Cargo Features

gba = { version = "0.14.1", default-features = false, features = ["track_caller", "on_gba", "fixed", "aeabi_mem_fns", "critical-section"] }
default = on_gba, track_caller

These default features are set whenever gba is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

track_caller default
on_gba default

Affects gba::bios, gba::dma, gba::gba_cell, gba::mgba, gba::mmio, gba::RUST_IRQ_HANDLER, video::video3_clear_to, video::video3_set_bitmap, video::video4_set_indexmap


Enables fixed

Affects fixed::i16fx8, fixed::i16fx14, fixed::i32fx8


Provide the ARM AEABI memory functions, requires Nightly because they're written as naked functions for efficiency. They're no_mangle and they're placed in IWRAM.

Features from optional dependencies

critical-section implicit feature

Enables critical-section


Cross-platform critical section