#rpn #calculator #command-line #unit #now #precision #multiple

app foocalc

A command line RPN calculator with multiple precision and unit support

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jun 13, 2024

#1711 in Math

Apache-2.0 and LGPL-3.0+


Rustcalc 3

a command-line RPN calculator


This calculator is RPN, meaning operators are placed after, not between, operands. For instance, 2*3 would be written as 2 3*, and (1+2)/(3*4) would be 1 2+ 3 4*/
Ctrl+d can be used to exit


Syntax Behavior Example
<number> Push to stack 1 -> 1 is on the stack
+ Add last two stack items 1 2+ -> 3
- Subtract last two stack items 1 2- -> -1
* Multiply last two stack items 1 2* -> 2
/ Divide last two stack items 1 2/ -> 0.5
^ Wxponentiate last two stack items 1 2^ -> 1
'<infix>' Infix notation '(1+2)/(3*4)' -> 0.25
<decimal>e<integer> The decimal part times 10 to the power of the integer 123.456e3 -> 123456
(<number>, <number>), (<number> + <number>i), <number> + <number>i, <number>i Complex number (2, 5) -> 2 + 5i
<number>`<unit>` Unit 5`m/s` -> 5 meter/second
to`<unit>` Convert units 5`m/s` to`in/hour` -> 708661.(...) inch/hour
`<unit>` Set units 5`m/s` `in/hour` -> 5 inch/hour
"comment" Comment "this is a comment"
=<var name> Set variable 5 =aaa -> 'aaa' is now equal to 5
<var name> Get variable aaa -> 5
<function name> Invoke function pi cos -> -1
r Remove rrr -> removes the last 3 items from the stack
d Duplicate 5 d -> adds 5 to the stack, then adds it again
s Swap 5 6 s -> 6 5 on the stack
pretty Pretty-print 123e54 pretty -> 123 septendecillion
clear Clear stack 1 2 3 4 5 clear -> empty stack
|<unitname>| Define unit |person| -> you can now do ```1`person````
|<unitname> <unitvalue>| Define unit |town 100`people` * 10|
[<dice>] Roll dice [1d8 + 2d10]
[P(<dice>)] Calculate dice probability distribution [P(1d8)] shows a histogram and expected value for a d8
context Show what a quantity means in context 5`m` context compares 5 meters to the height of the tallest known human, the length of a bus, and the length of a blue whale

Supported functions

sin, cos, tan, cot, asin, acos, atan, atan2 (coming soon), acot (coming soon), sqrt, ln, log10, log2, logb


cargo build --release


Once it's built, the executable will be at target/release/rustcalc-4
Note that it looks for the units.txt file in the current directory


~351K SLoC