6 releases

0.3.0 Nov 5, 2024
0.3.0-rc.1 Oct 4, 2024
0.2.0 Jul 11, 2024
0.2.0-rc.1 Jun 27, 2024
0.0.0 Jan 4, 2024

#25 in #tss

Used in entropy-testing-utils




The threshold signature server which stores keyshares and executes the Entropy protocols.

Running integrations tests for the JS bindings to the entropy-protocol private user API

cd crates/protocol
make build-nodejs-testing
cd nodejs-test
cd ../../..
cargo test -p entropy-tss --release -F wasm_test test_wasm

If you have issues when re-running these tests following changes, remove nodejs-test/node_modules before re-running yarn.



The Threshold Server which stores key shares and participates in the signing protocol.


This exposes a HTTP API.

The HTTP endpoints

Some endpoints are designed to be called by the user, some by the entropy chain node, and some by other instances of server:

For the user

Most user-facing endpoints take a SignedMessage which is an encrypted, signed message.

/user/relay_tx - POST


Called by a user to submit a transaction to sign. Takes a [UserSignatureRequest] encrypted in a SignedMessage.

Picks signers and gets them to sign a message then returns the responses to the user.

The response is chunked response stream. If the UserSignatureRequest could be processed, a success response header is sent. Then the signing protocol runs. When the it finishes, a single message will be sent on the response stream with the result.

If everything went well, the message will be a vector of JSON objects with a signle property "Ok" containing an array which contains two strings. Each element in the vector is a response from a signer.

For example:


The first string is a base64 encoded signature produced by the signing protocol. This is a 65 byte signature, the final byte of which is a recovery ID.

The second string is a hex encoded sr25519 signature of the signature made by the TSS server, which can be used to authenticate that this response really came from this TSS server.

In case signing was not successfull, the message will be a JSON object with a signle property "Err" containing an error message, for example:

"[{"Err":"Too many requests - wait a block"},{"Err":"Too many requests - wait a block"}]"

Curl example for user/sign_tx:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"msg" "0x174...hex encoded signedmessage...","sig":"821754409744cbb878b44bd1e3dc575a4ea721e12d781b074fcdb808fc79fd33dd1928b1a281c0b6261a30536a7c0106a102f27dad1bc3ef475b626f0e57c983","pk":[172,133,159,138,33,110,235,27,50,11,76,118,209,24,218,61,116,7,250,82,52,132,208,169,128,18,109,59,77,13,34,10],"recip":[10,192,41,240,184,83,178,59,237,101,45,109,13,230,155,124,195,141,148,249,55,50,238,252,133,181,134,30,144,247,58,34],"a":[169,94,23,7,19,184,134,70,233,117,2,84,242,135,246,95,159,14,218,125,209,191,175,89,41,196,182,96,117,5,159,98],"nonce":[114,93,158,35,209,188,96,248,85,131,95,237]}' \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \

/user/sign_tx - POST


Called by a relayer to submit a transaction to sign. Takes a [RelayerSignatureRequest] encrypted in a SignedMessage.

The response is chunked response stream. If the RelayerSignatureRequest could be processed, a success response header is sent. Then the signing protocol runs. When the it finishes, a single message will be sent on the response stream with the result.

If everything went well, the message will be a JSON object with a signle property "Ok" containing an array which contains two strings.

For example:


The first string is a base64 encoded signature produced by the signing protocol. This is a 65 byte signature, the final byte of which is a recovery ID.

The second string is a hex encoded sr25519 signature of the signature made by the TSS server, which can be used to authenticate that this response really came from this TSS server.

In case signing was not successfull, the message will be a JSON object with a signle property "Err" containing an error message, for example:

{"Err":"reqwest event error: Invalid status code: 500 Internal Server Error"}

Curl example for user/sign_tx:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"msg" "0x174...hex encoded signedmessage...","sig":"821754409744cbb878b44bd1e3dc575a4ea721e12d781b074fcdb808fc79fd33dd1928b1a281c0b6261a30536a7c0106a102f27dad1bc3ef475b626f0e57c983","pk":[172,133,159,138,33,110,235,27,50,11,76,118,209,24,218,61,116,7,250,82,52,132,208,169,128,18,109,59,77,13,34,10],"recip":[10,192,41,240,184,83,178,59,237,101,45,109,13,230,155,124,195,141,148,249,55,50,238,252,133,181,134,30,144,247,58,34],"a":[169,94,23,7,19,184,134,70,233,117,2,84,242,135,246,95,159,14,218,125,209,191,175,89,41,196,182,96,117,5,159,98],"nonce":[114,93,158,35,209,188,96,248,85,131,95,237]}' \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \

For the blockchain node

For other instances of the threshold server

Takes a [UserRegistrationInfo] containing the users account ID and associated keyshare, wrapped in a crate::validation::SignedMessage.

For testing / development

Unsafe has additional routes which are for testing and development purposes only and will not be used in production. These routes are only available if this crate is compiled with the unsafe feature enabled.

  • unsafe/get - POST - get a value from the key-value store, given its key.
  • unsafe/put - POST - update an existing value in the key-value store.
  • unsafe/delete - POST - remove a value from the key-value store, given its key.
  • unsafe/remove_keys - GET - remove everything from the key-value store.

Pieces Launched

  • Axum server - Includes global state and mutex locked IPs
  • kvdb - Encrypted key-value database for storing key-shares and other data, build using sled


~2.5M SLoC