13 breaking releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.23.0 Jul 2, 2018
0.21.0 Apr 3, 2018
0.20.0 Jan 25, 2018
0.19.0 Dec 28, 2017
0.10.1 Jul 27, 2017

#5 in #cold-storage

39 downloads per month


883 lines

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               / _ \  / __ `__ \ / _ \  / ___/ / __ `/  / /  / __  /  ______ / ___/  / /   / /
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              \___/ /_/ /_/ /_/ \___/ /_/     \__,_/  /_/   \__,_/          \___/  /_/   /_/

Travis CircleCI AppVeyor crates.io Software License


Emerald Platform is a set of tools to build and integrate other applications with the Ethereum Classic (ETC) blockchain. Emerald CLI(Command Line Interface) is a tool to access Ethereum ETC from the command line. It connects to an external node ("upstream") and allows a user or application to read information from the blockchain and to send new transactions. In the latter case it provides functionality to sign transactions by a provided Private Key. The tool integrates Emerald Vault with the intention of generation, import, and/or storing of Ethereum Private Keys.

emerald-cli is compatible with both Ethereum ETC and ETH.


$ emerald --help

Command-line interface for Emerald platform


    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -v               Sets the level of verbosity
    -V, --version    Display version

    -p, --base-path <base-path>    Set path for chain storage
    -c, --chain <chain>            Sets a chain name [default: mainnet]

    account        Account related commands
    balance        Request account's balance from ethereum node through RPC
    help           Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    mnemonic       Create mnemonic phrase according to BIP39 spec
    server         Start local RPC server
    transaction    Transaction related commands

For detailed documentation see https://docs.etcdevteam.com/html/emerald-cli

Installing Emerald CLI

Download stable binary

Binaries for all platforms are currently published at https://github.com/ETCDEVTeam/emerald-cli/releases

🍻 Install with Homebrew (OSX only)

Install latest stable binary.

$ brew install ethereumproject/classic/emerald-cli

Download development build

Development builds are usually unstable and may contain critical issues that can lead to loss of funds. Use it on your risk

ETCDEV has a dedicated website for all build artifacts, which are published on each new commit into master branch. To download a latest development build, please open https://builds.etcdevteam.com and choose Emerald CLI tab

Build from sources


Install Rust from https://www.rust-lang.org/en-US/install.html

Unix one-liner:

curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

On Windows, Rust additionally requires the C++ build tools for Visual Studio 2013 or later. The easiest way to acquire the build tools is by installing Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools 2017 which provides just the Visual C++ build tools.


git clone https://github.com/etcdevteam/emerald-cli.git
cd emerald-cli
cargo build --release
cd target\debug


Apache 2.0


~802K SLoC