14 releases

0.3.0 Oct 16, 2021
0.2.9 Oct 14, 2021
0.2.6 Sep 22, 2021
0.1.11 Sep 3, 2021

#586 in Testing

27 downloads per month

MIT license

562 lines

Lo recuerdo (yo no tengo derecho a pronunciar ese verbo sagrado, sólo un hombre en la tierra tuvo derecho y ese hombre ha muerto) con una oscura pasionaria en la mano, viéndola como nadie la ha visto, aunque la mirara desde el crepúsculo del día hasta el de la noche, toda una vida entera.

Jorge Luis Borges - Funes, el memorioso


pipeline workflow crates.io docs.rs License: MIT Changelog Code of Conduct

funes is a server to mock HTTP responses. You might use it to:

  • test applications without hitting production resources;
  • create integrations tests for your applications;


To install funes, you must have rust and cargo installed. Then you can run:

cargo install funes


Now you can run your funes server in one terminal and make requests from another one:

# terminal 1

ENVS: Envs {
  allow_externals: true,
  h_server: "funes",
  h_user_agent: "funes",
  latency_collection: "",
  latency_enable: false,
  localhost: "",
  log: "funes,actix_web=info",
  mock_dir: "/Users/rodolfo.moi/.funes"
  regex: ".+",
  latencies: {}

To mock the requests of an {api}, call the endpoint http://localhost:8080/{api}. The first request will hit the {api} and then store the response:

# terminal 2
curl http://localhost:8080/jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1

# terminal 1
201 0.125973 GET /jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1 HTTP/1.1 curl/7.64.1 bytes:66

The second request and all the subsequent ones will be served from the stored response:

# terminal 2
curl http://localhost:8080/jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1

# terminal 1
200 0.000330 GET /jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1 HTTP/1.1 curl/7.64.1 bytes:66

Posts are supported:

# terminal 2
curl \
  -d '{ "userId": 1, "id": 1, "title": "title", "body": "body" }' \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

# terminal 1
201 0.293888 POST /jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts HTTP/1.1 curl/7.64.1 bytes:51


These are the endpoints of a funes app:

  • /{api} - Like
  • /mocks - List of all saved mocks
  • /health
  • /resource-status

Default Envs



All examples can be found in the examples folder:


Funes is built on top of actix and is quite fast! Take a look:

# https://github.com/giltene/wrk2
wrk2 -t2 -c10 -d60s -R2000 --latency http://localhost:8080/pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/1

Running 1m test @ http://localhost:8080/pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/1
  2 threads and 10 connections
  Thread calibration: mean lat.: 1.449ms, rate sampling interval: 10ms
  Thread calibration: mean lat.: 1.469ms, rate sampling interval: 10ms
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     1.43ms  588.92us   6.26ms   66.00%
    Req/Sec     1.05k   146.60     1.67k    73.83%
  Latency Distribution (HdrHistogram - Recorded Latency)
 50.000%    1.39ms
 75.000%    1.83ms
 90.000%    2.20ms
 99.000%    2.94ms
 99.900%    3.58ms
 99.990%    4.31ms
 99.999%    6.23ms
100.000%    6.26ms

  Detailed Percentile spectrum:
       Value   Percentile   TotalCount 1/(1-Percentile)

       0.209     0.000000            1         1.00
       0.676     0.100000        10025         1.11
       0.877     0.200000        20009         1.25
       1.065     0.300000        30007         1.43
       1.233     0.400000        39993         1.67
       1.393     0.500000        50000         2.00
       1.474     0.550000        54997         2.22
       1.557     0.600000        59988         2.50
       1.645     0.650000        64995         2.86
       1.735     0.700000        69983         3.33
       1.829     0.750000        74984         4.00
       1.878     0.775000        77482         4.44
       1.929     0.800000        80006         5.00
       1.982     0.825000        82477         5.71
       2.042     0.850000        84989         6.67
       2.113     0.875000        87505         8.00
       2.151     0.887500        88721         8.89
       2.197     0.900000        89961        10.00
       2.249     0.912500        91232        11.43
       2.307     0.925000        92483        13.33
       2.371     0.937500        93726        16.00
       2.407     0.943750        94329        17.78
       2.447     0.950000        94972        20.00
       2.491     0.956250        95597        22.86
       2.537     0.962500        96213        26.67
       2.595     0.968750        96846        32.00
       2.629     0.971875        97146        35.56
       2.665     0.975000        97453        40.00
       2.703     0.978125        97764        45.71
       2.753     0.981250        98085        53.33
       2.809     0.984375        98397        64.00
       2.841     0.985938        98556        71.11
       2.875     0.987500        98703        80.00
       2.919     0.989062        98861        91.43
       2.967     0.990625        99017       106.67
       3.027     0.992188        99175       128.00
       3.057     0.992969        99252       142.22
       3.083     0.993750        99326       160.00
       3.117     0.994531        99406       182.86
       3.157     0.995313        99482       213.33
       3.209     0.996094        99561       256.00
       3.239     0.996484        99601       284.44
       3.271     0.996875        99639       320.00
       3.297     0.997266        99677       365.71
       3.335     0.997656        99719       426.67
       3.375     0.998047        99755       512.00
       3.415     0.998242        99775       568.89
       3.455     0.998437        99794       640.00
       3.499     0.998633        99815       731.43
       3.533     0.998828        99833       853.33
       3.587     0.999023        99853      1024.00
       3.617     0.999121        99863      1137.78
       3.645     0.999219        99873      1280.00
       3.711     0.999316        99882      1462.86
       3.781     0.999414        99892      1706.67
       3.835     0.999512        99902      2048.00
       3.875     0.999561        99907      2275.56
       3.915     0.999609        99911      2560.00
       3.933     0.999658        99916      2925.71
       3.963     0.999707        99921      3413.33
       4.025     0.999756        99926      4096.00
       4.107     0.999780        99929      4551.11
       4.115     0.999805        99931      5120.00
       4.143     0.999829        99933      5851.43
       4.191     0.999854        99936      6826.67
       4.247     0.999878        99938      8192.00
       4.311     0.999890        99940      9102.22
       5.243     0.999902        99941     10240.00
       5.371     0.999915        99942     11702.86
       5.499     0.999927        99943     13653.33
       5.551     0.999939        99944     16384.00
       5.639     0.999945        99945     18204.44
       5.855     0.999951        99946     20480.00
       5.855     0.999957        99946     23405.71
       5.935     0.999963        99947     27306.67
       5.935     0.999969        99947     32768.00
       6.107     0.999973        99948     36408.89
       6.107     0.999976        99948     40960.00
       6.107     0.999979        99948     46811.43
       6.227     0.999982        99949     54613.33
       6.227     0.999985        99949     65536.00
       6.227     0.999986        99949     72817.78
       6.227     0.999988        99949     81920.00
       6.227     0.999989        99949     93622.86
       6.263     0.999991        99950    109226.67
       6.263     1.000000        99950          inf
#[Mean    =        1.428, StdDeviation   =        0.589]
#[Max     =        6.260, Total count    =        99950]
#[Buckets =           27, SubBuckets     =         2048]
  119982 requests in 1.00m, 22.30GB read
Requests/sec:   1999.67
Transfer/sec:    380.54MB


~744K SLoC