Cargo Features

firewheel = { version = "0.2.4-beta.0", default-features = false, features = ["cpal", "resampler", "symphonium", "sampler_pool", "all_nodes", "beep_test_node", "peak_meter_node", "sampler_node", "spatial_basic_node", "stereo_to_mono_node", "volume_pan_node", "volume_node"] }
default = beep_test_node, cpal, peak_meter_node, resampler, sampler_node, sampler_pool, spatial_basic_node, stereo_to_mono_node, symphonium, volume_node, volume_pan_node

These default features are set whenever firewheel is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

cpal default

Enables the cpal backend

Enables firewheel-cpal

resampler default

Enables resampling support when loading audio files

Enables resampler of firewheel-core

symphonium default

Enables using Symphonium for loading audio files

Enables symphonium of firewheel-core

sampler_pool default = sampler_node

Enables the SamplerPool helper type for constructing a pool of sampler nodes that can dynamically be assigned work.

Enables smallvec and thunderdome

Affects firewheel::sampler_pool

all_nodes = beep_test_node, peak_meter_node, sampler_node, stereo_to_mono_node, volume_node, volume_pan_node

Enables all built-in factory nodes

beep_test_node default all_nodes?

Enables the "beep test" node

Enables beep_test of firewheel-nodes

peak_meter_node default all_nodes?

Enables the peak meter node

Enables peak_meter of firewheel-nodes

sampler_node default all_nodes? sampler_pool

Enables the sampler node

Enables sampler of firewheel-nodes

spatial_basic_node default

Enables the basic 3D spatial positioning node

Enables spatial_basic of firewheel-nodes

Affects sampler_pool::SpatialBasicChain

stereo_to_mono_node default all_nodes?

Enables the stereo to mono node

Enables stereo_to_mono of firewheel-nodes

volume_pan_node default all_nodes?

Enables the volume pan node

Enables volume_pan of firewheel-nodes

Affects sampler_pool::VolumePanChain

volume_node default all_nodes?

Enables the volume node

Enables volume of firewheel-nodes