#composition #async #compose #macro #sync #function #retry

nightly function-compose

lib to allow composition of sync and async rust functions

4 releases

0.2.0 Aug 22, 2024
0.1.2 Jun 27, 2024
0.1.1 Jun 27, 2024
0.1.0 Jun 27, 2024

#1911 in Rust patterns

MIT license

307 lines


function-compose is a function composition library that allows composition of async and sync functions

There are two macros required for the fn-composer function composition to work.

Proc attribute Macro - composeable

Declarative Macro - compose!

Proc attribute macro composeable is add to any function that can be composed. e.g below is simple function to add 10 to a given number.

Composeable macro documentation

pub fn add_10(a: i32) -> Result<i32, String> {
    Ok(a + 10)

Below snippet is an async example. The async function should return BoxFuture.

pub fn add_async(a: i32, b: i32) -> BoxFuture<'static, Result<i32, String>> {
    async move {
        let r = a + b;

Below is example of async multiplication and add_100 to a number asynchronously

pub fn multiply_async(a: i32, b: i32) -> BoxFuture<'static, Result<i32, String>> {
    async move {
        let r = a * b;

pub fn add_100_async(a: i32) -> BoxFuture<'static, Result<i32, String>> {
    async move {
        let r = a + 100;

Below is example of async addition of 3 values

pub fn add_3_arg_async(a: i32,b: i32, c:i32) -> BoxFuture<'static, Result<i32, String>>{
    async move{
        let  r =   a + b + c;

Below is example of async addition of 3 values with last parameter accepting reference

pub fn add_3_arg_ref_async<'a>(a: i32,b: &'a i32, c:&'a i32) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<i32, String>>{
    async move{
        let  r =   a + b + c;

It is possible to compose single arg sync function with two arg async function and vice versa.

Below are the examples of how to compose async functions

let result = compose!(add_10 -> add_100 -> with_args(10));
let result = compose!(add_10 -> add_100 -> add_10 -> add_100 -> with_args(10));

Below are examples of composing async and sync functions

let result = compose!(add_100_async -> add_100 -> with_args(10)).await;
assert_eq!(210, result.unwrap());

let result = compose!(add_100_async -> add_100_async -> with_args(10)).await;
assert_eq!(210, result.unwrap());

It is possible to inject the seconds args of async functions using .provide method. This could be useful for injecting database connection or other external service interaction. See the example below

// Check the '.provide' method below of injecting second args to add_async function
let result = compose!(add_async.provide(100) -> add_100_async -> with_args(10)).await;
assert_eq!(210, result.unwrap());

Example of multiple injection to async function

let result = compose!(add_3_arg_async.provide(100).provide(200) -> add_100_async -> with_args(10)).await;
assert_eq!(410, result.unwrap());

Example of multiple injection to async function in the second position

let result = compose!(add_100 -> add_3_arg_async.provide(1).provide(1) -> with_args(10)).await;
assert_eq!(112, result.unwrap());

Example of multiple injection to shared reference to async function

let one = &1;
let result = compose!(add_3_arg_ref_async.provide(one).provide(one) -> add_3_arg_async.provide(1).provide(1) -> with_args(10)).await;
assert_eq!(14, result.unwrap());

Retry in Fn Composer

Composeable macro supports retrying a function at specified interval in case of Error returned by the function. This could be useful when trying make a database call or connect to network endpoint. Make sure to install https://docs.rs/retry/latest/retry/ before proceeding with retry feature.

Retry mechanism is implemented as part of composeable procedureal macro. Below is example of add_10 function configured to be retried 2 times after initial failure.

use retry::delay::*;
#[composeable(retry = Fixed::from_millis(100).take(2))]
pub fn add_10(a: i32) -> Result<i32, String> {
    Ok(a + 10)

Retry can be applied to both sync and async functions.

for async functions, all arguments to the function must be either shared reference or exclusive reference.

Below is example of async function with retry.

#[composeable(retry = Fixed::from_millis(100))]
pub fn add_3_arg_ref__non_copy_async<'a>(
    a: &'a mut Vec<String>,
    b: &'a mut Vec<String>,
    c: &'a Vec<String>,
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<i32, String>> {
    async move {
        let r = a.len() + b.len() + c.len();
        Ok(r as i32)

Apart from fixed duration retries, it is possible to configure with exponential delay. Refer to retry documentation for all available delay options https://docs.rs/retry/latest/retry/all.html


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