encode_unicode is used at run time in 4,766 crates (of which 4,075 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 19 crates. It's used at build time in 46 crates (of which 46 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 627 crates (of which 1 directly).

Number of dependers encode_unicode version Downloads/month
372 1.0.0 307K
5,032 0.3.6 2.1M
35 0.1.3 3.2K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) encode_unicode version
3.5M 965 console ^0.3
361K 459 prettytable-rs ^1.0
35K 68 prettytable ^1.0
12K 10 ssmarshal ^0.3
1.1K wterm-sessionizer ^1.0.0
700 kanata ^0.3.6
450 kbremap ^1.0
390 fnck_sql ^1
3 ssb-legacy-msg-data ^0.3.5
1 luther ^0.3.1
alice ^0.3
millennium-cli ^0.3
glyphana ^1.0.0
1 ssb-json-msg-data ^0.3.5
ltrs ^0.3.6
fermion ^0.3
wee-rl ^0.1.3
1 chopper ^1.0
1 tcalc-rustyline ^0.1.3
110 utf8char dev ^1.0.0