2 feature. Even with the feature enabled, HTTP/2 will not be selected unless connecting over HTTPS. If you need HTTP/2 over plain HTTP, you need to make use of Client::new_with_client and reqwest::ClientBuilder::http2_prior_knowledge.

Additional features

  • stream - Enables the streaming client to stream generated PDFs directly to disk or other destinations.
  • blocking - Enables the blocking client for use without tokio or another async runtime.
  • zeroize - Enables zeroizing sensitive data in the client. Enabled by default.

Web Assembly / Browser Support

This crate compiles to wasm32-unknown-unknown and is runnable in the browser. In the browser, it will use the built-in browser fetch API to make requests to the Gotenberg server. The stream, blocking, rustls-tls and native-tls features are not available on wasm32 or in the browser.

Be aware that in the browser, the gotenberg server will need to be behind a proxy that sets the correct CORS headers ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin').


~246K SLoC