5 releases
0.1.0-beta.8 | Mar 25, 2020 |
0.1.0-beta.7 | Mar 22, 2020 |
0.1.0-beta.4 | Jan 11, 2020 |
0.1.0-beta.2 | Jan 7, 2020 |
#37 in #tdd
199 lines
This project has been renamed to git-gamble
TCRDD = TCR (test && commit || revert
) + TDD (Test Driven Development)
Original idea by Xavier Detant
TCR is cool! It encourages doing baby steps, reducing the waste when we are wrong
But it doesn't allow us to see the tests failing
Maybe we test nothing (assert forgotten)
def test_should_be_Buzz_given_5(): input = 5 actual = fizz_buzz(input) # Oops! Assert has been forgotten
Maybe we are testing something that is not the thing we should be testing
it("should be Fizz given 3", () => { const input = 3; const actual = fizzBuzz(input); expect(input).toBe("Fizz"); // Oops! Asserts on the input value instead of the actual value });
TDD is cool! It makes sure we develop the right thing, step by step
TCRDD blends the constraints of the two methods to benefit from their advantages
Therefore, TCRDD makes sure we develop the right thing, step by step, and we are encouraged to do so by baby steps, reducing the waste when we are wrong
skinparam ArrowColor black
partition "red" #Coral {
:Write a test]
:Gamble that the tests fail/
if (Actually run tests) then (Fail)
else (Pass)
repeat while (Write another test)
partition "green" #Lime {
:Write the minimum code]
:Gamble that the tests pass/
if (Actually run tests) then (Pass)
else (Fail)
repeat while (Try something else)
partition "refactor" #668cff {
:Write code
without changing the behavior]
:Gamble that the tests pass/
if (Actually run tests) then (Pass)
else (Fail)
repeat while (Change something else)
repeat while (Another things to refactor ?)
repeat while (Another feature to add ?)
How to install
This will be improved
cargo install --git https://gitlab.com/pinage404/git-tcrdd
Add ~/.cargo/bin
to your $PATH
set --export --append PATH ~/.cargo/bin
Bash / ZSH:
export PATH=$PATH:~/.cargo/bin
Check if all have been well settled
git tcrdd
If it has been well settled, it should output this :
error: The following required arguments were not provided:
git-tcrdd --repository-path <repository-path> <--pass|--fail>
For more information try --help
If it has been badly settled, it should output this :
git : 'tcrdd' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
How to use
# To see all available flags and options
git-tcrdd --help # dash is only needed for --help
# Write a failing test in your codebase
# Then
git tcrdd --fail -- $YOUR_TEST_COMMAND
# Write the minimum code to make tests pass
# Then
git tcrdd --pass -- $YOUR_TEST_COMMAND
# Refactor your code
# Then
git tcrdd --pass -- $YOUR_TEST_COMMAND
# It's a bit tedious to always repeat the test command
# So you can set an environment variable with the test command to avoid repeating it all the time
export TCRDD_TEST_COMMAND="sh -c 'cargo fix --allow-dirty ; cargo clippy --all-targets ; cargo check --all-targets ; cargo fmt ; cargo test'"
git tcrdd --pass
Test command must exit with a 0 status when there are 0 failing tests, anything else is considered as a failure
@startmindmap "backlog"
* Backlog
left side
* Done
* base
* run tests
* `git commit`
* `git revert`
* test it
* option --pass
* option --fail
* give path in option
* improve test command
* test command with arguments
* script
* dry run flag
* help option
* -h
* --help
* exclusive flag
* required flag
* option colors
* -g
* --green
* -r
* --red
* merge commits
* `git update-ref`
* `git commit --amend`
* should fail without test command
* test command from envirronement variable
* display when committed or reverted
* how to use
* test in isolated and reproductible envirronement
* container
* CI
* [[https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/guide/continuous-integration.html Cargo's Documentation about CI]]
* choose a licence
* complete metadata
* publish it ?
* [[https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/publishing.html publishing]]
* how to install
* Simple binary
* cargo build ?
* cargo build --target "$TARGET" --release
* cargo install ?
right side
* when revert `git clean`
* `git workspace` support
* `git update-ref` should contain an unique identifier to the workspace
* branche name ?
* folder path ?
* message option
* -m
* --message
* amend should keep message
* `"--reuse-message=@",`
* shell completion
* tcrdd hooks
* branch based developement
* `git commit --fixup`
* `git rebase --autosquash`
* trunk based developement
* `git pull`
* `git push`
* rename project?
* simpler to say and understand and remember when not familiar with `TCR` or `TDD`
* from `git-tcrdd` to `git-...`?
* [[https://www.wordreference.com/fren/jouer jouer?]]
* [[https://www.wordreference.com/fren/parier parier?]]
* [[https://www.wordreference.com/enfr/bet bet?]]
* [[https://www.wordreference.com/enfr/expect expect?]]
* [[https://www.wordreference.com/enfr/gamble gamble?]]
* [[https://www.wordreference.com/enfr/should should?]]
* Quick save development (qsd)
* like git, flags & options & arguments should be retrieved from CLI or environment variable or config's file
* re-use `git config` to store in file ?
* OS distribution
* Linux
* Tar GZipped
* cargo package ?
* Nix
* [[https://crates.io/crates/crate2nix crate2nix]]
* [[https://github.com/tenx-tech/cargo2nix cargo2nix]]
* Debian
* [[https://crates.io/crates/cargo-deb cargo-deb]]
* [[https://crates.io/crates/cargo-rpm cargo-rpm]]
* AppImage ?
* SnapCraft ?
* FlatPak ?
* Alpine ?
* Cross compilation ?
* rust-cross
* [[https://crates.io/crates/release-manager release-manager]]
* Raspberry Pi ?
* ARMv6
* ARMv7
* ARMv8
* ARMx64
* Container Image (Docker) ?
* Mac OS X / HomeBrew
* Windows / Chocolatey
* [[https://github.com/rust-unofficial/awesome-rust#deployment Awesome Rust Deployment]]
* [[https://github.com/rust-unofficial/awesome-rust#platform-specific Awesome Rust Platform Specific]]
* URL to download latest version
* symlinks to URL containing the version name ?
* using GitLab Pages ?
* [[https://rachelcarmena.github.io/2018/11/13/test-driven-programming-workflows.html#my-proposal-of-tcr-variant stash instead of revert ?]]
Technical improvement opportunities
- licence check
- cargo license
- cargo deny
- code coverage
- tarpaulin
- kcov
- smaller binary
- cargo bloat
- cargo deps
Reinvent the wheel
Why reinvent the wheel?
This script already works well
Because i would like to learn Rust ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
To contribute, install this crates
~182K SLoC