1 unstable release
Uses old Rust 2015
0.1.0 | Oct 7, 2016 |
#11 in #kqueue
171 lines
A TCP server to stream file-change events to a remote destination, such as a docker VM with files shared over NFS.
For use on the local OS:
cargo build --release
For use in a boot2docker VM:
docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` scorpil/rust cargo build --release
In both cases, find the built binary in target/release/fs_eventbridge
Copy the binary to the remote location, and run:
FS-EventBridge will launch and listen on port 65056 on all interfaces. Command line arguments can be specified to change the port and the bound IP address. Launch with --help
for details.
Connect to the TCP server using your favorite language/library/client. Or use telnet
(replace localhost with the IP of the machine running FS-EventBridge, if not local):
telnet localhost 65056
All commands are terminated by CR, LF, or any combination thereof. They can be streamed in any fashion; FS-EventBridge will service commands in the order in which they are received, as soon as a newline character is reached.
Prints a help page of all commands
CHANGE /path/to/file mtime_seconds
Marks a remote file as changed (triggering the OS-specific filesystem event change notifications). The file's atime and mtime will be set to the current system time by default. Optionally, specifying mtime allows these times to be set to any arbitrary timestamp. It should be provided as Epoch seconds.
Engineers using MacOS and Docker have wrestled with not having FSEvents file change notifications propagate to the docker VM's inotify for too long -- particularly those mounting shares via NFS. Hacks that try to fire touch
commands off via SSH are slow and unreliable. FS-EventBridge was created to run on the root Boot2Docker VM, allowing other tooling (official client coming soon) to listen for changes on the host OS and forward them through the event bridge in real time, over a single low-overhead connection.
FS-EventBridge is distributed under the ISC license. See LICENSE.txt for details.
FS-EventBridge was created by Tom Shawver at TechnologyAdvice in 2016.
~118K SLoC