#tax #federation #pdf #payment #manage #help #json

bin+lib fbihtax

Simple CLI tool to help manage tax payments in FBiH (Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation)

2 releases

0.3.2 Aug 23, 2022
0.3.1 Aug 19, 2022

#9 in #federation

MIT license



WORK IN PROGRESS - basic version available, used personally, but not thoroghly tested

Simple CLI tool to help manage tax payments in FBiH (Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation) written in Rust.

Currently PDF output requires pdftk to be installed, otherwise fdf or json outputs can be used.


From binaries

Check out releases for built binaries. Script is also available for installation, but it requires root access. Script will also install pdftk version required to properly run this tool.

$ sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://git.sr.ht/~esensar/fbihtax/blob/main/scripts/install.sh)"


$ sudo sh -c "$(wget -qO- https://git.sr.ht/~esensar/fbihtax/blob/main/scripts/install.sh)"


$ sudo sh -c "$(fetch -o - https://git.sr.ht/~esensar/fbihtax/blob/main/scripts/install.sh)"

Using cargo

Fbihtax is deployed to crates.io, so it can be installed with cargo:

$ cargo install fbihtax

Note: This requires pdftk to be installed manually.

From source

Clone the repository and install fbihtax with cargo:

$ cargo install --path .

Note: This requires pdftk to be installed manually.


This is preferably used automatically on some server, but it can also be used manually if needed. For automatic example check out fbihtax-example-project which can also be used as a template.

For more information use fbihtax --help.

Generating AMS form

This tool supports multiple formats for AMS form (PDF being the most interesting probably). To generate simple PDF run:

$ fbihtax ams --income 1000.00 --output-format pdf

Above command requires pdftk to be installed and available on path. If not available on path, path to the tool can be provided in configuration.

For more customization fdf, xfdf or json formats can be generated. To use custom fonts in the resulting PDF:

$ fbihtax ams --income 1000.00 --output-format xfdf
$ pdftk amscache.pdf fill_form amsform.xfdf output amsform.pdf replacement_font "Your Font Family Here"

Above command requires pdftk-java version above v3.3.0 since replacement_font was not available before

Check out fbihtax ams --help for more options.

Generating tax breakdown

This tool can provide a basic tax breakdown to make it easier to calculate tax payments.

$ fbihtax tax-breakdown --income 1000.00

This will generate taxbreakdown.json in current directory. Check out fbihtax tax-breakdown --help for more options.

Generating GPD form

This tool can also generate GPD form (yearly tax report). It relies on database build by generating AMS forms using this tool. If some data is missing from the database it can be manually added using fbihtax db set of commands. It is also possible to provide extra GIP (yearly tax report provided by employer) to combine properly with data in db.

$ fbihtax gpd --year 2021 --output-format pdf

Just like for AMS commands, this command can output different formats, which can be useful to add custom fonts to the PDF:

$ fbihtax gpd --year 2021 --output-format xfdf
$ pdftk gpdcache.pdf fill_form gpdform.xfdf output gpdform.pdf replacement_font "Your Font Family Here"

Above command requires pdftk-java version above v3.3.0 since replacement_font was not available before

Check out fbihtax gpd --help for more options and fbihtax db --help for more options regarding database management.


This tool looks for configuration in .fbihtax.json file in current working directory. Besides that main configuration, optionally separate user and client configuration JSON files can be provided.

For all options, check out example configuration. User and client configuration JSON files are also present in examples directory.

To provide user and client configurations, use --user-config file_name.json and --client-config file_name.json.




~324K SLoC