enum-kinds is used at run time in 38 crates (of which 3 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 14 crates.

Number of dependers enum-kinds version Downloads/month
35 0.5.1 25K
3 0.4.1 190
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) enum-kinds version
950 18 mpris ^0.5.1
2.6K kmacros optional ^0.5.1
600 oglo-cpu-asm ^0.5.1
110 rust_ev_verifier_lib ^0.5
5 depict ^0.5.1
sponsor-block ^0.5
lochnes ^0.5.1
aiot ^0.5.1
bmail ^0.5
mz-avro ^0.5.1
bdat ^0.5.1
1 enet-proto ^0.5
pier ^0.4.1
deluge-rpc ^0.5.0