#notebook #minimalist #md #load #ctx


GORBIE! Is a minimalist notebook library for Rust

1 unstable release

new 0.1.0 Mar 12, 2025

#3 in #ctx


372 lines

GORBIE! (Introduction)

Unlike other notebook environments GORBIE! doesn't really come with its own notebook server or runtime environment. Instead, it is designed to be used as a library and can be used in any Rust project.

Getting Started

To get the typical interactive notebook experience, it's recommended to use GORBIE! together with watchexechttps://github.com/watchexec/watchexec and rust-scripthttps://github.com/fornwall/rust-script. This way you can write your code as a simple notebook.rs script and have it automatically run and update the notebook whenever you save the file.

In such a setup, the notebook.rs script would look something like this:

#!/usr/bin/env watchexec -r rust-script
//! ```cargo
//! [dependencies]
//! GORBIE = { path = ".." }
//! egui = "0.31"
//! ```

use GORBIE::{md, notebook, state, view, Notebook};

fn intro(nb: &mut Notebook) {
        "# GORBIE!
This is **GORBIE!**, a _minimalist_ notebook environment for **Rust**!

Development is part of the [trible.space](https://trible.space) project.

![an image of 'GORBIE!' the cute alien blob and mascot of this project](./assets/gorbie.png)

    let slider = state!(nb, 0.5, |ctx, value| {
        let result = ctx.ui.add(egui::Slider::new(value, 0.0..=1.0).text("input"));

    view!(nb, move |ctx| {

fn main() {

To run this script, you need to have watchexec and rust-script installed. You can install them both with cargo install watchexec-cli rust-script.

Then you can run the script with ./notebook.rs and it will automatically load all dependencies, start the notebook and reload it whenever you make a change to the script.


~2M SLoC