#api-client #client #openapi #economy #api-bindings


Rust API client for firefly-iii

11 releases

0.2.3 Aug 15, 2020
0.2.2 Aug 9, 2020
0.2.1 Jul 4, 2020
0.1.0-alpha.7 Mar 4, 2020
0.1.0-alpha.2 Dec 6, 2019

#118 in #openapi



Rust API client for firefly-iii

Crates.io Documentation

This is the official documentation of the Firefly III API. You can find accompanying documentation on the website of Firefly III itself (see below). Please report any bugs or issues. This version of the API is live from version v4.7.9 and onwards. You may use the "Authorize" button to try the API below.


This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 1.3.0
  • Package version: 1.3.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RustClientCodegen For more information, please visit https://firefly-iii.org


Put the package under your project folder and add the following to Cargo.toml under [dependencies]:

firefly-iii = "0.2.3"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://demo.firefly-iii.org

Class Method HTTP request Description
AboutApi get_about GET /api/v1/about System information end point.
AboutApi get_current_user GET /api/v1/about/user Currently authenticated user endpoint.
AccountsApi delete_account DELETE /api/v1/accounts/{id} Permanently delete account.
AccountsApi get_account GET /api/v1/accounts/{id} Get single account.
AccountsApi list_account GET /api/v1/accounts List all accounts.
AccountsApi list_attachment_by_account GET /api/v1/accounts/{id}/attachments Lists all attachments.
AccountsApi list_piggy_bank_by_account GET /api/v1/accounts/{id}/piggy_banks List all piggy banks related to the account.
AccountsApi list_transaction_by_account GET /api/v1/accounts/{id}/transactions List all transactions related to the account.
AccountsApi store_account POST /api/v1/accounts Create new account.
AccountsApi update_account PUT /api/v1/accounts/{id} Update existing account.
AttachmentsApi delete_attachment DELETE /api/v1/attachments/{id} Delete an attachment.
AttachmentsApi download_attachment GET /api/v1/attachments/{id}/download Download a single attachment.
AttachmentsApi get_attachment GET /api/v1/attachments/{id} Get a single attachment.
AttachmentsApi list_attachment GET /api/v1/attachments List all attachments.
AttachmentsApi store_attachment POST /api/v1/attachments Store a new attachment.
AttachmentsApi update_attachment PUT /api/v1/attachments/{id} Update existing attachment.
AttachmentsApi upload_attachment POST /api/v1/attachments/{id}/upload Upload an attachment.
AutocompleteApi get_accounts_ac GET /api/v1/autocomplete/accounts All accounts of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
AutocompleteApi get_bills_ac GET /api/v1/autocomplete/bills All bills of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
AutocompleteApi get_budgets_ac GET /api/v1/autocomplete/budgets All budgets of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
AutocompleteApi get_categories_ac GET /api/v1/autocomplete/categories All categories of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
AutocompleteApi get_currencies_ac GET /api/v1/autocomplete/currencies All currencies of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
AutocompleteApi get_currencies_code_ac GET /api/v1/autocomplete/currencies-with-code All currencies of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
AutocompleteApi get_object_groups_ac GET /api/v1/autocomplete/object-groups All object groups of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
AutocompleteApi get_rule_groups_ac GET /api/v1/autocomplete/rule-groups All rule groups of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
AutocompleteApi get_rules_ac GET /api/v1/autocomplete/rules All rules of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
AutocompleteApi get_tag_ac GET /api/v1/autocomplete/tags All tags of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
AutocompleteApi get_transaction_types_ac GET /api/v1/autocomplete/transaction-types All transaction types returned in a basic auto-complete array. English only.
AutocompleteApi get_transactions_ac GET /api/v1/autocomplete/transactions All transaction descriptions of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
AutocompleteApi get_transactions_idac GET /api/v1/autocomplete/transactions-with-id All transactions, complemented with their ID, of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
AvailableBudgetsApi delete_available_budget DELETE /api/v1/available_budgets/{id} Delete an available budget.
AvailableBudgetsApi get_available_budget GET /api/v1/available_budgets/{id} Get a single available budget.
AvailableBudgetsApi list_available_budget GET /api/v1/available_budgets List all available budget amounts.
AvailableBudgetsApi store_available_budget POST /api/v1/available_budgets Store a new available budget
AvailableBudgetsApi update_available_budget PUT /api/v1/available_budgets/{id} Update existing available budget, to change for example the date range of the amount or the amount itself.
BillsApi delete_bill DELETE /api/v1/bills/{id} Delete a bill.
BillsApi get_bill GET /api/v1/bills/{id} Get a single bill.
BillsApi list_attachment_by_bill GET /api/v1/bills/{id}/attachments List all attachments uploaded to the bill.
BillsApi list_bill GET /api/v1/bills List all bills.
BillsApi list_rule_by_bill GET /api/v1/bills/{id}/rules List all rules associated with the bill.
BillsApi list_transaction_by_bill GET /api/v1/bills/{id}/transactions List all transactions associated with the bill.
BillsApi store_bill POST /api/v1/bills Store a new bill
BillsApi update_bill PUT /api/v1/bills/{id} Update existing bill.
BudgetsApi delete_budget DELETE /api/v1/budgets/{id} Delete a budget.
BudgetsApi delete_budget_limit DELETE /api/v1/budgets/limits/{id} Delete a budget limit.
BudgetsApi get_budget GET /api/v1/budgets/{id} Get a single budget.
BudgetsApi get_budget_limit GET /api/v1/budgets/limits/{id} Get single budget limit.
BudgetsApi list_attachment_by_budget GET /api/v1/budgets/{id}/attachments Lists all attachments.
BudgetsApi list_budget GET /api/v1/budgets List all budgets.
BudgetsApi list_budget_limit_by_budget GET /api/v1/budgets/{id}/limits Get all limits
BudgetsApi list_transaction_by_budget GET /api/v1/budgets/{id}/transactions All transactions to a budget.
BudgetsApi list_transaction_by_budget_limit GET /api/v1/budgets/limits/{id}/transactions List all transactions by a budget limit ID.
BudgetsApi store_budget POST /api/v1/budgets Store a new budget
BudgetsApi store_budget_limit POST /api/v1/budgets/{id}/limits Store new budget limit.
BudgetsApi update_budget PUT /api/v1/budgets/{id} Update existing budget.
BudgetsApi update_budget_limit PUT /api/v1/budgets/limits/{id} Update existing budget limit.
CategoriesApi delete_category DELETE /api/v1/categories/{id} Delete a category.
CategoriesApi get_category GET /api/v1/categories/{id} Get a single category.
CategoriesApi list_attachment_by_category GET /api/v1/categories/{id}/attachments Lists all attachments.
CategoriesApi list_category GET /api/v1/categories List all categories.
CategoriesApi list_transaction_by_category GET /api/v1/categories/{id}/transactions List all transactions in a category.
CategoriesApi store_category POST /api/v1/categories Store a new category
CategoriesApi update_category PUT /api/v1/categories/{id} Update existing category.
ChartsApi get_chart_ab_overview GET /api/v1/chart/ab/overview/{id} Dashboard chart with an overview of the available budget.
ChartsApi get_chart_account_expense GET /api/v1/chart/account/expense Dashboard chart with expense account balance information.
ChartsApi get_chart_account_overview GET /api/v1/chart/account/overview Dashboard chart with asset account balance information.
ChartsApi get_chart_account_revenue GET /api/v1/chart/account/revenue Dashboard chart with revenue account balance information.
ChartsApi get_chart_category_overview GET /api/v1/chart/category/overview Dashboard chart with an overview of the users categories.
ConfigurationApi get_configuration GET /api/v1/configuration Get Firefly III system configuration.
ConfigurationApi set_configuration POST /api/v1/configuration/{name} Update configuration
CurrenciesApi default_currency POST /api/v1/currencies/{code}/default Make currency default currency.
CurrenciesApi delete_currency DELETE /api/v1/currencies/{code} Delete a currency.
CurrenciesApi disable_currency POST /api/v1/currencies/{code}/disable Disable a currency.
CurrenciesApi enable_currency POST /api/v1/currencies/{code}/enable Enable a single currency.
CurrenciesApi get_currency GET /api/v1/currencies/{code} Get a single currency.
CurrenciesApi get_default_currency GET /api/v1/currencies/default Get the user's default currency.
CurrenciesApi list_account_by_currency GET /api/v1/currencies/{code}/accounts List all accounts with this currency.
CurrenciesApi list_available_budget_by_currency GET /api/v1/currencies/{code}/available_budgets List all available budgets with this currency.
CurrenciesApi list_bill_by_currency GET /api/v1/currencies/{code}/bills List all bills with this currency.
CurrenciesApi list_budget_limit_by_currency GET /api/v1/currencies/{code}/budget_limits List all budget limits with this currency
CurrenciesApi list_currency GET /api/v1/currencies List all currencies.
CurrenciesApi list_exchange_rate_by_currency GET /api/v1/currencies/{code}/cer List all known exchange rates with (from or to) this currency.
CurrenciesApi list_recurrence_by_currency GET /api/v1/currencies/{code}/recurrences List all recurring transactions with this currency.
CurrenciesApi list_rule_by_currency GET /api/v1/currencies/{code}/rules List all rules with this currency.
CurrenciesApi list_transaction_by_currency GET /api/v1/currencies/{code}/transactions List all transactions with this currency.
CurrenciesApi store_currency POST /api/v1/currencies Store a new currency
CurrenciesApi update_currency PUT /api/v1/currencies/{code} Update existing currency.
CurrencyExchangeRatesApi get_exchange_rate GET /api/v1/cer Get an exchange rate.
DataApi destroy_data DELETE /api/v1/data/destroy Endpoint to destroy user data
ImportApi get_import GET /api/v1/import/{key} Show info on a single import
ImportApi list_import GET /api/v1/import/list List al imports
ImportApi list_transaction_by_import GET /api/v1/import/{key}/transactions List all transactions related to the import job. The correlation is made through the tag.
LinksApi delete_link_type DELETE /api/v1/link_types/{id} Permanently delete link type.
LinksApi delete_transaction_link DELETE /api/v1/transaction_links/{id} Permanently delete link between transactions.
LinksApi get_link_type GET /api/v1/link_types/{id} Get single a link type.
LinksApi get_transaction_link GET /api/v1/transaction_links/{id} Get a single link.
LinksApi list_link_type GET /api/v1/link_types List all types of links.
LinksApi list_transaction_by_link_type GET /api/v1/link_types/{id}/transactions List all transactions under this link type.
LinksApi list_transaction_link GET /api/v1/transaction_links List all transaction links.
LinksApi store_link_type POST /api/v1/link_types Create a new link type
LinksApi store_transaction_link POST /api/v1/transaction_links Create a new link between transactions
LinksApi update_link_type PUT /api/v1/link_types/{id} Update existing link type.
LinksApi update_transaction_link PUT /api/v1/transaction_links/{id} Update an existing link between transactions.
PiggyBanksApi delete_piggy_bank DELETE /api/v1/piggy_banks/{id} Delete a piggy bank.
PiggyBanksApi get_piggy_bank GET /api/v1/piggy_banks/{id} Get a single piggy bank.
PiggyBanksApi list_attachment_by_piggy_bank GET /api/v1/piggy_banks/{id}/attachments Lists all attachments.
PiggyBanksApi list_event_by_piggy_bank GET /api/v1/piggy_banks/{id}/events List all events linked to a piggy bank.
PiggyBanksApi list_piggy_bank GET /api/v1/piggy_banks List all piggy banks.
PiggyBanksApi store_piggy_bank POST /api/v1/piggy_banks Store a new piggy bank
PiggyBanksApi update_piggy_bank PUT /api/v1/piggy_banks/{id} Update existing piggy bank.
PreferencesApi get_preference GET /api/v1/preferences/{name} Return a single preference.
PreferencesApi list_preference GET /api/v1/preferences List all users preferences.
PreferencesApi update_preference PUT /api/v1/preferences/{name} Update preference
RecurrencesApi delete_recurrence DELETE /api/v1/recurrences/{id} Delete a recurring transaction.
RecurrencesApi get_recurrence GET /api/v1/recurrences/{id} Get a single recurring transaction.
RecurrencesApi list_recurrence GET /api/v1/recurrences List all recurring transactions.
RecurrencesApi list_transaction_by_recurrence GET /api/v1/recurrences/{id}/transactions List all transactions created by a recurring transaction.
RecurrencesApi store_recurrence POST /api/v1/recurrences Store a new recurring transaction
RecurrencesApi trigger_recurrence POST /api/v1/recurrences/trigger Trigger the creation of recurring transactions (like a cron job).
RecurrencesApi update_recurrence PUT /api/v1/recurrences/{id} Update existing recurring transaction.
RuleGroupsApi delete_rule_group DELETE /api/v1/rule_groups/{id} Delete a rule group.
RuleGroupsApi fire_rule_group POST /api/v1/rule_groups/{id}/trigger Fire the rule group on your transactions.
RuleGroupsApi get_rule_group GET /api/v1/rule_groups/{id} Get a single rule group.
RuleGroupsApi list_rule_by_group GET /api/v1/rule_groups/{id}/rules List rules in this rule group.
RuleGroupsApi list_rule_group GET /api/v1/rule_groups List all rule groups.
RuleGroupsApi store_rule_group POST /api/v1/rule_groups Store a new rule group.
RuleGroupsApi test_rule_group GET /api/v1/rule_groups/{id}/test Test which transactions would be hit by the rule group. No changes will be made.
RuleGroupsApi update_rule_group PUT /api/v1/rule_groups/{id} Update existing rule group.
RulesApi delete_rule DELETE /api/v1/rules/{id} Delete an rule.
RulesApi fire_rule POST /api/v1/rules/{id}/trigger Fire the rule on your transactions.
RulesApi get_rule GET /api/v1/rules/{id} Get a single rule.
RulesApi list_rule GET /api/v1/rules List all rules.
RulesApi store_rule POST /api/v1/rules Store a new rule
RulesApi test_rule GET /api/v1/rules/{id}/test Test which transactions would be hit by the rule. No changes will be made.
RulesApi update_rule PUT /api/v1/rules/{id} Update existing rule.
SearchApi search_accounts GET /api/v1/search/accounts Search for accounts
SearchApi search_transactions GET /api/v1/search/transactions Search for transactions
SummaryApi get_basic_summary GET /api/v1/summary/basic Returns basic sums of the users data.
TagsApi delete_tag DELETE /api/v1/tags/{tag} Delete an tag.
TagsApi get_tag GET /api/v1/tags/{tag} Get a single tag.
TagsApi get_tag_cloud GET /api/v1/tag-cloud Returns a basic tag cloud.
TagsApi list_attachment_by_tag GET /api/v1/tags/{tag}/attachments Lists all attachments.
TagsApi list_tag GET /api/v1/tags List all tags.
TagsApi list_transaction_by_tag GET /api/v1/tags/{tag}/transactions List all transactions with this tag.
TagsApi store_tag POST /api/v1/tags Store a new tag
TagsApi update_tag PUT /api/v1/tags/{tag} Update existing tag.
TransactionsApi delete_transaction DELETE /api/v1/transactions/{id} Delete a transaction.
TransactionsApi get_transaction GET /api/v1/transactions/{id} Get a single transaction.
TransactionsApi get_transaction_by_journal GET /api/v1/transaction-journals/{id} Get a single transaction, based on one of the underlying transaction journals.
TransactionsApi list_attachment_by_transaction GET /api/v1/transactions/{id}/attachments Lists all attachments.
TransactionsApi list_event_by_transaction GET /api/v1/transactions/{id}/piggy_bank_events Lists all piggy bank events.
TransactionsApi list_transaction GET /api/v1/transactions List all the user's transactions.
TransactionsApi store_transaction POST /api/v1/transactions Store a new transaction
TransactionsApi update_transaction PUT /api/v1/transactions/{id} Update existing transaction.
UsersApi delete_user DELETE /api/v1/users/{id} Delete a user.
UsersApi get_user GET /api/v1/users/{id} Get a single user.
UsersApi list_user GET /api/v1/users List all users.
UsersApi store_user POST /api/v1/users Store a new user
UsersApi update_user PUT /api/v1/users/{id} Update an existing user's information.

Documentation For Models

To get access to the crate's generated documentation, use:

cargo doc --open




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