Cargo Features
embassy-stm32 = { version = "0.2.0", default-features = false, features = ["rt", "defmt", "exti", "low-power", "low-power-debug-with-sleep", "memory-x", "trustzone-secure", "unstable-pac", "unchecked-overclocking", "time", "time-driver-any", "time-driver-tim1", "time-driver-tim2", "time-driver-tim3", "time-driver-tim4", "time-driver-tim5", "time-driver-tim8", "time-driver-tim9", "time-driver-tim12", "time-driver-tim15", "time-driver-tim20", "time-driver-tim21", "time-driver-tim22", "time-driver-tim23", "time-driver-tim24", "split-pa0", "split-pa1", "split-pc2", "split-pc3", "stm32c011d6", "stm32c011f4", "stm32c011f6", "stm32c011j4", "stm32c011j6", "stm32c031c4", "stm32c031c6", "stm32c031f4", "stm32c031f6", "stm32c031g4", "stm32c031g6", "stm32c031k4", "stm32c031k6", "stm32f030c6", "stm32f030c8", "stm32f030cc", "stm32f030f4", "stm32f030k6", "stm32f030r8", "stm32f030rc", "stm32f031c4", "stm32f031c6", "stm32f031e6", "stm32f031f4", "stm32f031f6", "stm32f031g4", "stm32f031g6", "stm32f031k4", "stm32f031k6", "stm32f038c6", "stm32f038e6", "stm32f038f6", "stm32f038g6", "stm32f038k6", "stm32f042c4", "stm32f042c6", "stm32f042f4", "stm32f042f6", "stm32f042g4", "stm32f042g6", "stm32f042k4", "stm32f042k6", "stm32f042t6", "stm32f048c6", "stm32f048g6", "stm32f048t6", "stm32f051c4", "stm32f051c6", "stm32f051c8", "stm32f051k4", "stm32f051k6", "stm32f051k8", "stm32f051r4", "stm32f051r6", "stm32f051r8", "stm32f051t8", "stm32f058c8", "stm32f058r8", "stm32f058t8", "stm32f070c6", "stm32f070cb", "stm32f070f6", "stm32f070rb", "stm32f071c8", "stm32f071cb", "stm32f071rb", "stm32f071v8", "stm32f071vb", "stm32f072c8", "stm32f072cb", "stm32f072r8", "stm32f072rb", "stm32f072v8", "stm32f072vb", "stm32f078cb", "stm32f078rb", "stm32f078vb", "stm32f091cb", "stm32f091cc", "stm32f091rb", "stm32f091rc", "stm32f091vb", "stm32f091vc", "stm32f098cc", "stm32f098rc", "stm32f098vc", "stm32f100c4", "stm32f100c6", "stm32f100c8", "stm32f100cb", "stm32f100r4", "stm32f100r6", "stm32f100r8", "stm32f100rb", "stm32f100rc", "stm32f100rd", "stm32f100re", "stm32f100v8", "stm32f100vb", "stm32f100vc", "stm32f100vd", "stm32f100ve", "stm32f100zc", "stm32f100zd", "stm32f100ze", "stm32f101c4", "stm32f101c6", "stm32f101c8", "stm32f101cb", "stm32f101r4", "stm32f101r6", "stm32f101r8", "stm32f101rb", "stm32f101rc", "stm32f101rd", "stm32f101re", "stm32f101rf", "stm32f101rg", "stm32f101t4", "stm32f101t6", "stm32f101t8", "stm32f101tb", "stm32f101v8", "stm32f101vb", "stm32f101vc", "stm32f101vd", "stm32f101ve", "stm32f101vf", "stm32f101vg", "stm32f101zc", "stm32f101zd", "stm32f101ze", "stm32f101zf", "stm32f101zg", "stm32f102c4", "stm32f102c6", "stm32f102c8", "stm32f102cb", "stm32f102r4", "stm32f102r6", "stm32f102r8", "stm32f102rb", "stm32f103c4", "stm32f103c6", "stm32f103c8", "stm32f103cb", "stm32f103r4", "stm32f103r6", "stm32f103r8", "stm32f103rb", "stm32f103rc", "stm32f103rd", "stm32f103re", "stm32f103rf", "stm32f103rg", "stm32f103t4", "stm32f103t6", "stm32f103t8", "stm32f103tb", "stm32f103v8", "stm32f103vb", "stm32f103vc", "stm32f103vd", "stm32f103ve", "stm32f103vf", "stm32f103vg", "stm32f103zc", "stm32f103zd", "stm32f103ze", "stm32f103zf", "stm32f103zg", "stm32f105r8", "stm32f105rb", "stm32f105rc", "stm32f105v8", "stm32f105vb", "stm32f105vc", "stm32f107rb", "stm32f107rc", "stm32f107vb", "stm32f107vc", "stm32f205rb", "stm32f205rc", "stm32f205re", "stm32f205rf", "stm32f205rg", "stm32f205vb", "stm32f205vc", "stm32f205ve", "stm32f205vf", "stm32f205vg", "stm32f205zc", "stm32f205ze", "stm32f205zf", "stm32f205zg", "stm32f207ic", "stm32f207ie", "stm32f207if", "stm32f207ig", "stm32f207vc", "stm32f207ve", "stm32f207vf", "stm32f207vg", "stm32f207zc", "stm32f207ze", "stm32f207zf", "stm32f207zg", "stm32f215re", "stm32f215rg", "stm32f215ve", "stm32f215vg", "stm32f215ze", "stm32f215zg", "stm32f217ie", "stm32f217ig", "stm32f217ve", "stm32f217vg", "stm32f217ze", "stm32f217zg", "stm32f301c6", "stm32f301c8", "stm32f301k6", "stm32f301k8", "stm32f301r6", "stm32f301r8", "stm32f302c6", "stm32f302c8", "stm32f302cb", "stm32f302cc", "stm32f302k6", "stm32f302k8", "stm32f302r6", "stm32f302r8", "stm32f302rb", "stm32f302rc", "stm32f302rd", "stm32f302re", "stm32f302vb", "stm32f302vc", "stm32f302vd", "stm32f302ve", "stm32f302zd", "stm32f302ze", "stm32f303c6", "stm32f303c8", "stm32f303cb", "stm32f303cc", "stm32f303k6", "stm32f303k8", "stm32f303r6", "stm32f303r8", "stm32f303rb", "stm32f303rc", "stm32f303rd", "stm32f303re", "stm32f303vb", "stm32f303vc", "stm32f303vd", "stm32f303ve", "stm32f303zd", "stm32f303ze", "stm32f318c8", "stm32f318k8", "stm32f328c8", "stm32f334c4", "stm32f334c6", "stm32f334c8", "stm32f334k4", "stm32f334k6", "stm32f334k8", "stm32f334r6", "stm32f334r8", "stm32f358cc", "stm32f358rc", "stm32f358vc", "stm32f373c8", "stm32f373cb", "stm32f373cc", "stm32f373r8", "stm32f373rb", "stm32f373rc", "stm32f373v8", "stm32f373vb", "stm32f373vc", "stm32f378cc", "stm32f378rc", "stm32f378vc", "stm32f398ve", "stm32f401cb", "stm32f401cc", "stm32f401cd", "stm32f401ce", "stm32f401rb", "stm32f401rc", "stm32f401rd", "stm32f401re", "stm32f401vb", "stm32f401vc", "stm32f401vd", "stm32f401ve", "stm32f405oe", "stm32f405og", "stm32f405rg", "stm32f405vg", "stm32f405zg", "stm32f407ie", "stm32f407ig", "stm32f407ve", "stm32f407vg", "stm32f407ze", "stm32f407zg", "stm32f410c8", "stm32f410cb", "stm32f410r8", "stm32f410rb", "stm32f410t8", "stm32f410tb", "stm32f411cc", "stm32f411ce", "stm32f411rc", "stm32f411re", "stm32f411vc", "stm32f411ve", "stm32f412ce", "stm32f412cg", "stm32f412re", "stm32f412rg", "stm32f412ve", "stm32f412vg", "stm32f412ze", "stm32f412zg", "stm32f413cg", "stm32f413ch", "stm32f413mg", "stm32f413mh", "stm32f413rg", "stm32f413rh", "stm32f413vg", "stm32f413vh", "stm32f413zg", "stm32f413zh", "stm32f415og", "stm32f415rg", "stm32f415vg", "stm32f415zg", "stm32f417ie", "stm32f417ig", "stm32f417ve", "stm32f417vg", "stm32f417ze", "stm32f417zg", "stm32f423ch", "stm32f423mh", "stm32f423rh", "stm32f423vh", "stm32f423zh", "stm32f427ag", "stm32f427ai", "stm32f427ig", "stm32f427ii", "stm32f427vg", "stm32f427vi", "stm32f427zg", "stm32f427zi", "stm32f429ag", "stm32f429ai", "stm32f429be", "stm32f429bg", "stm32f429bi", "stm32f429ie", "stm32f429ig", "stm32f429ii", "stm32f429ne", "stm32f429ng", "stm32f429ni", "stm32f429ve", "stm32f429vg", "stm32f429vi", "stm32f429ze", "stm32f429zg", "stm32f429zi", "stm32f437ai", "stm32f437ig", "stm32f437ii", "stm32f437vg", "stm32f437vi", "stm32f437zg", "stm32f437zi", "stm32f439ai", "stm32f439bg", "stm32f439bi", "stm32f439ig", "stm32f439ii", "stm32f439ng", "stm32f439ni", "stm32f439vg", "stm32f439vi", "stm32f439zg", "stm32f439zi", "stm32f446mc", "stm32f446me", "stm32f446rc", "stm32f446re", "stm32f446vc", "stm32f446ve", "stm32f446zc", "stm32f446ze", "stm32f469ae", "stm32f469ag", "stm32f469ai", "stm32f469be", "stm32f469bg", "stm32f469bi", "stm32f469ie", "stm32f469ig", "stm32f469ii", "stm32f469ne", "stm32f469ng", "stm32f469ni", "stm32f469ve", "stm32f469vg", "stm32f469vi", "stm32f469ze", "stm32f469zg", "stm32f469zi", "stm32f479ag", "stm32f479ai", "stm32f479bg", "stm32f479bi", "stm32f479ig", "stm32f479ii", "stm32f479ng", "stm32f479ni", "stm32f479vg", "stm32f479vi", "stm32f479zg", "stm32f479zi", "stm32f722ic", "stm32f722ie", "stm32f722rc", "stm32f722re", "stm32f722vc", "stm32f722ve", "stm32f722zc", "stm32f722ze", "stm32f723ic", "stm32f723ie", "stm32f723vc", "stm32f723ve", "stm32f723zc", "stm32f723ze", "stm32f730i8", "stm32f730r8", "stm32f730v8", "stm32f730z8", "stm32f732ie", "stm32f732re", "stm32f732ve", "stm32f732ze", "stm32f733ie", "stm32f733ve", "stm32f733ze", "stm32f745ie", "stm32f745ig", "stm32f745ve", "stm32f745vg", "stm32f745ze", "stm32f745zg", "stm32f746be", "stm32f746bg", "stm32f746ie", "stm32f746ig", "stm32f746ne", "stm32f746ng", "stm32f746ve", "stm32f746vg", "stm32f746ze", "stm32f746zg", "stm32f750n8", "stm32f750v8", "stm32f750z8", "stm32f756bg", "stm32f756ig", "stm32f756ng", "stm32f756vg", "stm32f756zg", "stm32f765bg", "stm32f765bi", "stm32f765ig", "stm32f765ii", "stm32f765ng", "stm32f765ni", "stm32f765vg", "stm32f765vi", "stm32f765zg", "stm32f765zi", "stm32f767bg", "stm32f767bi", "stm32f767ig", "stm32f767ii", "stm32f767ng", "stm32f767ni", "stm32f767vg", "stm32f767vi", "stm32f767zg", "stm32f767zi", "stm32f768ai", "stm32f769ag", "stm32f769ai", "stm32f769bg", "stm32f769bi", "stm32f769ig", "stm32f769ii", "stm32f769ng", "stm32f769ni", "stm32f777bi", "stm32f777ii", "stm32f777ni", "stm32f777vi", "stm32f777zi", "stm32f778ai", "stm32f779ai", "stm32f779bi", "stm32f779ii", "stm32f779ni", "stm32g030c6", "stm32g030c8", "stm32g030f6", "stm32g030j6", "stm32g030k6", "stm32g030k8", "stm32g031c4", "stm32g031c6", "stm32g031c8", "stm32g031f4", "stm32g031f6", "stm32g031f8", "stm32g031g4", "stm32g031g6", "stm32g031g8", "stm32g031j4", "stm32g031j6", "stm32g031k4", "stm32g031k6", "stm32g031k8", "stm32g031y8", "stm32g041c6", "stm32g041c8", "stm32g041f6", "stm32g041f8", "stm32g041g6", "stm32g041g8", "stm32g041j6", "stm32g041k6", "stm32g041k8", "stm32g041y8", "stm32g050c6", "stm32g050c8", "stm32g050f6", "stm32g050k6", "stm32g050k8", "stm32g051c6", "stm32g051c8", "stm32g051f6", "stm32g051f8", "stm32g051g6", "stm32g051g8", "stm32g051k6", "stm32g051k8", "stm32g061c6", "stm32g061c8", "stm32g061f6", "stm32g061f8", "stm32g061g6", "stm32g061g8", "stm32g061k6", "stm32g061k8", "stm32g070cb", "stm32g070kb", "stm32g070rb", "stm32g071c6", "stm32g071c8", "stm32g071cb", "stm32g071eb", "stm32g071g6", "stm32g071g8", "stm32g071gb", "stm32g071k6", "stm32g071k8", "stm32g071kb", "stm32g071r6", "stm32g071r8", "stm32g071rb", "stm32g081cb", "stm32g081eb", "stm32g081gb", "stm32g081kb", "stm32g081rb", "stm32g0b0ce", "stm32g0b0ke", "stm32g0b0re", "stm32g0b0ve", "stm32g0b1cb", "stm32g0b1cc", "stm32g0b1ce", "stm32g0b1kb", "stm32g0b1kc", "stm32g0b1ke", "stm32g0b1mb", "stm32g0b1mc", "stm32g0b1me", "stm32g0b1ne", "stm32g0b1rb", "stm32g0b1rc", "stm32g0b1re", "stm32g0b1vb", "stm32g0b1vc", "stm32g0b1ve", "stm32g0c1cc", "stm32g0c1ce", "stm32g0c1kc", "stm32g0c1ke", "stm32g0c1mc", "stm32g0c1me", "stm32g0c1ne", "stm32g0c1rc", "stm32g0c1re", "stm32g0c1vc", "stm32g0c1ve", "stm32g431c6", "stm32g431c8", "stm32g431cb", "stm32g431k6", "stm32g431k8", "stm32g431kb", "stm32g431m6", "stm32g431m8", "stm32g431mb", "stm32g431r6", "stm32g431r8", "stm32g431rb", "stm32g431v6", "stm32g431v8", "stm32g431vb", "stm32g441cb", "stm32g441kb", "stm32g441mb", "stm32g441rb", "stm32g441vb", "stm32g471cc", "stm32g471ce", "stm32g471mc", "stm32g471me", "stm32g471qc", "stm32g471qe", "stm32g471rc", "stm32g471re", "stm32g471vc", "stm32g471ve", "stm32g473cb", "stm32g473cc", "stm32g473ce", "stm32g473mb", "stm32g473mc", "stm32g473me", "stm32g473pb", "stm32g473pc", "stm32g473pe", "stm32g473qb", "stm32g473qc", "stm32g473qe", "stm32g473rb", "stm32g473rc", "stm32g473re", "stm32g473vb", "stm32g473vc", "stm32g473ve", "stm32g474cb", "stm32g474cc", "stm32g474ce", "stm32g474mb", "stm32g474mc", "stm32g474me", "stm32g474pb", "stm32g474pc", "stm32g474pe", "stm32g474qb", "stm32g474qc", "stm32g474qe", "stm32g474rb", "stm32g474rc", "stm32g474re", "stm32g474vb", "stm32g474vc", "stm32g474ve", "stm32g483ce", "stm32g483me", "stm32g483pe", "stm32g483qe", "stm32g483re", "stm32g483ve", "stm32g484ce", "stm32g484me", "stm32g484pe", "stm32g484qe", "stm32g484re", "stm32g484ve", "stm32g491cc", "stm32g491ce", "stm32g491kc", "stm32g491ke", "stm32g491mc", "stm32g491me", "stm32g491rc", "stm32g491re", "stm32g491vc", "stm32g491ve", "stm32g4a1ce", "stm32g4a1ke", "stm32g4a1me", "stm32g4a1re", "stm32g4a1ve", "stm32h503cb", "stm32h503eb", "stm32h503kb", "stm32h503rb", "stm32h523cc", "stm32h523ce", "stm32h523he", "stm32h523rc", "stm32h523re", "stm32h523vc", "stm32h523ve", "stm32h523zc", "stm32h523ze", "stm32h533ce", "stm32h533he", "stm32h533re", "stm32h533ve", "stm32h533ze", "stm32h562ag", "stm32h562ai", "stm32h562ig", "stm32h562ii", "stm32h562rg", "stm32h562ri", "stm32h562vg", "stm32h562vi", "stm32h562zg", "stm32h562zi", "stm32h563ag", "stm32h563ai", "stm32h563ig", "stm32h563ii", "stm32h563mi", "stm32h563rg", "stm32h563ri", "stm32h563vg", "stm32h563vi", "stm32h563zg", "stm32h563zi", "stm32h573ai", "stm32h573ii", "stm32h573mi", "stm32h573ri", "stm32h573vi", "stm32h573zi", "stm32h723ve", "stm32h723vg", "stm32h723ze", "stm32h723zg", "stm32h725ae", "stm32h725ag", "stm32h725ie", "stm32h725ig", "stm32h725re", "stm32h725rg", "stm32h725ve", "stm32h725vg", "stm32h725ze", "stm32h725zg", "stm32h730ab", "stm32h730ib", "stm32h730vb", "stm32h730zb", "stm32h733vg", "stm32h733zg", "stm32h735ag", "stm32h735ig", "stm32h735rg", "stm32h735vg", "stm32h735zg", "stm32h742ag", "stm32h742ai", "stm32h742bg", "stm32h742bi", "stm32h742ig", "stm32h742ii", "stm32h742vg", "stm32h742vi", "stm32h742xg", "stm32h742xi", "stm32h742zg", "stm32h742zi", "stm32h743ag", "stm32h743ai", "stm32h743bg", "stm32h743bi", "stm32h743ig", "stm32h743ii", "stm32h743vg", "stm32h743vi", "stm32h743xg", "stm32h743xi", "stm32h743zg", "stm32h743zi", "stm32h745bg-cm7", "stm32h745bg-cm4", "stm32h745bi-cm7", "stm32h745bi-cm4", "stm32h745ig-cm7", "stm32h745ig-cm4", "stm32h745ii-cm7", "stm32h745ii-cm4", "stm32h745xg-cm7", "stm32h745xg-cm4", "stm32h745xi-cm7", "stm32h745xi-cm4", "stm32h745zg-cm7", "stm32h745zg-cm4", "stm32h745zi-cm7", "stm32h745zi-cm4", "stm32h747ag-cm7", "stm32h747ag-cm4", "stm32h747ai-cm7", "stm32h747ai-cm4", "stm32h747bg-cm7", "stm32h747bg-cm4", "stm32h747bi-cm7", "stm32h747bi-cm4", "stm32h747ig-cm7", "stm32h747ig-cm4", "stm32h747ii-cm7", "stm32h747ii-cm4", "stm32h747xg-cm7", "stm32h747xg-cm4", "stm32h747xi-cm7", "stm32h747xi-cm4", "stm32h747zi-cm7", "stm32h747zi-cm4", "stm32h750ib", "stm32h750vb", "stm32h750xb", "stm32h750zb", "stm32h753ai", "stm32h753bi", "stm32h753ii", "stm32h753vi", "stm32h753xi", "stm32h753zi", "stm32h755bi-cm7", "stm32h755bi-cm4", "stm32h755ii-cm7", "stm32h755ii-cm4", "stm32h755xi-cm7", "stm32h755xi-cm4", "stm32h755zi-cm7", "stm32h755zi-cm4", "stm32h757ai-cm7", "stm32h757ai-cm4", "stm32h757bi-cm7", "stm32h757bi-cm4", "stm32h757ii-cm7", "stm32h757ii-cm4", "stm32h757xi-cm7", "stm32h757xi-cm4", "stm32h757zi-cm7", "stm32h757zi-cm4", "stm32h7a3ag", "stm32h7a3ai", "stm32h7a3ig", "stm32h7a3ii", "stm32h7a3lg", "stm32h7a3li", "stm32h7a3ng", "stm32h7a3ni", "stm32h7a3qi", "stm32h7a3rg", "stm32h7a3ri", "stm32h7a3vg", "stm32h7a3vi", "stm32h7a3zg", "stm32h7a3zi", "stm32h7b0ab", "stm32h7b0ib", "stm32h7b0rb", "stm32h7b0vb", "stm32h7b0zb", "stm32h7b3ai", "stm32h7b3ii", "stm32h7b3li", "stm32h7b3ni", "stm32h7b3qi", "stm32h7b3ri", "stm32h7b3vi", "stm32h7b3zi", "stm32h7r3a8", "stm32h7r3i8", "stm32h7r3l8", "stm32h7r3r8", "stm32h7r3v8", "stm32h7r3z8", "stm32h7r7a8", "stm32h7r7i8", "stm32h7r7l8", "stm32h7r7z8", "stm32h7s3a8", "stm32h7s3i8", "stm32h7s3l8", "stm32h7s3r8", "stm32h7s3v8", "stm32h7s3z8", "stm32h7s7a8", "stm32h7s7i8", "stm32h7s7l8", "stm32h7s7z8", "stm32l010c6", "stm32l010f4", "stm32l010k4", "stm32l010k8", "stm32l010r8", "stm32l010rb", "stm32l011d3", "stm32l011d4", "stm32l011e3", "stm32l011e4", "stm32l011f3", "stm32l011f4", "stm32l011g3", "stm32l011g4", "stm32l011k3", "stm32l011k4", "stm32l021d4", "stm32l021f4", "stm32l021g4", "stm32l021k4", "stm32l031c4", "stm32l031c6", "stm32l031e4", "stm32l031e6", "stm32l031f4", "stm32l031f6", "stm32l031g4", "stm32l031g6", "stm32l031k4", "stm32l031k6", "stm32l041c4", "stm32l041c6", "stm32l041e6", "stm32l041f6", "stm32l041g6", "stm32l041k6", "stm32l051c6", "stm32l051c8", "stm32l051k6", "stm32l051k8", "stm32l051r6", "stm32l051r8", "stm32l051t6", "stm32l051t8", "stm32l052c6", "stm32l052c8", "stm32l052k6", "stm32l052k8", "stm32l052r6", "stm32l052r8", "stm32l052t6", "stm32l052t8", "stm32l053c6", "stm32l053c8", "stm32l053r6", "stm32l053r8", "stm32l062c8", "stm32l062k8", "stm32l063c8", "stm32l063r8", "stm32l071c8", "stm32l071cb", "stm32l071cz", "stm32l071k8", "stm32l071kb", "stm32l071kz", "stm32l071rb", "stm32l071rz", "stm32l071v8", "stm32l071vb", "stm32l071vz", "stm32l072cb", "stm32l072cz", "stm32l072kb", "stm32l072kz", "stm32l072rb", "stm32l072rz", "stm32l072v8", "stm32l072vb", "stm32l072vz", "stm32l073cb", "stm32l073cz", "stm32l073rb", "stm32l073rz", "stm32l073v8", "stm32l073vb", "stm32l073vz", "stm32l081cb", "stm32l081cz", "stm32l081kz", "stm32l082cz", "stm32l082kb", "stm32l082kz", "stm32l083cb", "stm32l083cz", "stm32l083rb", "stm32l083rz", "stm32l083v8", "stm32l083vb", "stm32l083vz", "stm32l100c6", "stm32l100c6-a", "stm32l100r8", "stm32l100r8-a", "stm32l100rb", "stm32l100rb-a", "stm32l100rc", "stm32l151c6", "stm32l151c6-a", "stm32l151c8", "stm32l151c8-a", "stm32l151cb", "stm32l151cb-a", "stm32l151cc", "stm32l151qc", "stm32l151qd", "stm32l151qe", "stm32l151r6", "stm32l151r6-a", "stm32l151r8", "stm32l151r8-a", "stm32l151rb", "stm32l151rb-a", "stm32l151rc", "stm32l151rc-a", "stm32l151rd", "stm32l151re", "stm32l151uc", "stm32l151v8", "stm32l151v8-a", "stm32l151vb", "stm32l151vb-a", "stm32l151vc", "stm32l151vc-a", "stm32l151vd", "stm32l151vd-x", "stm32l151ve", "stm32l151zc", "stm32l151zd", "stm32l151ze", "stm32l152c6", "stm32l152c6-a", "stm32l152c8", "stm32l152c8-a", "stm32l152cb", "stm32l152cb-a", "stm32l152cc", "stm32l152qc", "stm32l152qd", "stm32l152qe", "stm32l152r6", "stm32l152r6-a", "stm32l152r8", "stm32l152r8-a", "stm32l152rb", "stm32l152rb-a", "stm32l152rc", "stm32l152rc-a", "stm32l152rd", "stm32l152re", "stm32l152uc", "stm32l152v8", "stm32l152v8-a", "stm32l152vb", "stm32l152vb-a", "stm32l152vc", "stm32l152vc-a", "stm32l152vd", "stm32l152vd-x", "stm32l152ve", "stm32l152zc", "stm32l152zd", "stm32l152ze", "stm32l162qc", "stm32l162qd", "stm32l162rc", "stm32l162rc-a", "stm32l162rd", "stm32l162re", "stm32l162vc", "stm32l162vc-a", "stm32l162vd", "stm32l162vd-x", "stm32l162ve", "stm32l162zc", "stm32l162zd", "stm32l162ze", "stm32l412c8", "stm32l412cb", "stm32l412k8", "stm32l412kb", "stm32l412r8", "stm32l412rb", "stm32l412t8", "stm32l412tb", "stm32l422cb", "stm32l422kb", "stm32l422rb", "stm32l422tb", "stm32l431cb", "stm32l431cc", "stm32l431kb", "stm32l431kc", "stm32l431rb", "stm32l431rc", "stm32l431vc", "stm32l432kb", "stm32l432kc", "stm32l433cb", "stm32l433cc", "stm32l433rb", "stm32l433rc", "stm32l433vc", "stm32l442kc", "stm32l443cc", "stm32l443rc", "stm32l443vc", "stm32l451cc", "stm32l451ce", "stm32l451rc", "stm32l451re", "stm32l451vc", "stm32l451ve", "stm32l452cc", "stm32l452ce", "stm32l452rc", "stm32l452re", "stm32l452vc", "stm32l452ve", "stm32l462ce", "stm32l462re", "stm32l462ve", "stm32l471qe", "stm32l471qg", "stm32l471re", "stm32l471rg", "stm32l471ve", "stm32l471vg", "stm32l471ze", "stm32l471zg", "stm32l475rc", "stm32l475re", "stm32l475rg", "stm32l475vc", "stm32l475ve", "stm32l475vg", "stm32l476je", "stm32l476jg", "stm32l476me", "stm32l476mg", "stm32l476qe", "stm32l476qg", "stm32l476rc", "stm32l476re", "stm32l476rg", "stm32l476vc", "stm32l476ve", "stm32l476vg", "stm32l476ze", "stm32l476zg", "stm32l486jg", "stm32l486qg", "stm32l486rg", "stm32l486vg", "stm32l486zg", "stm32l496ae", "stm32l496ag", "stm32l496qe", "stm32l496qg", "stm32l496re", "stm32l496rg", "stm32l496ve", "stm32l496vg", "stm32l496wg", "stm32l496ze", "stm32l496zg", "stm32l4a6ag", "stm32l4a6qg", "stm32l4a6rg", "stm32l4a6vg", "stm32l4a6zg", "stm32l4p5ae", "stm32l4p5ag", "stm32l4p5ce", "stm32l4p5cg", "stm32l4p5qe", "stm32l4p5qg", "stm32l4p5re", "stm32l4p5rg", "stm32l4p5ve", "stm32l4p5vg", "stm32l4p5ze", "stm32l4p5zg", "stm32l4q5ag", "stm32l4q5cg", "stm32l4q5qg", "stm32l4q5rg", "stm32l4q5vg", "stm32l4q5zg", "stm32l4r5ag", "stm32l4r5ai", "stm32l4r5qg", "stm32l4r5qi", "stm32l4r5vg", "stm32l4r5vi", "stm32l4r5zg", "stm32l4r5zi", "stm32l4r7ai", "stm32l4r7vi", "stm32l4r7zi", "stm32l4r9ag", "stm32l4r9ai", "stm32l4r9vg", "stm32l4r9vi", "stm32l4r9zg", "stm32l4r9zi", "stm32l4s5ai", "stm32l4s5qi", "stm32l4s5vi", "stm32l4s5zi", "stm32l4s7ai", "stm32l4s7vi", "stm32l4s7zi", "stm32l4s9ai", "stm32l4s9vi", "stm32l4s9zi", "stm32l552cc", "stm32l552ce", "stm32l552me", "stm32l552qc", "stm32l552qe", "stm32l552rc", "stm32l552re", "stm32l552vc", "stm32l552ve", "stm32l552zc", "stm32l552ze", "stm32l562ce", "stm32l562me", "stm32l562qe", "stm32l562re", "stm32l562ve", "stm32l562ze", "stm32u031c6", "stm32u031c8", "stm32u031f4", "stm32u031f6", "stm32u031f8", "stm32u031g6", "stm32u031g8", "stm32u031k4", "stm32u031k6", "stm32u031k8", "stm32u031r6", "stm32u031r8", "stm32u073c8", "stm32u073cb", "stm32u073cc", "stm32u073h8", "stm32u073hb", "stm32u073hc", "stm32u073k8", "stm32u073kb", "stm32u073kc", "stm32u073m8", "stm32u073mb", "stm32u073mc", "stm32u073r8", "stm32u073rb", "stm32u073rc", "stm32u083cc", "stm32u083hc", "stm32u083kc", "stm32u083mc", "stm32u083rc", "stm32u535cb", "stm32u535cc", "stm32u535ce", "stm32u535je", "stm32u535nc", "stm32u535ne", "stm32u535rb", "stm32u535rc", "stm32u535re", "stm32u535vc", "stm32u535ve", "stm32u545ce", "stm32u545je", "stm32u545ne", "stm32u545re", "stm32u545ve", "stm32u575ag", "stm32u575ai", "stm32u575cg", "stm32u575ci", "stm32u575og", "stm32u575oi", "stm32u575qg", "stm32u575qi", "stm32u575rg", "stm32u575ri", "stm32u575vg", "stm32u575vi", "stm32u575zg", "stm32u575zi", "stm32u585ai", "stm32u585ci", "stm32u585oi", "stm32u585qi", "stm32u585ri", "stm32u585vi", "stm32u585zi", "stm32u595ai", "stm32u595aj", "stm32u595qi", "stm32u595qj", "stm32u595ri", "stm32u595rj", "stm32u595vi", "stm32u595vj", "stm32u595zi", "stm32u595zj", "stm32u599bj", "stm32u599ni", "stm32u599nj", "stm32u599vi", "stm32u599vj", "stm32u599zi", "stm32u599zj", "stm32u5a5aj", "stm32u5a5qi", "stm32u5a5qj", "stm32u5a5rj", "stm32u5a5vj", "stm32u5a5zj", "stm32u5a9bj", "stm32u5a9nj", "stm32u5a9vj", "stm32u5a9zj", "stm32u5f7vi", "stm32u5f7vj", "stm32u5f9bj", "stm32u5f9nj", "stm32u5f9vi", "stm32u5f9vj", "stm32u5f9zi", "stm32u5f9zj", "stm32u5g7vj", "stm32u5g9bj", "stm32u5g9nj", "stm32u5g9vj", "stm32u5g9zj", "stm32wb10cc", "stm32wb15cc", "stm32wb30ce", "stm32wb35cc", "stm32wb35ce", "stm32wb50cg", "stm32wb55cc", "stm32wb55ce", "stm32wb55cg", "stm32wb55rc", "stm32wb55re", "stm32wb55rg", "stm32wb55vc", "stm32wb55ve", "stm32wb55vg", "stm32wb55vy", "stm32wba50ke", "stm32wba50kg", "stm32wba52ce", "stm32wba52cg", "stm32wba52ke", "stm32wba52kg", "stm32wba54ce", "stm32wba54cg", "stm32wba54ke", "stm32wba54kg", "stm32wba55ce", "stm32wba55cg", "stm32wba55he", "stm32wba55hg", "stm32wba55ue", "stm32wba55ug", "stm32wl54cc-cm4", "stm32wl54cc-cm0p", "stm32wl54jc-cm4", "stm32wl54jc-cm0p", "stm32wl55cc-cm4", "stm32wl55cc-cm0p", "stm32wl55jc-cm4", "stm32wl55jc-cm0p", "stm32wle4c8", "stm32wle4cb", "stm32wle4cc", "stm32wle4j8", "stm32wle4jb", "stm32wle4jc", "stm32wle5c8", "stm32wle5cb", "stm32wle5cc", "stm32wle5j8", "stm32wle5jb", "stm32wle5jc", "log", "chrono"] }
- default = rt
feature is set by default wheneverembassy-stm32
is added without
somewhere in the dependency tree.default-features = false - rt default
featureEnables rt of stm32-metapac
- defmt
for loggingEnables defmt, defmt-03 of embedded-io-async, defmt of embassy-embedded-hal, embassy-hal-internal, embassy-net-driver, embassy-sync, embassy-usb-driver, embassy-usb-synopsys-otg, and optional embassy-time
- exti
… - low-power = time
Enables arch-cortex-m of embassy-executor
… - low-power-debug-with-sleep
- memory-x
Automatically generate
file based on the memory map fromstm32-metapac
- trustzone-secure
Use secure registers when TrustZone is enabled
- unstable-pac
Re-export stm32-metapac at
. This is unstable because semver-minor (non-breaking) releases of embassy-stm32 may major-bump (breaking) the stm32-metapac version. If this is an issue for you, you're encouraged to directly depend on a fixed version of the PAC. There are no plans to make this stable. - unchecked-overclocking
Enable this feature to disable the overclocking check.
DO NOT ENABLE THIS FEATURE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. - time low-power? time-driver-any? time-driver-tim1? time-driver-tim12? time-driver-tim15? time-driver-tim2? time-driver-tim20? time-driver-tim21? time-driver-tim22? time-driver-tim23? time-driver-tim24? time-driver-tim3? time-driver-tim4? time-driver-tim5? time-driver-tim8? time-driver-tim9?
## Time
Enables additional driver features that depend on embassy-timeEnables embassy-time, time of embassy-embedded-hal
… - time-driver-any = time
Use any time driver
Enables embassy-time-driver and embassy-time-queue-utils
- time-driver-tim1 = time
Use TIM1 as time driver
Enables embassy-time-driver and embassy-time-queue-utils
- time-driver-tim2 = time
Use TIM2 as time driver
Enables embassy-time-driver and embassy-time-queue-utils
- time-driver-tim3 = time
Use TIM3 as time driver
Enables embassy-time-driver and embassy-time-queue-utils
- time-driver-tim4 = time
Use TIM4 as time driver
Enables embassy-time-driver and embassy-time-queue-utils
- time-driver-tim5 = time
Use TIM5 as time driver
Enables embassy-time-driver and embassy-time-queue-utils
- time-driver-tim8 = time
Use TIM8 as time driver
Enables embassy-time-driver and embassy-time-queue-utils
- time-driver-tim9 = time
Use TIM9 as time driver
Enables embassy-time-driver and embassy-time-queue-utils
- time-driver-tim12 = time
Use TIM12 as time driver
Enables embassy-time-driver and embassy-time-queue-utils
- time-driver-tim15 = time
Use TIM15 as time driver
Enables embassy-time-driver and embassy-time-queue-utils
- time-driver-tim20 = time
Use TIM20 as time driver
Enables embassy-time-driver and embassy-time-queue-utils
- time-driver-tim21 = time
Use TIM21 as time driver
Enables embassy-time-driver and embassy-time-queue-utils
- time-driver-tim22 = time
Use TIM22 as time driver
Enables embassy-time-driver and embassy-time-queue-utils
- time-driver-tim23 = time
Use TIM23 as time driver
Enables embassy-time-driver and embassy-time-queue-utils
- time-driver-tim24 = time
Use TIM24 as time driver
Enables embassy-time-driver and embassy-time-queue-utils
- split-pa0
Analog Switch Pins (Pxy_C) on STM32H7 series
singletons. Digital impls are onPXY
, Analog impls are onPXY_C
If disabled, you get only thePXY
singleton. It has both digital and analog impls.Split PA0
- split-pa1
Split PA1
- split-pc2
Split PC2
- split-pc3
Split PC3
- stm32c011d6
Chip-selection features
Select your chip by specifying the model as a feature, e.g.
. Check theCargo.toml
for the latest list of supported chips.Important: Do not forget to adapt the target chip in your toolchain, e.g. in
.Enables stm32c011d6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32c011f4
Enables stm32c011f4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32c011f6
Enables stm32c011f6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32c011j4
Enables stm32c011j4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32c011j6
Enables stm32c011j6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32c031c4
Enables stm32c031c4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32c031c6
Enables stm32c031c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32c031f4
Enables stm32c031f4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32c031f6
Enables stm32c031f6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32c031g4
Enables stm32c031g4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32c031g6
Enables stm32c031g6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32c031k4
Enables stm32c031k4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32c031k6
Enables stm32c031k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f030c6
Enables stm32f030c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f030c8
Enables stm32f030c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f030cc
Enables stm32f030cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f030f4
Enables stm32f030f4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f030k6
Enables stm32f030k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f030r8
Enables stm32f030r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f030rc
Enables stm32f030rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f031c4
Enables stm32f031c4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f031c6
Enables stm32f031c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f031e6
Enables stm32f031e6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f031f4
Enables stm32f031f4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f031f6
Enables stm32f031f6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f031g4
Enables stm32f031g4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f031g6
Enables stm32f031g6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f031k4
Enables stm32f031k4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f031k6
Enables stm32f031k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f038c6
Enables stm32f038c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f038e6
Enables stm32f038e6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f038f6
Enables stm32f038f6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f038g6
Enables stm32f038g6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f038k6
Enables stm32f038k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f042c4
Enables stm32f042c4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f042c6
Enables stm32f042c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f042f4
Enables stm32f042f4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f042f6
Enables stm32f042f6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f042g4
Enables stm32f042g4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f042g6
Enables stm32f042g6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f042k4
Enables stm32f042k4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f042k6
Enables stm32f042k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f042t6
Enables stm32f042t6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f048c6
Enables stm32f048c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f048g6
Enables stm32f048g6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f048t6
Enables stm32f048t6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f051c4
Enables stm32f051c4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f051c6
Enables stm32f051c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f051c8
Enables stm32f051c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f051k4
Enables stm32f051k4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f051k6
Enables stm32f051k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f051k8
Enables stm32f051k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f051r4
Enables stm32f051r4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f051r6
Enables stm32f051r6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f051r8
Enables stm32f051r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f051t8
Enables stm32f051t8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f058c8
Enables stm32f058c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f058r8
Enables stm32f058r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f058t8
Enables stm32f058t8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f070c6
Enables stm32f070c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f070cb
Enables stm32f070cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f070f6
Enables stm32f070f6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f070rb
Enables stm32f070rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f071c8
Enables stm32f071c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f071cb
Enables stm32f071cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f071rb
Enables stm32f071rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f071v8
Enables stm32f071v8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f071vb
Enables stm32f071vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f072c8
Enables stm32f072c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f072cb
Enables stm32f072cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f072r8
Enables stm32f072r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f072rb
Enables stm32f072rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f072v8
Enables stm32f072v8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f072vb
Enables stm32f072vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f078cb
Enables stm32f078cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f078rb
Enables stm32f078rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f078vb
Enables stm32f078vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f091cb
Enables stm32f091cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f091cc
Enables stm32f091cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f091rb
Enables stm32f091rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f091rc
Enables stm32f091rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f091vb
Enables stm32f091vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f091vc
Enables stm32f091vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f098cc
Enables stm32f098cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f098rc
Enables stm32f098rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f098vc
Enables stm32f098vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f100c4
Enables stm32f100c4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f100c6
Enables stm32f100c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f100c8
Enables stm32f100c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f100cb
Enables stm32f100cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f100r4
Enables stm32f100r4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f100r6
Enables stm32f100r6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f100r8
Enables stm32f100r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f100rb
Enables stm32f100rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f100rc
Enables stm32f100rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f100rd
Enables stm32f100rd of stm32-metapac
- stm32f100re
Enables stm32f100re of stm32-metapac
- stm32f100v8
Enables stm32f100v8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f100vb
Enables stm32f100vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f100vc
Enables stm32f100vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f100vd
Enables stm32f100vd of stm32-metapac
- stm32f100ve
Enables stm32f100ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f100zc
Enables stm32f100zc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f100zd
Enables stm32f100zd of stm32-metapac
- stm32f100ze
Enables stm32f100ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101c4
Enables stm32f101c4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101c6
Enables stm32f101c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101c8
Enables stm32f101c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101cb
Enables stm32f101cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101r4
Enables stm32f101r4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101r6
Enables stm32f101r6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101r8
Enables stm32f101r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101rb
Enables stm32f101rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101rc
Enables stm32f101rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101rd
Enables stm32f101rd of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101re
Enables stm32f101re of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101rf
Enables stm32f101rf of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101rg
Enables stm32f101rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101t4
Enables stm32f101t4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101t6
Enables stm32f101t6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101t8
Enables stm32f101t8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101tb
Enables stm32f101tb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101v8
Enables stm32f101v8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101vb
Enables stm32f101vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101vc
Enables stm32f101vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101vd
Enables stm32f101vd of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101ve
Enables stm32f101ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101vf
Enables stm32f101vf of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101vg
Enables stm32f101vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101zc
Enables stm32f101zc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101zd
Enables stm32f101zd of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101ze
Enables stm32f101ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101zf
Enables stm32f101zf of stm32-metapac
- stm32f101zg
Enables stm32f101zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f102c4
Enables stm32f102c4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f102c6
Enables stm32f102c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f102c8
Enables stm32f102c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f102cb
Enables stm32f102cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f102r4
Enables stm32f102r4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f102r6
Enables stm32f102r6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f102r8
Enables stm32f102r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f102rb
Enables stm32f102rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103c4
Enables stm32f103c4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103c6
Enables stm32f103c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103c8
Enables stm32f103c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103cb
Enables stm32f103cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103r4
Enables stm32f103r4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103r6
Enables stm32f103r6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103r8
Enables stm32f103r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103rb
Enables stm32f103rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103rc
Enables stm32f103rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103rd
Enables stm32f103rd of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103re
Enables stm32f103re of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103rf
Enables stm32f103rf of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103rg
Enables stm32f103rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103t4
Enables stm32f103t4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103t6
Enables stm32f103t6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103t8
Enables stm32f103t8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103tb
Enables stm32f103tb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103v8
Enables stm32f103v8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103vb
Enables stm32f103vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103vc
Enables stm32f103vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103vd
Enables stm32f103vd of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103ve
Enables stm32f103ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103vf
Enables stm32f103vf of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103vg
Enables stm32f103vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103zc
Enables stm32f103zc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103zd
Enables stm32f103zd of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103ze
Enables stm32f103ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103zf
Enables stm32f103zf of stm32-metapac
- stm32f103zg
Enables stm32f103zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f105r8
Enables stm32f105r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f105rb
Enables stm32f105rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f105rc
Enables stm32f105rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f105v8
Enables stm32f105v8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f105vb
Enables stm32f105vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f105vc
Enables stm32f105vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f107rb
Enables stm32f107rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f107rc
Enables stm32f107rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f107vb
Enables stm32f107vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f107vc
Enables stm32f107vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f205rb
Enables stm32f205rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f205rc
Enables stm32f205rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f205re
Enables stm32f205re of stm32-metapac
- stm32f205rf
Enables stm32f205rf of stm32-metapac
- stm32f205rg
Enables stm32f205rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f205vb
Enables stm32f205vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f205vc
Enables stm32f205vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f205ve
Enables stm32f205ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f205vf
Enables stm32f205vf of stm32-metapac
- stm32f205vg
Enables stm32f205vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f205zc
Enables stm32f205zc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f205ze
Enables stm32f205ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f205zf
Enables stm32f205zf of stm32-metapac
- stm32f205zg
Enables stm32f205zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f207ic
Enables stm32f207ic of stm32-metapac
- stm32f207ie
Enables stm32f207ie of stm32-metapac
- stm32f207if
Enables stm32f207if of stm32-metapac
- stm32f207ig
Enables stm32f207ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32f207vc
Enables stm32f207vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f207ve
Enables stm32f207ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f207vf
Enables stm32f207vf of stm32-metapac
- stm32f207vg
Enables stm32f207vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f207zc
Enables stm32f207zc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f207ze
Enables stm32f207ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f207zf
Enables stm32f207zf of stm32-metapac
- stm32f207zg
Enables stm32f207zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f215re
Enables stm32f215re of stm32-metapac
- stm32f215rg
Enables stm32f215rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f215ve
Enables stm32f215ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f215vg
Enables stm32f215vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f215ze
Enables stm32f215ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f215zg
Enables stm32f215zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f217ie
Enables stm32f217ie of stm32-metapac
- stm32f217ig
Enables stm32f217ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32f217ve
Enables stm32f217ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f217vg
Enables stm32f217vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f217ze
Enables stm32f217ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f217zg
Enables stm32f217zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f301c6
Enables stm32f301c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f301c8
Enables stm32f301c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f301k6
Enables stm32f301k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f301k8
Enables stm32f301k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f301r6
Enables stm32f301r6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f301r8
Enables stm32f301r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f302c6
Enables stm32f302c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f302c8
Enables stm32f302c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f302cb
Enables stm32f302cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f302cc
Enables stm32f302cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f302k6
Enables stm32f302k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f302k8
Enables stm32f302k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f302r6
Enables stm32f302r6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f302r8
Enables stm32f302r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f302rb
Enables stm32f302rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f302rc
Enables stm32f302rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f302rd
Enables stm32f302rd of stm32-metapac
- stm32f302re
Enables stm32f302re of stm32-metapac
- stm32f302vb
Enables stm32f302vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f302vc
Enables stm32f302vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f302vd
Enables stm32f302vd of stm32-metapac
- stm32f302ve
Enables stm32f302ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f302zd
Enables stm32f302zd of stm32-metapac
- stm32f302ze
Enables stm32f302ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f303c6
Enables stm32f303c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f303c8
Enables stm32f303c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f303cb
Enables stm32f303cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f303cc
Enables stm32f303cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f303k6
Enables stm32f303k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f303k8
Enables stm32f303k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f303r6
Enables stm32f303r6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f303r8
Enables stm32f303r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f303rb
Enables stm32f303rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f303rc
Enables stm32f303rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f303rd
Enables stm32f303rd of stm32-metapac
- stm32f303re
Enables stm32f303re of stm32-metapac
- stm32f303vb
Enables stm32f303vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f303vc
Enables stm32f303vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f303vd
Enables stm32f303vd of stm32-metapac
- stm32f303ve
Enables stm32f303ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f303zd
Enables stm32f303zd of stm32-metapac
- stm32f303ze
Enables stm32f303ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f318c8
Enables stm32f318c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f318k8
Enables stm32f318k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f328c8
Enables stm32f328c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f334c4
Enables stm32f334c4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f334c6
Enables stm32f334c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f334c8
Enables stm32f334c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f334k4
Enables stm32f334k4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f334k6
Enables stm32f334k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f334k8
Enables stm32f334k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f334r6
Enables stm32f334r6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f334r8
Enables stm32f334r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f358cc
Enables stm32f358cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f358rc
Enables stm32f358rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f358vc
Enables stm32f358vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f373c8
Enables stm32f373c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f373cb
Enables stm32f373cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f373cc
Enables stm32f373cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f373r8
Enables stm32f373r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f373rb
Enables stm32f373rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f373rc
Enables stm32f373rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f373v8
Enables stm32f373v8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f373vb
Enables stm32f373vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f373vc
Enables stm32f373vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f378cc
Enables stm32f378cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f378rc
Enables stm32f378rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f378vc
Enables stm32f378vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f398ve
Enables stm32f398ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f401cb
Enables stm32f401cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f401cc
Enables stm32f401cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f401cd
Enables stm32f401cd of stm32-metapac
- stm32f401ce
Enables stm32f401ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32f401rb
Enables stm32f401rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f401rc
Enables stm32f401rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f401rd
Enables stm32f401rd of stm32-metapac
- stm32f401re
Enables stm32f401re of stm32-metapac
- stm32f401vb
Enables stm32f401vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f401vc
Enables stm32f401vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f401vd
Enables stm32f401vd of stm32-metapac
- stm32f401ve
Enables stm32f401ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f405oe
Enables stm32f405oe of stm32-metapac
- stm32f405og
Enables stm32f405og of stm32-metapac
- stm32f405rg
Enables stm32f405rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f405vg
Enables stm32f405vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f405zg
Enables stm32f405zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f407ie
Enables stm32f407ie of stm32-metapac
- stm32f407ig
Enables stm32f407ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32f407ve
Enables stm32f407ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f407vg
Enables stm32f407vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f407ze
Enables stm32f407ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f407zg
Enables stm32f407zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f410c8
Enables stm32f410c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f410cb
Enables stm32f410cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f410r8
Enables stm32f410r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f410rb
Enables stm32f410rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f410t8
Enables stm32f410t8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f410tb
Enables stm32f410tb of stm32-metapac
- stm32f411cc
Enables stm32f411cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f411ce
Enables stm32f411ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32f411rc
Enables stm32f411rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f411re
Enables stm32f411re of stm32-metapac
- stm32f411vc
Enables stm32f411vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f411ve
Enables stm32f411ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f412ce
Enables stm32f412ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32f412cg
Enables stm32f412cg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f412re
Enables stm32f412re of stm32-metapac
- stm32f412rg
Enables stm32f412rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f412ve
Enables stm32f412ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f412vg
Enables stm32f412vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f412ze
Enables stm32f412ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f412zg
Enables stm32f412zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f413cg
Enables stm32f413cg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f413ch
Enables stm32f413ch of stm32-metapac
- stm32f413mg
Enables stm32f413mg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f413mh
Enables stm32f413mh of stm32-metapac
- stm32f413rg
Enables stm32f413rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f413rh
Enables stm32f413rh of stm32-metapac
- stm32f413vg
Enables stm32f413vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f413vh
Enables stm32f413vh of stm32-metapac
- stm32f413zg
Enables stm32f413zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f413zh
Enables stm32f413zh of stm32-metapac
- stm32f415og
Enables stm32f415og of stm32-metapac
- stm32f415rg
Enables stm32f415rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f415vg
Enables stm32f415vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f415zg
Enables stm32f415zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f417ie
Enables stm32f417ie of stm32-metapac
- stm32f417ig
Enables stm32f417ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32f417ve
Enables stm32f417ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f417vg
Enables stm32f417vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f417ze
Enables stm32f417ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f417zg
Enables stm32f417zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f423ch
Enables stm32f423ch of stm32-metapac
- stm32f423mh
Enables stm32f423mh of stm32-metapac
- stm32f423rh
Enables stm32f423rh of stm32-metapac
- stm32f423vh
Enables stm32f423vh of stm32-metapac
- stm32f423zh
Enables stm32f423zh of stm32-metapac
- stm32f427ag
Enables stm32f427ag of stm32-metapac
- stm32f427ai
Enables stm32f427ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32f427ig
Enables stm32f427ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32f427ii
Enables stm32f427ii of stm32-metapac
- stm32f427vg
Enables stm32f427vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f427vi
Enables stm32f427vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f427zg
Enables stm32f427zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f427zi
Enables stm32f427zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f429ag
Enables stm32f429ag of stm32-metapac
- stm32f429ai
Enables stm32f429ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32f429be
Enables stm32f429be of stm32-metapac
- stm32f429bg
Enables stm32f429bg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f429bi
Enables stm32f429bi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f429ie
Enables stm32f429ie of stm32-metapac
- stm32f429ig
Enables stm32f429ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32f429ii
Enables stm32f429ii of stm32-metapac
- stm32f429ne
Enables stm32f429ne of stm32-metapac
- stm32f429ng
Enables stm32f429ng of stm32-metapac
- stm32f429ni
Enables stm32f429ni of stm32-metapac
- stm32f429ve
Enables stm32f429ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f429vg
Enables stm32f429vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f429vi
Enables stm32f429vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f429ze
Enables stm32f429ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f429zg
Enables stm32f429zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f429zi
Enables stm32f429zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f437ai
Enables stm32f437ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32f437ig
Enables stm32f437ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32f437ii
Enables stm32f437ii of stm32-metapac
- stm32f437vg
Enables stm32f437vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f437vi
Enables stm32f437vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f437zg
Enables stm32f437zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f437zi
Enables stm32f437zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f439ai
Enables stm32f439ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32f439bg
Enables stm32f439bg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f439bi
Enables stm32f439bi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f439ig
Enables stm32f439ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32f439ii
Enables stm32f439ii of stm32-metapac
- stm32f439ng
Enables stm32f439ng of stm32-metapac
- stm32f439ni
Enables stm32f439ni of stm32-metapac
- stm32f439vg
Enables stm32f439vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f439vi
Enables stm32f439vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f439zg
Enables stm32f439zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f439zi
Enables stm32f439zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f446mc
Enables stm32f446mc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f446me
Enables stm32f446me of stm32-metapac
- stm32f446rc
Enables stm32f446rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f446re
Enables stm32f446re of stm32-metapac
- stm32f446vc
Enables stm32f446vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f446ve
Enables stm32f446ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f446zc
Enables stm32f446zc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f446ze
Enables stm32f446ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f469ae
Enables stm32f469ae of stm32-metapac
- stm32f469ag
Enables stm32f469ag of stm32-metapac
- stm32f469ai
Enables stm32f469ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32f469be
Enables stm32f469be of stm32-metapac
- stm32f469bg
Enables stm32f469bg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f469bi
Enables stm32f469bi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f469ie
Enables stm32f469ie of stm32-metapac
- stm32f469ig
Enables stm32f469ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32f469ii
Enables stm32f469ii of stm32-metapac
- stm32f469ne
Enables stm32f469ne of stm32-metapac
- stm32f469ng
Enables stm32f469ng of stm32-metapac
- stm32f469ni
Enables stm32f469ni of stm32-metapac
- stm32f469ve
Enables stm32f469ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f469vg
Enables stm32f469vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f469vi
Enables stm32f469vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f469ze
Enables stm32f469ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f469zg
Enables stm32f469zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f469zi
Enables stm32f469zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f479ag
Enables stm32f479ag of stm32-metapac
- stm32f479ai
Enables stm32f479ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32f479bg
Enables stm32f479bg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f479bi
Enables stm32f479bi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f479ig
Enables stm32f479ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32f479ii
Enables stm32f479ii of stm32-metapac
- stm32f479ng
Enables stm32f479ng of stm32-metapac
- stm32f479ni
Enables stm32f479ni of stm32-metapac
- stm32f479vg
Enables stm32f479vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f479vi
Enables stm32f479vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f479zg
Enables stm32f479zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f479zi
Enables stm32f479zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f722ic
Enables stm32f722ic of stm32-metapac
- stm32f722ie
Enables stm32f722ie of stm32-metapac
- stm32f722rc
Enables stm32f722rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f722re
Enables stm32f722re of stm32-metapac
- stm32f722vc
Enables stm32f722vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f722ve
Enables stm32f722ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f722zc
Enables stm32f722zc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f722ze
Enables stm32f722ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f723ic
Enables stm32f723ic of stm32-metapac
- stm32f723ie
Enables stm32f723ie of stm32-metapac
- stm32f723vc
Enables stm32f723vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f723ve
Enables stm32f723ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f723zc
Enables stm32f723zc of stm32-metapac
- stm32f723ze
Enables stm32f723ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f730i8
Enables stm32f730i8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f730r8
Enables stm32f730r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f730v8
Enables stm32f730v8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f730z8
Enables stm32f730z8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f732ie
Enables stm32f732ie of stm32-metapac
- stm32f732re
Enables stm32f732re of stm32-metapac
- stm32f732ve
Enables stm32f732ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f732ze
Enables stm32f732ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f733ie
Enables stm32f733ie of stm32-metapac
- stm32f733ve
Enables stm32f733ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f733ze
Enables stm32f733ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f745ie
Enables stm32f745ie of stm32-metapac
- stm32f745ig
Enables stm32f745ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32f745ve
Enables stm32f745ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f745vg
Enables stm32f745vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f745ze
Enables stm32f745ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f745zg
Enables stm32f745zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f746be
Enables stm32f746be of stm32-metapac
- stm32f746bg
Enables stm32f746bg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f746ie
Enables stm32f746ie of stm32-metapac
- stm32f746ig
Enables stm32f746ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32f746ne
Enables stm32f746ne of stm32-metapac
- stm32f746ng
Enables stm32f746ng of stm32-metapac
- stm32f746ve
Enables stm32f746ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32f746vg
Enables stm32f746vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f746ze
Enables stm32f746ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32f746zg
Enables stm32f746zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f750n8
Enables stm32f750n8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f750v8
Enables stm32f750v8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f750z8
Enables stm32f750z8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32f756bg
Enables stm32f756bg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f756ig
Enables stm32f756ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32f756ng
Enables stm32f756ng of stm32-metapac
- stm32f756vg
Enables stm32f756vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f756zg
Enables stm32f756zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f765bg
Enables stm32f765bg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f765bi
Enables stm32f765bi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f765ig
Enables stm32f765ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32f765ii
Enables stm32f765ii of stm32-metapac
- stm32f765ng
Enables stm32f765ng of stm32-metapac
- stm32f765ni
Enables stm32f765ni of stm32-metapac
- stm32f765vg
Enables stm32f765vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f765vi
Enables stm32f765vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f765zg
Enables stm32f765zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f765zi
Enables stm32f765zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f767bg
Enables stm32f767bg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f767bi
Enables stm32f767bi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f767ig
Enables stm32f767ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32f767ii
Enables stm32f767ii of stm32-metapac
- stm32f767ng
Enables stm32f767ng of stm32-metapac
- stm32f767ni
Enables stm32f767ni of stm32-metapac
- stm32f767vg
Enables stm32f767vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f767vi
Enables stm32f767vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f767zg
Enables stm32f767zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f767zi
Enables stm32f767zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f768ai
Enables stm32f768ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32f769ag
Enables stm32f769ag of stm32-metapac
- stm32f769ai
Enables stm32f769ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32f769bg
Enables stm32f769bg of stm32-metapac
- stm32f769bi
Enables stm32f769bi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f769ig
Enables stm32f769ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32f769ii
Enables stm32f769ii of stm32-metapac
- stm32f769ng
Enables stm32f769ng of stm32-metapac
- stm32f769ni
Enables stm32f769ni of stm32-metapac
- stm32f777bi
Enables stm32f777bi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f777ii
Enables stm32f777ii of stm32-metapac
- stm32f777ni
Enables stm32f777ni of stm32-metapac
- stm32f777vi
Enables stm32f777vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f777zi
Enables stm32f777zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f778ai
Enables stm32f778ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32f779ai
Enables stm32f779ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32f779bi
Enables stm32f779bi of stm32-metapac
- stm32f779ii
Enables stm32f779ii of stm32-metapac
- stm32f779ni
Enables stm32f779ni of stm32-metapac
- stm32g030c6
Enables stm32g030c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g030c8
Enables stm32g030c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g030f6
Enables stm32g030f6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g030j6
Enables stm32g030j6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g030k6
Enables stm32g030k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g030k8
Enables stm32g030k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g031c4
Enables stm32g031c4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g031c6
Enables stm32g031c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g031c8
Enables stm32g031c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g031f4
Enables stm32g031f4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g031f6
Enables stm32g031f6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g031f8
Enables stm32g031f8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g031g4
Enables stm32g031g4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g031g6
Enables stm32g031g6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g031g8
Enables stm32g031g8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g031j4
Enables stm32g031j4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g031j6
Enables stm32g031j6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g031k4
Enables stm32g031k4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g031k6
Enables stm32g031k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g031k8
Enables stm32g031k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g031y8
Enables stm32g031y8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g041c6
Enables stm32g041c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g041c8
Enables stm32g041c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g041f6
Enables stm32g041f6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g041f8
Enables stm32g041f8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g041g6
Enables stm32g041g6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g041g8
Enables stm32g041g8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g041j6
Enables stm32g041j6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g041k6
Enables stm32g041k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g041k8
Enables stm32g041k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g041y8
Enables stm32g041y8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g050c6
Enables stm32g050c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g050c8
Enables stm32g050c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g050f6
Enables stm32g050f6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g050k6
Enables stm32g050k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g050k8
Enables stm32g050k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g051c6
Enables stm32g051c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g051c8
Enables stm32g051c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g051f6
Enables stm32g051f6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g051f8
Enables stm32g051f8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g051g6
Enables stm32g051g6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g051g8
Enables stm32g051g8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g051k6
Enables stm32g051k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g051k8
Enables stm32g051k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g061c6
Enables stm32g061c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g061c8
Enables stm32g061c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g061f6
Enables stm32g061f6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g061f8
Enables stm32g061f8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g061g6
Enables stm32g061g6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g061g8
Enables stm32g061g8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g061k6
Enables stm32g061k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g061k8
Enables stm32g061k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g070cb
Enables stm32g070cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g070kb
Enables stm32g070kb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g070rb
Enables stm32g070rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g071c6
Enables stm32g071c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g071c8
Enables stm32g071c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g071cb
Enables stm32g071cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g071eb
Enables stm32g071eb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g071g6
Enables stm32g071g6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g071g8
Enables stm32g071g8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g071gb
Enables stm32g071gb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g071k6
Enables stm32g071k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g071k8
Enables stm32g071k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g071kb
Enables stm32g071kb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g071r6
Enables stm32g071r6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g071r8
Enables stm32g071r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g071rb
Enables stm32g071rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g081cb
Enables stm32g081cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g081eb
Enables stm32g081eb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g081gb
Enables stm32g081gb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g081kb
Enables stm32g081kb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g081rb
Enables stm32g081rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b0ce
Enables stm32g0b0ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b0ke
Enables stm32g0b0ke of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b0re
Enables stm32g0b0re of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b0ve
Enables stm32g0b0ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b1cb
Enables stm32g0b1cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b1cc
Enables stm32g0b1cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b1ce
Enables stm32g0b1ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b1kb
Enables stm32g0b1kb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b1kc
Enables stm32g0b1kc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b1ke
Enables stm32g0b1ke of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b1mb
Enables stm32g0b1mb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b1mc
Enables stm32g0b1mc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b1me
Enables stm32g0b1me of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b1ne
Enables stm32g0b1ne of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b1rb
Enables stm32g0b1rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b1rc
Enables stm32g0b1rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b1re
Enables stm32g0b1re of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b1vb
Enables stm32g0b1vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b1vc
Enables stm32g0b1vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0b1ve
Enables stm32g0b1ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0c1cc
Enables stm32g0c1cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0c1ce
Enables stm32g0c1ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0c1kc
Enables stm32g0c1kc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0c1ke
Enables stm32g0c1ke of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0c1mc
Enables stm32g0c1mc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0c1me
Enables stm32g0c1me of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0c1ne
Enables stm32g0c1ne of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0c1rc
Enables stm32g0c1rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0c1re
Enables stm32g0c1re of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0c1vc
Enables stm32g0c1vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g0c1ve
Enables stm32g0c1ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32g431c6
Enables stm32g431c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g431c8
Enables stm32g431c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g431cb
Enables stm32g431cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g431k6
Enables stm32g431k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g431k8
Enables stm32g431k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g431kb
Enables stm32g431kb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g431m6
Enables stm32g431m6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g431m8
Enables stm32g431m8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g431mb
Enables stm32g431mb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g431r6
Enables stm32g431r6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g431r8
Enables stm32g431r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g431rb
Enables stm32g431rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g431v6
Enables stm32g431v6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g431v8
Enables stm32g431v8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32g431vb
Enables stm32g431vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g441cb
Enables stm32g441cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g441kb
Enables stm32g441kb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g441mb
Enables stm32g441mb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g441rb
Enables stm32g441rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g441vb
Enables stm32g441vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g471cc
Enables stm32g471cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g471ce
Enables stm32g471ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32g471mc
Enables stm32g471mc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g471me
Enables stm32g471me of stm32-metapac
- stm32g471qc
Enables stm32g471qc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g471qe
Enables stm32g471qe of stm32-metapac
- stm32g471rc
Enables stm32g471rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g471re
Enables stm32g471re of stm32-metapac
- stm32g471vc
Enables stm32g471vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g471ve
Enables stm32g471ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32g473cb
Enables stm32g473cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g473cc
Enables stm32g473cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g473ce
Enables stm32g473ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32g473mb
Enables stm32g473mb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g473mc
Enables stm32g473mc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g473me
Enables stm32g473me of stm32-metapac
- stm32g473pb
Enables stm32g473pb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g473pc
Enables stm32g473pc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g473pe
Enables stm32g473pe of stm32-metapac
- stm32g473qb
Enables stm32g473qb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g473qc
Enables stm32g473qc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g473qe
Enables stm32g473qe of stm32-metapac
- stm32g473rb
Enables stm32g473rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g473rc
Enables stm32g473rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g473re
Enables stm32g473re of stm32-metapac
- stm32g473vb
Enables stm32g473vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g473vc
Enables stm32g473vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g473ve
Enables stm32g473ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32g474cb
Enables stm32g474cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g474cc
Enables stm32g474cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g474ce
Enables stm32g474ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32g474mb
Enables stm32g474mb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g474mc
Enables stm32g474mc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g474me
Enables stm32g474me of stm32-metapac
- stm32g474pb
Enables stm32g474pb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g474pc
Enables stm32g474pc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g474pe
Enables stm32g474pe of stm32-metapac
- stm32g474qb
Enables stm32g474qb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g474qc
Enables stm32g474qc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g474qe
Enables stm32g474qe of stm32-metapac
- stm32g474rb
Enables stm32g474rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g474rc
Enables stm32g474rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g474re
Enables stm32g474re of stm32-metapac
- stm32g474vb
Enables stm32g474vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32g474vc
Enables stm32g474vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g474ve
Enables stm32g474ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32g483ce
Enables stm32g483ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32g483me
Enables stm32g483me of stm32-metapac
- stm32g483pe
Enables stm32g483pe of stm32-metapac
- stm32g483qe
Enables stm32g483qe of stm32-metapac
- stm32g483re
Enables stm32g483re of stm32-metapac
- stm32g483ve
Enables stm32g483ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32g484ce
Enables stm32g484ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32g484me
Enables stm32g484me of stm32-metapac
- stm32g484pe
Enables stm32g484pe of stm32-metapac
- stm32g484qe
Enables stm32g484qe of stm32-metapac
- stm32g484re
Enables stm32g484re of stm32-metapac
- stm32g484ve
Enables stm32g484ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32g491cc
Enables stm32g491cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g491ce
Enables stm32g491ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32g491kc
Enables stm32g491kc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g491ke
Enables stm32g491ke of stm32-metapac
- stm32g491mc
Enables stm32g491mc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g491me
Enables stm32g491me of stm32-metapac
- stm32g491rc
Enables stm32g491rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g491re
Enables stm32g491re of stm32-metapac
- stm32g491vc
Enables stm32g491vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32g491ve
Enables stm32g491ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32g4a1ce
Enables stm32g4a1ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32g4a1ke
Enables stm32g4a1ke of stm32-metapac
- stm32g4a1me
Enables stm32g4a1me of stm32-metapac
- stm32g4a1re
Enables stm32g4a1re of stm32-metapac
- stm32g4a1ve
Enables stm32g4a1ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32h503cb
Enables stm32h503cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32h503eb
Enables stm32h503eb of stm32-metapac
- stm32h503kb
Enables stm32h503kb of stm32-metapac
- stm32h503rb
Enables stm32h503rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32h523cc
Enables stm32h523cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32h523ce
Enables stm32h523ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32h523he
Enables stm32h523he of stm32-metapac
- stm32h523rc
Enables stm32h523rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32h523re
Enables stm32h523re of stm32-metapac
- stm32h523vc
Enables stm32h523vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32h523ve
Enables stm32h523ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32h523zc
Enables stm32h523zc of stm32-metapac
- stm32h523ze
Enables stm32h523ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32h533ce
Enables stm32h533ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32h533he
Enables stm32h533he of stm32-metapac
- stm32h533re
Enables stm32h533re of stm32-metapac
- stm32h533ve
Enables stm32h533ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32h533ze
Enables stm32h533ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32h562ag
Enables stm32h562ag of stm32-metapac
- stm32h562ai
Enables stm32h562ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32h562ig
Enables stm32h562ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32h562ii
Enables stm32h562ii of stm32-metapac
- stm32h562rg
Enables stm32h562rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h562ri
Enables stm32h562ri of stm32-metapac
- stm32h562vg
Enables stm32h562vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h562vi
Enables stm32h562vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h562zg
Enables stm32h562zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h562zi
Enables stm32h562zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h563ag
Enables stm32h563ag of stm32-metapac
- stm32h563ai
Enables stm32h563ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32h563ig
Enables stm32h563ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32h563ii
Enables stm32h563ii of stm32-metapac
- stm32h563mi
Enables stm32h563mi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h563rg
Enables stm32h563rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h563ri
Enables stm32h563ri of stm32-metapac
- stm32h563vg
Enables stm32h563vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h563vi
Enables stm32h563vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h563zg
Enables stm32h563zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h563zi
Enables stm32h563zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h573ai
Enables stm32h573ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32h573ii
Enables stm32h573ii of stm32-metapac
- stm32h573mi
Enables stm32h573mi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h573ri
Enables stm32h573ri of stm32-metapac
- stm32h573vi
Enables stm32h573vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h573zi
Enables stm32h573zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h723ve
Enables stm32h723ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32h723vg
Enables stm32h723vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h723ze
Enables stm32h723ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32h723zg
Enables stm32h723zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h725ae
Enables stm32h725ae of stm32-metapac
- stm32h725ag
Enables stm32h725ag of stm32-metapac
- stm32h725ie
Enables stm32h725ie of stm32-metapac
- stm32h725ig
Enables stm32h725ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32h725re
Enables stm32h725re of stm32-metapac
- stm32h725rg
Enables stm32h725rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h725ve
Enables stm32h725ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32h725vg
Enables stm32h725vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h725ze
Enables stm32h725ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32h725zg
Enables stm32h725zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h730ab
Enables stm32h730ab of stm32-metapac
- stm32h730ib
Enables stm32h730ib of stm32-metapac
- stm32h730vb
Enables stm32h730vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32h730zb
Enables stm32h730zb of stm32-metapac
- stm32h733vg
Enables stm32h733vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h733zg
Enables stm32h733zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h735ag
Enables stm32h735ag of stm32-metapac
- stm32h735ig
Enables stm32h735ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32h735rg
Enables stm32h735rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h735vg
Enables stm32h735vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h735zg
Enables stm32h735zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h742ag
Enables stm32h742ag of stm32-metapac
- stm32h742ai
Enables stm32h742ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32h742bg
Enables stm32h742bg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h742bi
Enables stm32h742bi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h742ig
Enables stm32h742ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32h742ii
Enables stm32h742ii of stm32-metapac
- stm32h742vg
Enables stm32h742vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h742vi
Enables stm32h742vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h742xg
Enables stm32h742xg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h742xi
Enables stm32h742xi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h742zg
Enables stm32h742zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h742zi
Enables stm32h742zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h743ag
Enables stm32h743ag of stm32-metapac
- stm32h743ai
Enables stm32h743ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32h743bg
Enables stm32h743bg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h743bi
Enables stm32h743bi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h743ig
Enables stm32h743ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32h743ii
Enables stm32h743ii of stm32-metapac
- stm32h743vg
Enables stm32h743vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h743vi
Enables stm32h743vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h743xg
Enables stm32h743xg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h743xi
Enables stm32h743xi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h743zg
Enables stm32h743zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h743zi
Enables stm32h743zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h745bg-cm7
Enables stm32h745bg-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h745bg-cm4
Enables stm32h745bg-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h745bi-cm7
Enables stm32h745bi-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h745bi-cm4
Enables stm32h745bi-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h745ig-cm7
Enables stm32h745ig-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h745ig-cm4
Enables stm32h745ig-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h745ii-cm7
Enables stm32h745ii-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h745ii-cm4
Enables stm32h745ii-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h745xg-cm7
Enables stm32h745xg-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h745xg-cm4
Enables stm32h745xg-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h745xi-cm7
Enables stm32h745xi-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h745xi-cm4
Enables stm32h745xi-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h745zg-cm7
Enables stm32h745zg-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h745zg-cm4
Enables stm32h745zg-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h745zi-cm7
Enables stm32h745zi-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h745zi-cm4
Enables stm32h745zi-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h747ag-cm7
Enables stm32h747ag-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h747ag-cm4
Enables stm32h747ag-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h747ai-cm7
Enables stm32h747ai-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h747ai-cm4
Enables stm32h747ai-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h747bg-cm7
Enables stm32h747bg-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h747bg-cm4
Enables stm32h747bg-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h747bi-cm7
Enables stm32h747bi-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h747bi-cm4
Enables stm32h747bi-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h747ig-cm7
Enables stm32h747ig-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h747ig-cm4
Enables stm32h747ig-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h747ii-cm7
Enables stm32h747ii-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h747ii-cm4
Enables stm32h747ii-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h747xg-cm7
Enables stm32h747xg-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h747xg-cm4
Enables stm32h747xg-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h747xi-cm7
Enables stm32h747xi-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h747xi-cm4
Enables stm32h747xi-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h747zi-cm7
Enables stm32h747zi-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h747zi-cm4
Enables stm32h747zi-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h750ib
Enables stm32h750ib of stm32-metapac
- stm32h750vb
Enables stm32h750vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32h750xb
Enables stm32h750xb of stm32-metapac
- stm32h750zb
Enables stm32h750zb of stm32-metapac
- stm32h753ai
Enables stm32h753ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32h753bi
Enables stm32h753bi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h753ii
Enables stm32h753ii of stm32-metapac
- stm32h753vi
Enables stm32h753vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h753xi
Enables stm32h753xi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h753zi
Enables stm32h753zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h755bi-cm7
Enables stm32h755bi-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h755bi-cm4
Enables stm32h755bi-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h755ii-cm7
Enables stm32h755ii-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h755ii-cm4
Enables stm32h755ii-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h755xi-cm7
Enables stm32h755xi-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h755xi-cm4
Enables stm32h755xi-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h755zi-cm7
Enables stm32h755zi-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h755zi-cm4
Enables stm32h755zi-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h757ai-cm7
Enables stm32h757ai-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h757ai-cm4
Enables stm32h757ai-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h757bi-cm7
Enables stm32h757bi-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h757bi-cm4
Enables stm32h757bi-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h757ii-cm7
Enables stm32h757ii-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h757ii-cm4
Enables stm32h757ii-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h757xi-cm7
Enables stm32h757xi-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h757xi-cm4
Enables stm32h757xi-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h757zi-cm7
Enables stm32h757zi-cm7 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h757zi-cm4
Enables stm32h757zi-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7a3ag
Enables stm32h7a3ag of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7a3ai
Enables stm32h7a3ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7a3ig
Enables stm32h7a3ig of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7a3ii
Enables stm32h7a3ii of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7a3lg
Enables stm32h7a3lg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7a3li
Enables stm32h7a3li of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7a3ng
Enables stm32h7a3ng of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7a3ni
Enables stm32h7a3ni of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7a3qi
Enables stm32h7a3qi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7a3rg
Enables stm32h7a3rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7a3ri
Enables stm32h7a3ri of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7a3vg
Enables stm32h7a3vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7a3vi
Enables stm32h7a3vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7a3zg
Enables stm32h7a3zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7a3zi
Enables stm32h7a3zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7b0ab
Enables stm32h7b0ab of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7b0ib
Enables stm32h7b0ib of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7b0rb
Enables stm32h7b0rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7b0vb
Enables stm32h7b0vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7b0zb
Enables stm32h7b0zb of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7b3ai
Enables stm32h7b3ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7b3ii
Enables stm32h7b3ii of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7b3li
Enables stm32h7b3li of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7b3ni
Enables stm32h7b3ni of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7b3qi
Enables stm32h7b3qi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7b3ri
Enables stm32h7b3ri of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7b3vi
Enables stm32h7b3vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7b3zi
Enables stm32h7b3zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7r3a8
Enables stm32h7r3a8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7r3i8
Enables stm32h7r3i8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7r3l8
Enables stm32h7r3l8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7r3r8
Enables stm32h7r3r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7r3v8
Enables stm32h7r3v8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7r3z8
Enables stm32h7r3z8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7r7a8
Enables stm32h7r7a8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7r7i8
Enables stm32h7r7i8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7r7l8
Enables stm32h7r7l8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7r7z8
Enables stm32h7r7z8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7s3a8
Enables stm32h7s3a8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7s3i8
Enables stm32h7s3i8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7s3l8
Enables stm32h7s3l8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7s3r8
Enables stm32h7s3r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7s3v8
Enables stm32h7s3v8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7s3z8
Enables stm32h7s3z8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7s7a8
Enables stm32h7s7a8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7s7i8
Enables stm32h7s7i8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7s7l8
Enables stm32h7s7l8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32h7s7z8
Enables stm32h7s7z8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l010c6
Enables stm32l010c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l010f4
Enables stm32l010f4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l010k4
Enables stm32l010k4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l010k8
Enables stm32l010k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l010r8
Enables stm32l010r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l010rb
Enables stm32l010rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l011d3
Enables stm32l011d3 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l011d4
Enables stm32l011d4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l011e3
Enables stm32l011e3 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l011e4
Enables stm32l011e4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l011f3
Enables stm32l011f3 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l011f4
Enables stm32l011f4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l011g3
Enables stm32l011g3 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l011g4
Enables stm32l011g4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l011k3
Enables stm32l011k3 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l011k4
Enables stm32l011k4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l021d4
Enables stm32l021d4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l021f4
Enables stm32l021f4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l021g4
Enables stm32l021g4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l021k4
Enables stm32l021k4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l031c4
Enables stm32l031c4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l031c6
Enables stm32l031c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l031e4
Enables stm32l031e4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l031e6
Enables stm32l031e6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l031f4
Enables stm32l031f4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l031f6
Enables stm32l031f6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l031g4
Enables stm32l031g4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l031g6
Enables stm32l031g6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l031k4
Enables stm32l031k4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l031k6
Enables stm32l031k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l041c4
Enables stm32l041c4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l041c6
Enables stm32l041c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l041e6
Enables stm32l041e6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l041f6
Enables stm32l041f6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l041g6
Enables stm32l041g6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l041k6
Enables stm32l041k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l051c6
Enables stm32l051c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l051c8
Enables stm32l051c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l051k6
Enables stm32l051k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l051k8
Enables stm32l051k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l051r6
Enables stm32l051r6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l051r8
Enables stm32l051r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l051t6
Enables stm32l051t6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l051t8
Enables stm32l051t8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l052c6
Enables stm32l052c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l052c8
Enables stm32l052c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l052k6
Enables stm32l052k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l052k8
Enables stm32l052k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l052r6
Enables stm32l052r6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l052r8
Enables stm32l052r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l052t6
Enables stm32l052t6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l052t8
Enables stm32l052t8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l053c6
Enables stm32l053c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l053c8
Enables stm32l053c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l053r6
Enables stm32l053r6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l053r8
Enables stm32l053r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l062c8
Enables stm32l062c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l062k8
Enables stm32l062k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l063c8
Enables stm32l063c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l063r8
Enables stm32l063r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l071c8
Enables stm32l071c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l071cb
Enables stm32l071cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l071cz
Enables stm32l071cz of stm32-metapac
- stm32l071k8
Enables stm32l071k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l071kb
Enables stm32l071kb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l071kz
Enables stm32l071kz of stm32-metapac
- stm32l071rb
Enables stm32l071rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l071rz
Enables stm32l071rz of stm32-metapac
- stm32l071v8
Enables stm32l071v8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l071vb
Enables stm32l071vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l071vz
Enables stm32l071vz of stm32-metapac
- stm32l072cb
Enables stm32l072cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l072cz
Enables stm32l072cz of stm32-metapac
- stm32l072kb
Enables stm32l072kb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l072kz
Enables stm32l072kz of stm32-metapac
- stm32l072rb
Enables stm32l072rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l072rz
Enables stm32l072rz of stm32-metapac
- stm32l072v8
Enables stm32l072v8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l072vb
Enables stm32l072vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l072vz
Enables stm32l072vz of stm32-metapac
- stm32l073cb
Enables stm32l073cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l073cz
Enables stm32l073cz of stm32-metapac
- stm32l073rb
Enables stm32l073rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l073rz
Enables stm32l073rz of stm32-metapac
- stm32l073v8
Enables stm32l073v8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l073vb
Enables stm32l073vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l073vz
Enables stm32l073vz of stm32-metapac
- stm32l081cb
Enables stm32l081cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l081cz
Enables stm32l081cz of stm32-metapac
- stm32l081kz
Enables stm32l081kz of stm32-metapac
- stm32l082cz
Enables stm32l082cz of stm32-metapac
- stm32l082kb
Enables stm32l082kb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l082kz
Enables stm32l082kz of stm32-metapac
- stm32l083cb
Enables stm32l083cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l083cz
Enables stm32l083cz of stm32-metapac
- stm32l083rb
Enables stm32l083rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l083rz
Enables stm32l083rz of stm32-metapac
- stm32l083v8
Enables stm32l083v8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l083vb
Enables stm32l083vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l083vz
Enables stm32l083vz of stm32-metapac
- stm32l100c6
Enables stm32l100c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l100c6-a
Enables stm32l100c6-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l100r8
Enables stm32l100r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l100r8-a
Enables stm32l100r8-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l100rb
Enables stm32l100rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l100rb-a
Enables stm32l100rb-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l100rc
Enables stm32l100rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151c6
Enables stm32l151c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151c6-a
Enables stm32l151c6-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151c8
Enables stm32l151c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151c8-a
Enables stm32l151c8-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151cb
Enables stm32l151cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151cb-a
Enables stm32l151cb-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151cc
Enables stm32l151cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151qc
Enables stm32l151qc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151qd
Enables stm32l151qd of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151qe
Enables stm32l151qe of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151r6
Enables stm32l151r6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151r6-a
Enables stm32l151r6-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151r8
Enables stm32l151r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151r8-a
Enables stm32l151r8-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151rb
Enables stm32l151rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151rb-a
Enables stm32l151rb-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151rc
Enables stm32l151rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151rc-a
Enables stm32l151rc-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151rd
Enables stm32l151rd of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151re
Enables stm32l151re of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151uc
Enables stm32l151uc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151v8
Enables stm32l151v8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151v8-a
Enables stm32l151v8-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151vb
Enables stm32l151vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151vb-a
Enables stm32l151vb-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151vc
Enables stm32l151vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151vc-a
Enables stm32l151vc-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151vd
Enables stm32l151vd of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151vd-x
Enables stm32l151vd-x of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151ve
Enables stm32l151ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151zc
Enables stm32l151zc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151zd
Enables stm32l151zd of stm32-metapac
- stm32l151ze
Enables stm32l151ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152c6
Enables stm32l152c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152c6-a
Enables stm32l152c6-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152c8
Enables stm32l152c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152c8-a
Enables stm32l152c8-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152cb
Enables stm32l152cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152cb-a
Enables stm32l152cb-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152cc
Enables stm32l152cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152qc
Enables stm32l152qc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152qd
Enables stm32l152qd of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152qe
Enables stm32l152qe of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152r6
Enables stm32l152r6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152r6-a
Enables stm32l152r6-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152r8
Enables stm32l152r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152r8-a
Enables stm32l152r8-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152rb
Enables stm32l152rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152rb-a
Enables stm32l152rb-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152rc
Enables stm32l152rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152rc-a
Enables stm32l152rc-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152rd
Enables stm32l152rd of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152re
Enables stm32l152re of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152uc
Enables stm32l152uc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152v8
Enables stm32l152v8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152v8-a
Enables stm32l152v8-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152vb
Enables stm32l152vb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152vb-a
Enables stm32l152vb-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152vc
Enables stm32l152vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152vc-a
Enables stm32l152vc-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152vd
Enables stm32l152vd of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152vd-x
Enables stm32l152vd-x of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152ve
Enables stm32l152ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152zc
Enables stm32l152zc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152zd
Enables stm32l152zd of stm32-metapac
- stm32l152ze
Enables stm32l152ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32l162qc
Enables stm32l162qc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l162qd
Enables stm32l162qd of stm32-metapac
- stm32l162rc
Enables stm32l162rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l162rc-a
Enables stm32l162rc-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l162rd
Enables stm32l162rd of stm32-metapac
- stm32l162re
Enables stm32l162re of stm32-metapac
- stm32l162vc
Enables stm32l162vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l162vc-a
Enables stm32l162vc-a of stm32-metapac
- stm32l162vd
Enables stm32l162vd of stm32-metapac
- stm32l162vd-x
Enables stm32l162vd-x of stm32-metapac
- stm32l162ve
Enables stm32l162ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32l162zc
Enables stm32l162zc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l162zd
Enables stm32l162zd of stm32-metapac
- stm32l162ze
Enables stm32l162ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32l412c8
Enables stm32l412c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l412cb
Enables stm32l412cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l412k8
Enables stm32l412k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l412kb
Enables stm32l412kb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l412r8
Enables stm32l412r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l412rb
Enables stm32l412rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l412t8
Enables stm32l412t8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32l412tb
Enables stm32l412tb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l422cb
Enables stm32l422cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l422kb
Enables stm32l422kb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l422rb
Enables stm32l422rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l422tb
Enables stm32l422tb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l431cb
Enables stm32l431cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l431cc
Enables stm32l431cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l431kb
Enables stm32l431kb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l431kc
Enables stm32l431kc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l431rb
Enables stm32l431rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l431rc
Enables stm32l431rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l431vc
Enables stm32l431vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l432kb
Enables stm32l432kb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l432kc
Enables stm32l432kc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l433cb
Enables stm32l433cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l433cc
Enables stm32l433cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l433rb
Enables stm32l433rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32l433rc
Enables stm32l433rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l433vc
Enables stm32l433vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l442kc
Enables stm32l442kc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l443cc
Enables stm32l443cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l443rc
Enables stm32l443rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l443vc
Enables stm32l443vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l451cc
Enables stm32l451cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l451ce
Enables stm32l451ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32l451rc
Enables stm32l451rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l451re
Enables stm32l451re of stm32-metapac
- stm32l451vc
Enables stm32l451vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l451ve
Enables stm32l451ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32l452cc
Enables stm32l452cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l452ce
Enables stm32l452ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32l452rc
Enables stm32l452rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l452re
Enables stm32l452re of stm32-metapac
- stm32l452vc
Enables stm32l452vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l452ve
Enables stm32l452ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32l462ce
Enables stm32l462ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32l462re
Enables stm32l462re of stm32-metapac
- stm32l462ve
Enables stm32l462ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32l471qe
Enables stm32l471qe of stm32-metapac
- stm32l471qg
Enables stm32l471qg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l471re
Enables stm32l471re of stm32-metapac
- stm32l471rg
Enables stm32l471rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l471ve
Enables stm32l471ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32l471vg
Enables stm32l471vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l471ze
Enables stm32l471ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32l471zg
Enables stm32l471zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l475rc
Enables stm32l475rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l475re
Enables stm32l475re of stm32-metapac
- stm32l475rg
Enables stm32l475rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l475vc
Enables stm32l475vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l475ve
Enables stm32l475ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32l475vg
Enables stm32l475vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l476je
Enables stm32l476je of stm32-metapac
- stm32l476jg
Enables stm32l476jg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l476me
Enables stm32l476me of stm32-metapac
- stm32l476mg
Enables stm32l476mg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l476qe
Enables stm32l476qe of stm32-metapac
- stm32l476qg
Enables stm32l476qg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l476rc
Enables stm32l476rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l476re
Enables stm32l476re of stm32-metapac
- stm32l476rg
Enables stm32l476rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l476vc
Enables stm32l476vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l476ve
Enables stm32l476ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32l476vg
Enables stm32l476vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l476ze
Enables stm32l476ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32l476zg
Enables stm32l476zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l486jg
Enables stm32l486jg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l486qg
Enables stm32l486qg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l486rg
Enables stm32l486rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l486vg
Enables stm32l486vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l486zg
Enables stm32l486zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l496ae
Enables stm32l496ae of stm32-metapac
- stm32l496ag
Enables stm32l496ag of stm32-metapac
- stm32l496qe
Enables stm32l496qe of stm32-metapac
- stm32l496qg
Enables stm32l496qg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l496re
Enables stm32l496re of stm32-metapac
- stm32l496rg
Enables stm32l496rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l496ve
Enables stm32l496ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32l496vg
Enables stm32l496vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l496wg
Enables stm32l496wg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l496ze
Enables stm32l496ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32l496zg
Enables stm32l496zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4a6ag
Enables stm32l4a6ag of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4a6qg
Enables stm32l4a6qg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4a6rg
Enables stm32l4a6rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4a6vg
Enables stm32l4a6vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4a6zg
Enables stm32l4a6zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4p5ae
Enables stm32l4p5ae of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4p5ag
Enables stm32l4p5ag of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4p5ce
Enables stm32l4p5ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4p5cg
Enables stm32l4p5cg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4p5qe
Enables stm32l4p5qe of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4p5qg
Enables stm32l4p5qg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4p5re
Enables stm32l4p5re of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4p5rg
Enables stm32l4p5rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4p5ve
Enables stm32l4p5ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4p5vg
Enables stm32l4p5vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4p5ze
Enables stm32l4p5ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4p5zg
Enables stm32l4p5zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4q5ag
Enables stm32l4q5ag of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4q5cg
Enables stm32l4q5cg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4q5qg
Enables stm32l4q5qg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4q5rg
Enables stm32l4q5rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4q5vg
Enables stm32l4q5vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4q5zg
Enables stm32l4q5zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4r5ag
Enables stm32l4r5ag of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4r5ai
Enables stm32l4r5ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4r5qg
Enables stm32l4r5qg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4r5qi
Enables stm32l4r5qi of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4r5vg
Enables stm32l4r5vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4r5vi
Enables stm32l4r5vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4r5zg
Enables stm32l4r5zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4r5zi
Enables stm32l4r5zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4r7ai
Enables stm32l4r7ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4r7vi
Enables stm32l4r7vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4r7zi
Enables stm32l4r7zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4r9ag
Enables stm32l4r9ag of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4r9ai
Enables stm32l4r9ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4r9vg
Enables stm32l4r9vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4r9vi
Enables stm32l4r9vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4r9zg
Enables stm32l4r9zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4r9zi
Enables stm32l4r9zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4s5ai
Enables stm32l4s5ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4s5qi
Enables stm32l4s5qi of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4s5vi
Enables stm32l4s5vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4s5zi
Enables stm32l4s5zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4s7ai
Enables stm32l4s7ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4s7vi
Enables stm32l4s7vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4s7zi
Enables stm32l4s7zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4s9ai
Enables stm32l4s9ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4s9vi
Enables stm32l4s9vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32l4s9zi
Enables stm32l4s9zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32l552cc
Enables stm32l552cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l552ce
Enables stm32l552ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32l552me
Enables stm32l552me of stm32-metapac
- stm32l552qc
Enables stm32l552qc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l552qe
Enables stm32l552qe of stm32-metapac
- stm32l552rc
Enables stm32l552rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l552re
Enables stm32l552re of stm32-metapac
- stm32l552vc
Enables stm32l552vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l552ve
Enables stm32l552ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32l552zc
Enables stm32l552zc of stm32-metapac
- stm32l552ze
Enables stm32l552ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32l562ce
Enables stm32l562ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32l562me
Enables stm32l562me of stm32-metapac
- stm32l562qe
Enables stm32l562qe of stm32-metapac
- stm32l562re
Enables stm32l562re of stm32-metapac
- stm32l562ve
Enables stm32l562ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32l562ze
Enables stm32l562ze of stm32-metapac
- stm32u031c6
Enables stm32u031c6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32u031c8
Enables stm32u031c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32u031f4
Enables stm32u031f4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32u031f6
Enables stm32u031f6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32u031f8
Enables stm32u031f8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32u031g6
Enables stm32u031g6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32u031g8
Enables stm32u031g8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32u031k4
Enables stm32u031k4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32u031k6
Enables stm32u031k6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32u031k8
Enables stm32u031k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32u031r6
Enables stm32u031r6 of stm32-metapac
- stm32u031r8
Enables stm32u031r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32u073c8
Enables stm32u073c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32u073cb
Enables stm32u073cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32u073cc
Enables stm32u073cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32u073h8
Enables stm32u073h8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32u073hb
Enables stm32u073hb of stm32-metapac
- stm32u073hc
Enables stm32u073hc of stm32-metapac
- stm32u073k8
Enables stm32u073k8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32u073kb
Enables stm32u073kb of stm32-metapac
- stm32u073kc
Enables stm32u073kc of stm32-metapac
- stm32u073m8
Enables stm32u073m8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32u073mb
Enables stm32u073mb of stm32-metapac
- stm32u073mc
Enables stm32u073mc of stm32-metapac
- stm32u073r8
Enables stm32u073r8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32u073rb
Enables stm32u073rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32u073rc
Enables stm32u073rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32u083cc
Enables stm32u083cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32u083hc
Enables stm32u083hc of stm32-metapac
- stm32u083kc
Enables stm32u083kc of stm32-metapac
- stm32u083mc
Enables stm32u083mc of stm32-metapac
- stm32u083rc
Enables stm32u083rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32u535cb
Enables stm32u535cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32u535cc
Enables stm32u535cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32u535ce
Enables stm32u535ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32u535je
Enables stm32u535je of stm32-metapac
- stm32u535nc
Enables stm32u535nc of stm32-metapac
- stm32u535ne
Enables stm32u535ne of stm32-metapac
- stm32u535rb
Enables stm32u535rb of stm32-metapac
- stm32u535rc
Enables stm32u535rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32u535re
Enables stm32u535re of stm32-metapac
- stm32u535vc
Enables stm32u535vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32u535ve
Enables stm32u535ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32u545ce
Enables stm32u545ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32u545je
Enables stm32u545je of stm32-metapac
- stm32u545ne
Enables stm32u545ne of stm32-metapac
- stm32u545re
Enables stm32u545re of stm32-metapac
- stm32u545ve
Enables stm32u545ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32u575ag
Enables stm32u575ag of stm32-metapac
- stm32u575ai
Enables stm32u575ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32u575cg
Enables stm32u575cg of stm32-metapac
- stm32u575ci
Enables stm32u575ci of stm32-metapac
- stm32u575og
Enables stm32u575og of stm32-metapac
- stm32u575oi
Enables stm32u575oi of stm32-metapac
- stm32u575qg
Enables stm32u575qg of stm32-metapac
- stm32u575qi
Enables stm32u575qi of stm32-metapac
- stm32u575rg
Enables stm32u575rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32u575ri
Enables stm32u575ri of stm32-metapac
- stm32u575vg
Enables stm32u575vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32u575vi
Enables stm32u575vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32u575zg
Enables stm32u575zg of stm32-metapac
- stm32u575zi
Enables stm32u575zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32u585ai
Enables stm32u585ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32u585ci
Enables stm32u585ci of stm32-metapac
- stm32u585oi
Enables stm32u585oi of stm32-metapac
- stm32u585qi
Enables stm32u585qi of stm32-metapac
- stm32u585ri
Enables stm32u585ri of stm32-metapac
- stm32u585vi
Enables stm32u585vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32u585zi
Enables stm32u585zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32u595ai
Enables stm32u595ai of stm32-metapac
- stm32u595aj
Enables stm32u595aj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u595qi
Enables stm32u595qi of stm32-metapac
- stm32u595qj
Enables stm32u595qj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u595ri
Enables stm32u595ri of stm32-metapac
- stm32u595rj
Enables stm32u595rj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u595vi
Enables stm32u595vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32u595vj
Enables stm32u595vj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u595zi
Enables stm32u595zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32u595zj
Enables stm32u595zj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u599bj
Enables stm32u599bj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u599ni
Enables stm32u599ni of stm32-metapac
- stm32u599nj
Enables stm32u599nj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u599vi
Enables stm32u599vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32u599vj
Enables stm32u599vj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u599zi
Enables stm32u599zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32u599zj
Enables stm32u599zj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5a5aj
Enables stm32u5a5aj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5a5qi
Enables stm32u5a5qi of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5a5qj
Enables stm32u5a5qj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5a5rj
Enables stm32u5a5rj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5a5vj
Enables stm32u5a5vj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5a5zj
Enables stm32u5a5zj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5a9bj
Enables stm32u5a9bj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5a9nj
Enables stm32u5a9nj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5a9vj
Enables stm32u5a9vj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5a9zj
Enables stm32u5a9zj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5f7vi
Enables stm32u5f7vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5f7vj
Enables stm32u5f7vj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5f9bj
Enables stm32u5f9bj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5f9nj
Enables stm32u5f9nj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5f9vi
Enables stm32u5f9vi of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5f9vj
Enables stm32u5f9vj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5f9zi
Enables stm32u5f9zi of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5f9zj
Enables stm32u5f9zj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5g7vj
Enables stm32u5g7vj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5g9bj
Enables stm32u5g9bj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5g9nj
Enables stm32u5g9nj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5g9vj
Enables stm32u5g9vj of stm32-metapac
- stm32u5g9zj
Enables stm32u5g9zj of stm32-metapac
- stm32wb10cc
Enables stm32wb10cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32wb15cc
Enables stm32wb15cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32wb30ce
Enables stm32wb30ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32wb35cc
Enables stm32wb35cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32wb35ce
Enables stm32wb35ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32wb50cg
Enables stm32wb50cg of stm32-metapac
- stm32wb55cc
Enables stm32wb55cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32wb55ce
Enables stm32wb55ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32wb55cg
Enables stm32wb55cg of stm32-metapac
- stm32wb55rc
Enables stm32wb55rc of stm32-metapac
- stm32wb55re
Enables stm32wb55re of stm32-metapac
- stm32wb55rg
Enables stm32wb55rg of stm32-metapac
- stm32wb55vc
Enables stm32wb55vc of stm32-metapac
- stm32wb55ve
Enables stm32wb55ve of stm32-metapac
- stm32wb55vg
Enables stm32wb55vg of stm32-metapac
- stm32wb55vy
Enables stm32wb55vy of stm32-metapac
- stm32wba50ke
Enables stm32wba50ke of stm32-metapac
- stm32wba50kg
Enables stm32wba50kg of stm32-metapac
- stm32wba52ce
Enables stm32wba52ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32wba52cg
Enables stm32wba52cg of stm32-metapac
- stm32wba52ke
Enables stm32wba52ke of stm32-metapac
- stm32wba52kg
Enables stm32wba52kg of stm32-metapac
- stm32wba54ce
Enables stm32wba54ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32wba54cg
Enables stm32wba54cg of stm32-metapac
- stm32wba54ke
Enables stm32wba54ke of stm32-metapac
- stm32wba54kg
Enables stm32wba54kg of stm32-metapac
- stm32wba55ce
Enables stm32wba55ce of stm32-metapac
- stm32wba55cg
Enables stm32wba55cg of stm32-metapac
- stm32wba55he
Enables stm32wba55he of stm32-metapac
- stm32wba55hg
Enables stm32wba55hg of stm32-metapac
- stm32wba55ue
Enables stm32wba55ue of stm32-metapac
- stm32wba55ug
Enables stm32wba55ug of stm32-metapac
- stm32wl54cc-cm4
Enables stm32wl54cc-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32wl54cc-cm0p
Enables stm32wl54cc-cm0p of stm32-metapac
- stm32wl54jc-cm4
Enables stm32wl54jc-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32wl54jc-cm0p
Enables stm32wl54jc-cm0p of stm32-metapac
- stm32wl55cc-cm4
Enables stm32wl55cc-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32wl55cc-cm0p
Enables stm32wl55cc-cm0p of stm32-metapac
- stm32wl55jc-cm4
Enables stm32wl55jc-cm4 of stm32-metapac
- stm32wl55jc-cm0p
Enables stm32wl55jc-cm0p of stm32-metapac
- stm32wle4c8
Enables stm32wle4c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32wle4cb
Enables stm32wle4cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32wle4cc
Enables stm32wle4cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32wle4j8
Enables stm32wle4j8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32wle4jb
Enables stm32wle4jb of stm32-metapac
- stm32wle4jc
Enables stm32wle4jc of stm32-metapac
- stm32wle5c8
Enables stm32wle5c8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32wle5cb
Enables stm32wle5cb of stm32-metapac
- stm32wle5cc
Enables stm32wle5cc of stm32-metapac
- stm32wle5j8
Enables stm32wle5j8 of stm32-metapac
- stm32wle5jb
Enables stm32wle5jb of stm32-metapac
- stm32wle5jc
Enables stm32wle5jc of stm32-metapac