7 releases

0.0.9 Jan 2, 2025
0.0.8 Jan 1, 2025
0.0.7 Dec 24, 2023
0.0.6 Oct 25, 2023
0.0.0 Jan 16, 2023

#222 in Development tools

MIT license

3.5K SLoC


Flowmium is a workflow orchestrator that uses Kubernetes. You can define and run a YAML workflow of containers or you can run a python workflow where each function runs as a Kubernetes pod.

A python workflow would look like this

from flowmium import Flow, FlowContext
from flowmium.serializers import plain_text, json_text, pkl

flow = Flow("testing")

def foo() -> str:
    return "Hallo world"

@flow.task({"input_str": foo}, serializer=plain_text)
def replace_letter_a(input_str: str, flowctx: FlowContext) -> str:
    return input_str.replace("a", "e") + str(flowctx.task_id)

@flow.task({"input_str": foo}, serializer=pkl)
def replace_letter_t(input_str: str) -> str:
    return input_str.replace("t", "d")

    {"first": replace_letter_t, "second": replace_letter_a}, serializer=plain_text
def concat(first: str, second: str) -> str:
    return f"{first} {second}"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Getting started

flowctl CLI

The flowctl CLI is used to monitor current status of workflows, submit new workflows and download artifacts.


cargo install flowmium


Action Command
List workflows flowctl list
Use explicit URL flowctl --url http://localhost:8080 list
Submit a YAML flow flowctl submit flow.yaml
Download artefact flowctl download <flow-id> <output-name> <local-dir-path>
Subscribe to events flowctl subscribe
Describe a flow flowctl describe <id>
Create secrets flowctl secret create <key> <value>
Update secret flowctl secret update <key> <value>
Delete secret flowctl secret delete <key>


Secrets are stored in the server and can be referred to set environment variable values in YAML definition or the Python workflows. This is so you don't have to commit secrets to your repository. They don't however use Kubernetes secrets, they are set as normal environment variables when workflow tasks are deployed as a Job.

YAML flow definition schema

Reference for YAML flow definition. See example.


Key Type Description
name string Name of the flow
tasks list of Task List of tasks, each task will be deployed as a kubernetes job


Key Type Description
name string Name of the task
image string Docker image for the task
depends list of string List of names of other tasks this task depends on, these tasks will be run before this task
cmd list of string Entry point command the task
env list of Env List of environment variables for the task
inputs list of Input List of inputs to download from dependency tasks
outputs list of Output List of outputs to upload from the task so it can be used by other tasks


Key Type Description
name string Name of the environment variable
value or fromSecret string Literal string value if value or name of the secret if fromSecret


Key Type Description
from string Name of output from a dependency task to be downloaded
path string The path to which to the input should be downloaded to


Key Type Description
name string Name of the output
path string The path to which to the output will be written to by running cmd

Running from source

Running python flow example from source

These instructions will allow you to run an example python flow (framework/tests/example_flow.py) all from local source without pulling from upstream (including the executor). Use this to validate your changes. Instructions assume you are at the root of the repo.

  • Install sqlx CLI

    cargo install sqlx-cli
  • Run a test kubernetes cluster, minio and container registry in local

    cd flowmium/
    make up
  • Watch for pods running in the local cluster

    cd flowmium/
    make watch
  • Run migrations

    cd flowmium/
    sqlx migrate run
  • Run the flowmium server from root of this repo

    cd flowmium/
    export FLOWMIUM_POSTGRES_URL='postgres://flowmium:flowmium@localhost/flowmium'
    export FLOWMIUM_STORE_URL='http://localhost:9000'
    export FLOWMIUM_BUCKET_NAME='flowmium-test'
    export FLOWMIUM_ACCESS_KEY='minio'
    export FLOWMIUM_SECRET_KEY='password'
    export FLOWMIUM_INIT_CONTAINER_IMAGE='docker.io/shnoo28/flowmium:latest'
    export FLOWMIUM_NAMESPACE=default
    export KUBECONFIG=./kubeconfig.yaml
    cargo run --bin flowmium -- server --port 8080
  • Watch flow status using flowctl

    cd flowmium/
    cargo build
    watch ./target/debug/flowctl list
  • Build and push the example python flow (NOTE: You might want to use a different image name if you running the test for the second time or prune docker images on your machine)

    cd framework/
    docker build . -t py-flow-test
    docker tag py-flow-test localhost:5180/py-flow-test:latest
    docker push localhost:5180/py-flow-test:latest
  • Submit the flow to the executor server

    python3 -m tests --image registry:5000/py-flow-test:latest --cmd 'python3 -m tests' --flowmium-server http://localhost:8080

Running e2e tests

  • For running e2e tests with init container from upstream

    make test
  • For running e2e tests with init container from source


Running unit tests for python framework

Run make test from framework/ path.


~2M SLoC