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#2504 in Rust patterns

MIT license

1.5K SLoC

Effect handlers in Rust.

Inspired by https://without.boats/blog/the-registers-of-rust/, Rust can be considered to have 3 well known effects:

  • Asynchrony
  • Iteration
  • Fallibility

This is currently modelled in Rust using 3 different traits:

The "Keyword Generics Initiative" have stirred up a little bit of controversy lately by proposing some syntax that allows us to compose asynchrony with other traits in a generic fashion. To put it another way, you can have an Iterator that is "maybe async" using syntax.

I find the idea interesting, but I think the syntax causes more confusion than it is useful.

I propose the Effective trait. As I previously mention, there are 3 effects. This trait models all 3. Instead of composing effects, you can subtract effects.

For instance, Future is Effective - Iterator - Try:

impl<E> Future for Wrapper<E>
    E: Effective<
        // Fallibility is turned off
        Failure = Infallible,
        // Iteration is turned off
        Produces = Single,
        // Asynchrony is kept on
        Async = Async
    type Output = E::Item;

    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {

Coloring problem

There's a well known blog post in the JS ecosystem called "What color is your function?". It makes the claim that async functions in JS are a different color to 'non-async' functions. I don't think the 'color' analogy really works in that case, since colors are known to be mixed.

However, it works perfectly with Effective.

// Red + Green + Blue
trait TryAsyncIterator = Effective<Failure = Error, Produces = Multiple, Async = Async>;

// Cyan (Blue + Green)
trait AsyncIterator = Effective<Failure = Infallible, Produces = Multiple, Async = Async>;
// Magenta (Red + Blue)
trait TryFuture = Effective<Failure = Error, Produces = Multiple, Async = Async>;
// Yellow (Green + Red)
trait TryIterator = Effective<Failure = Error, Produces = Multiple, Async = Blocking>;

// Red
trait Try = Effective<Failure = Error, Produces = Multiple, Async = Async>;
// Green
trait Iterator = Effective<Failure = Infallible, Produces = Multiple, Async = Blocking>;
// Blue
trait Future = Effective<Failure = Infallible, Produces = Single, Async = Async>;

// Black
trait FnOnce = Effective<Failure = Infallible, Produces = Single, Async = Blocking>;


There are a lot of map-style functions. Iterator::map, Option::map, FuturesExt::map, TryStreamExt::map_ok.

They all do the same thing, map the success value to some other success value. EffectiveExt also has a map method, but since Effective can model all of those effects, it only needs a single method.


use effective::{impls::EffectiveExt, wrappers};

// an effective with just fallible set
let e = wrappers::fallible(Some(42));

let v: Option<i32> = e.map(|x| x + 1).try_get();
assert_eq!(v, Some(43));


use effective::{impls::EffectiveExt, wrappers};

// an effective with just async set
let e = wrappers::future(async { 0 });

let v: i32 = e.map(|x| x + 1).shim().await;


use effective::{impls::EffectiveExt, wrappers};

// an effective with just iterable set
let e = wrappers::iterator([1, 2, 3, 4]);

let v: Vec<i32> = e.map(|x| x + 1).collect().get();
assert_eq!(v, [2, 3, 4, 5]);


use effective::{impls::EffectiveExt, wrappers};

async fn get_page(x: usize) -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /* insert http request */

// an effective with just iterable set
let e = wrappers::iterator([1, 2, 3, 4])
    // flatten in the async effect
    // flatten in the fallible effect

let v: Vec<usize> = e.map(|x| x.len()).collect().unwrap().shim().await;

You'll also notice in that last example, we map with a fallible async function, and we can use flat_map+flatten_fallible to embed the output into the effective directly.

This lets you add effects.

We can also subtract effects, we can see this in the collect method, but there are more.

// Effective<Failure = Infallible, Produces = Multiple, Async = Blocking>
let e = wrappers::iterator([1, 2, 3, 4]);

// still the same effects for now...
let e = e.map(get_page);

// Effective<Failure = Infallible, Produces = Multiple, Async = Async>
// We've flattened in in the 'async' effect.
let e = e.flatten_future();

// Effective<Failure = Box<dyn std::error::Error>, Produces = Multiple, Async = Async>
// We've flattened in in the 'fallible' effect.
let e = e.flatten_fallible();

let runtime = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread().build().unwrap();

// Effective<Failure = Box<dyn std::error::Error>, Produces = Multiple, Async = Blocking>
// We've removed the async effect.
let e = e.block_on(runtime);

// Effective<Failure = Box<dyn std::error::Error>, Produces = Single, Async = Blocking>
// We've removed the iterable effect.
let e = e.collect();

// Effective<Failure = Infallible, Produces = Single, Async = Blocking>
// We've removed the fallible effect.
let e = e.unwrap();

// no more effects, just a single value to get
let e: Vec<_> = e.get();

North Star

Obviously this library is quite complex to reason about. I think it is a good pairing to keyword-generics.

There should be a syntax to implement these concepts but I think the underlying trait is a good abstraction.

Similar to how:

These syntax elements could be composed to make application level Effective implementations.

async try get_page(after: Option<usize>) -> Result<Option<Page>, Error> { todo!() }

// `async` works as normal, allows the `.await` syntax
// `gen` allows the `yield` syntax, return means `Done`
// `try` allows the `?` syntax.
async gen try fn get_pages() -> Result<Page, Error> {
    let Some(mut page) = get_page(None).await? else {
        // no first page, exit

    loop {
        let next_page = page.next_page;

        // output the page (auto 'ok-wrapping')
        yield page;

        let Some(p) = get_page(Some(next_page)).await? else {
            // no next page, exit

        page = p;

// This method is still `async` and `try`, but it removes the 'gen` keyword
// because internally we handle all the iterable effects.
async try fn save_pages() -> Result<(), Error> {
    // The for loop is designed to handle iterable effects only.
    // `try` and `await` here tell it to expect and propagate the
    // fallible and async effects.
    for try await page in get_pages() {

With adaptors, it would look like

let get_pages = wrappers::unfold(None, |next_page| {
    wrappers::future(get_page(next_page)).flatten_fallible().map(|page| {
        page.map(|| {
            let next_page = page.next_page;
            (page, Some(next_page))

let save_pages = get_pages.for_each(|page| {


~33K SLoC