#foundation-db #simulation


Embed Rust code within FoundationDB's simulation

3 releases

0.2.2 Jan 8, 2025
0.2.1 Oct 8, 2024
0.2.0 Mar 15, 2024

#915 in Database interfaces

24 downloads per month




The goal of this crate is to enable testing of rust layers in the official FoundationDB simulation.

How does it work

FoundationDB is written in flow and transpiled to C++. Rust and C++ objects are not compatible so every methods of all supported objects have been translated to a C function that takes a raw pointer to the object as first argument.

This crate contains 4 types of wrappers:

  • C++ that maps behavior to C bindings and will be called by the fdbserver directly
  • Rust that implements C bindings from C++ (C++ to Rust bridge)
  • Rust that maps behavior to C bindings
  • C++ that implements C bindings from Rust (Rust to C++ bridge)


Due to the high level of coupling between this crate and FoundationDB, please note that:

  • we are supporting only 7.1 and 7.3 for now
  • it needs to be build within the official Docker image
  • linker needs to be set to clang for 7.3

It is highly recommanded to follow the provided example to setup everything correctly.


Create a new Rust project following the library file structure:

├── Cargo.toml
└── src/
    └── lib.rs

Add the foundationdb-workloads crate in your Cargo.toml dependencies section. Write a lib section as follow:

name = "myworkload"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]
required-features = ["fdb-7_3", "fdb-docker"]

It is necessary that the crate-type is set to cdylib as the FoundationDB simulation expects a shared object. You can replace myworkload by the name of your workload.

Please use the associated Dockerfile to have the right build setup.


We abstracted the FoundationDB workloads with the following trait:

pub trait RustWorkload {
    fn description(&self) -> String;
    fn setup(&'static mut self, db: SimDatabase, done: Promise);
    fn start(&'static mut self, db: SimDatabase, done: Promise);
    fn check(&'static mut self, db: SimDatabase, done: Promise);
    fn get_metrics(&self) -> Vec<Metric>;
    fn get_check_timeout(&self) -> f64;

Define a struct and implement the RustWorkload trait on it. You can put anything in this struct, it doesn't need to be FFI safe. We recommend you at least store the WorkloadContext.

Basic example:

struct MyWorkload {
    name: String,
    description: String,
    context: WorkloadContext,

impl MyWorkload {
    fn new(name: &str, context: WorkloadContext) -> Self {
        let name = name.to_string();
        let description = format!("Description of workload {:?}", name);
        Self {

impl RustWorkload for MyWorkload {
    fn description(&self) -> String {
    fn setup(&'static mut self, db: SimDatabase, done: Promise) {
    fn start(&'static mut self, db: SimDatabase, done: Promise) {
    fn check(&'static mut self, db: SimDatabase, done: Promise) {
    fn get_metrics(&self) -> Vec<Metric> {
    fn get_check_timeout(&self) -> f64 {


Create a function with the name of your choice but with this exact signature:

pub fn main(name: &str, context: WorkloadContext) -> Box<dyn RustWorkload>;

Instantiate your workload in this function and return it. Add the simulation_entrypoint proc macro and your workload is now registered in the simulation!

pub fn main(name: &str, context: WorkloadContext) -> Box<dyn RustWorkload> {
    Box::new(MyWorkload::new(name, context))

In the simulation configuration, workloads have a workloadName. This string will be passed to your entrypoint as first argument. It was designed so that you can implement several workloads in a single library and chose which one to use directly in the configuration file without recompiling.

Basic example:

pub fn main(name: &str, context: WorkloadContext) -> Box<dyn RustWorkload> {
    match name {
        "MyWorkload1" => Box::new(MyWorkload1::new(name, context)),
        "MyWorkload2" => Box::new(MyWorkload2::new(name, context)),
        "MyWorkload3" => Box::new(MyWorkload3::new(name, context)),
        name => panic!("no workload with name: {:?}", name),

/!\ You must have one and only one entrypoint in your project.


If you followed those steps you should be able to compile your workload using the standard build command of cargo (cargo build or cargo build --release). This should create a shared object file in ./target/debug/ or ./target/release/ named with the name you set in the lib section of your Cargo.toml file, with a .so extension and prefixed with "lib". In this example we named the lib myworkload, so the shared object file would be named libmyworkload.so.


The foundationdb simulator takes a toml file as input

fdbserver -r simulation -f ./test_file.toml

which describes the simulation to run. A simulation can contain several workloads (see the official documentation for this part). A RustWorkload should be loaded as an ExternalWorkload by specifying testName=External. libraryPath and libraryName must point to your shared object:



In addition of the RustWorkload trait, here are all the enumerations, macros, structures and methods you have access to in this crate:

enum Severity {

struct WorkloadContext {
    fn trace<S>(&self, sev: Severity, name: S, details: Vec<(String, String)>);
    fn get_process_id(&self) -> u64;
    fn set_process_id(&self);
    fn now(&self) -> f64;
    fn rnd(&self) -> u32;
    fn get_option<T>(&self, name: &str) -> Option<T>;
    fn client_id(&self) -> usize;
    fn client_count(&self) -> usize;
    fn shared_random_number(&self) -> u64;

struct Metric {
    fn avg<S>(name: S, value: f64);
    fn val<S>(name: S, value: f64);

struct Promise {
    fn send(&mut self, val: bool);

fn fdb_spawn<F>(future: F);

type Details = Vec<String, String>;

macro details;
macro simulation_entrypoint;

The crate also exports the function CPPWorkloadFactory which you should not use!


You can use WorkloadContext::trace to add log entries in the fdbserver logging file.


fn setup(&'static mut self, db: SimDatabase, done: Promise) {
        "Successfully setup workload",
            "name" => self.name,
            "description" => self.description(),

note: any log with a severity of Severity::Error will automatically stop the fdbserver


WorkloadContext::rnd and WorkloadContext::shared_random_number can be used to get or initialize determinist random processus inside your workload.

Get option

In the simulation configuration file you can add custom parameters to your workload. These parameters can be read with WorkloadContext::get_option. This method will first try to get the parameter value as a raw string and then convert it in a the type of your choice. If the parameter doesn't exist, its value is invalid or set to null, the function returns None.


fn init(&mut self, context: WorkloadContext) -> bool {
    let count: usize = self

note: you have to consume any parameter you set in the config file. If you do not read a parameter the fdbserver will trigger an error.



When the fdbserver is ready, it will load your shared object and try to instantiate a workload from it. It is at that time that your entrypoint is called. The simulation creates a random number of "clients" and each one runs a workload. Your entrypoint will be called as many times as there is clients.

note: contrary to the ExternalWorkload which has a separate create and init method, the RustWorkloads is not created until the "init" phase.


Those 3 phases are run in order for all workloads. All workloads have to finish one phase for the next one to start. Those phases are run asynchronously in the simulator and a workload indicates it has finish by sending a boolean in its done promise.

An important thing to understand is that any code you write is blocking. To ensure that the simulation is determinist and repeatable, any time your code is running the fdbserver waits. In other words, you have to hand the execution over to the fdbserver for anything to happen on the database. To make it clear, this won't work:

fn setup(&'static mut self, db: SimDatabase, done: Promise) {
        .block_on(async {
            let trx = db.create_trx().unwrap();
            let version1 = trx.get_read_version().await.unwrap();
            println!("version1: {}", version1);
            let version2 = trx.get_read_version().await.unwrap();
            println!("version2: {}", version2);

This code is blocking, it creates a transaction and tries to commit but nothing on the database can happen until setup returns. This is a deadlock, trx.commit().await waits for fdbserver to continue, and the fdbserver waits for setup to end to execute any action pending on the database. FoundationDB works with callbacks. The only thing you can do in those asynchronous sections is to set a callback and let the function end. The fdbserver then kicks back in, and calls your callback when it's ready. Uppon entering your callback, fdbserer stops again and waits for the callback to finish. In it you can set another callback or send a boolean to the done promise.

This may look like this:

use foundationdb_sys::*;

fn setup(&'static mut self, db: Database, done: Promise) {
    let trx = db.create_trx()
    let f = fdb_transaction_get_read_version(trx);
    fdb_future_set_callback(f, callback1, CallbackData { trx, done });

fn callback1(f: *mut FDBFuture, data: CallbackData) {
    let mut version1;
    fdb_future_get_int64(f, &mut version1);
    println!("version1: {}", version1);
    let f = fdb_transaction_get_read_version(data.trx);
    fdb_future_set_callback(f, callback2, data);

fn callback2(f: *mut FDBFuture, data: CallbackData) {
    let mut version2;
    fdb_future_get_int64(f, &mut version2);
    println!("version2: {}", version1);

This is really cumbersome and errorprone to write. This is only correct way to communicate between the workload and the fdbserver that:

  • works (no deadlock, no invalid pointers...)
  • ensure determinism

Using other standard runtimes from tokio or other libraries doesn't work and using different threads would break determinism and isn't supported. A "wild" thread would be detected by the fdbserver and crash. You would have to register it but we didn't implemented the bindings to enable this. However we implemented a custom executor that simplifies a lot how it's written, but does exactly the same thing under the hood. This example would be written:

fn setup(&'static mut self, db: SimDatabase, done: Promise) {
    fdb_spawn(async {
        let trx = db.create_trx().unwrap();
        let version1 = trx.get_read_version().await.unwrap();
        println!("version1: {}", version1);
        let version2 = trx.get_read_version().await.unwrap();
        println!("version2: {}", version2);

fdb_spawn is a naive future executor that uses the fdbserver as reactor. It is only compatible with futures that set callbacks in the fdbserver. So you can't use any async code in it. Any future that isn't created by foundationdb-rs is subject to deadlock. All this is highly experimental so we highly appreciate any feedback on it (alternatives, ameliorations, errors...).

Common mistakes

The done promise has to be used. If you don't, the fdbserver crashes and you should see in the log file a line saying BrokenPromise. This is expected behavior, explicitely tracked by fdbserver and implemented on purpose by our wrapper. This is to prevent a deadlock, as a workload that does not resolve its promise is considered as never ending and block the execution of all remaining phases without triggering any error.

On the contrary, setting the value of done more than once is also an error. Doing so will terminate the workload by panicking.

note: Promise::send consumes the Promise to prevent it from being resolved twice.

Sending false in done doesn't trigger any error. In fact sending true or false is strictly equivalent for the fdbserver. The only thing that counts is that done has a been resolved.

Indirectly using a pointer to the workload or to the database after resolving done is undefined behavior. Resolving done should be the very last thing you do in a phase, it indicates to the fdbserver that you are finished and many structures may be relocated in memory, so you no longer have any garantee on the validity of any object on the Rust side. You must wait for the next phase and use the new references to self and db you are given. For this reason don't try to store RustWorkload, SimDatabase, Promise instances or any object created through foundation-rs bindings (transactions, futures...) as using them accross phases will most certainly result in a segmentation fault.


At the end of the simulation get_metrics will be called and you have the possibility to return a vector of Metric. Each metric can represent a raw value or an average.


fn get_metrics(&self) -> Vec<Metric> {
        Metric::avg("foo", 42.0),
        Metric::val("bar", 418.0),
        Metric::val("baz", 1337.0),


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