#reinforcement-learning #reinforcement #machine-learning


Forger is a library for reinforcement learning with Rust

5 releases

0.1.4 Nov 17, 2023
0.1.3 Nov 15, 2023
0.1.2 Nov 15, 2023
0.1.1 Nov 13, 2023
0.1.0 Nov 13, 2023

#257 in Science


593 lines

Forger - Reinforcement Learning Library in Rust


Forger is a Reinforcement Learning (RL) library in Rust, offering a robust and efficient framework for implementing RL algorithms. It features a modular design with components for agents, environments, policies, and utilities, facilitating easy experimentation and development of RL models.


  • Modular Components: Includes agents, environments, and policies as separate modules.
  • Efficient and Safe: Built in Rust, ensuring high performance and safety.
  • Customizable Environments: Provides a framework to create and manage different RL environments.
  • Flexible Agent Implementations: Supports various agent strategies and learning algorithms.
  • Extensible Policy Framework: Allows for the implementation of diverse action selection policies.


  1. Policy (policy):

    • Defines the interface for action selection policies.
    • Includes an implementation of Epsilon Greedy (with Decay) Policy.
  2. Agent (agent):

    • Outlines the structure for RL agents.
    • Implements Value Iteration - Every Visit Monte Carlo (VEveryVisitMC) and Q-Learning - Every Visit Monte Carlo (QEveryVisitMC).
  3. Environment (env):

    • Provides the Env trait to define RL environments.
    • Contains LineWorld, a simple linear world environment for experimentation.
  4. Prelude (prelude):

    • Exports commonly used items from the env, agent, and policy modules for convenient access.

Getting Started


  • Rust Programming Environment


In your project directory, run the following command:

cargo add forger

Basic Usage

use forger::prelude::*;
use forger::env::lineworld::{LineWorld, LineWorldAction};

pub type S = usize;             // State
pub type A = LineWorldAction;   // Action
pub type P = EGreedyPolicy<A>;  // Policy
pub type E = LineWorld;         // Environment

fn main() {
    let env = LineWorld::new(
        5,      // number of states
        1,      // initial state
        4,      // goal state
        vec![0] // terminal states

    let mut agent = QEveryVisitMC::<S, A, P, E>::new(0.9); // Q-learning (Everyvisit MC, gamma = 0.9)
    let mut policy = EGreedyPolicy::new(0.5, 0.95);        // Epsilon Greedy Policy (epsilon = 0.5, decay = 0.95)

    for _ in 0 .. 200 {
        let mut episode = vec![];
        let mut state = env.get_init_state();

        loop {
            let action = agent.select_action(&state, &mut policy, &env);
            let (next_state, reward) = env.transition(&state, &action);
            episode.push((state, action.unwrap(), reward));
            match next_state {
                Some(s) => state = s,
                None => break,



  1. Monte Carlo with Epsilon Decay in LineWorld:

    • Demonstrates the use of the Q-Learning Every Visit Monte Carlo (QEveryVisitMC) agent with an Epsilon Greedy Policy (with decay) in the LineWorld environment.
    • Illustrates the process of running multiple episodes, selecting actions, updating the agent, and decaying the epsilon value over time.
    • Updates the agent after each episode.
  2. TD0 with Epsilon Decay in GridWorld:

    • Demonstrates the use of the TD0 (TD0) agent with an Epsilon Greedy Policy (with decay) in the GridWorld environment.
    • Illustrates the process of running multiple episodes, selecting actions, updating the agent, and decaying the epsilon value over time.
    • Updates the agent every steps in each episode.
    • Include test process of trained agent.


Contributions to Forger are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome.


Forger is licensed under the MIT License or the Apache 2.0 License.


~222K SLoC